
Arise and Shine

Yeshua said in MattithYAHu 5:v17-19 that He did not come to destroy the Torah (Law) of Moshe, but to bring it to its fullest expression.
However Roman theology and the protestant daughters took this to a level of new religion, a new testament, a new world religion that eventually became a a tool of control with the Benedictine monks that essentially stated 'Everything is alright' the price was paid, believe the Roman biblical misconstruction or face death and humiliation at the popes rulings.
Some folks would call that a tyranny of sorts, certainly not the pursuit of happiness granted to all free men.
Yet look around, everything is not alright, Wars, Pogroms, famine, holocausts, massive global sickness, eugenics experiments gone wrong and totalitarian Governments whipping the flock for mere trinkets of false promises and the list goes on.
The one generally considered to be the Messiah did not come to destroy or change or for any matter to refute the basic teachings of Moshie.
We are to walk in OBEDIENCE even to this day.

However, He did come from the yeshiva [ house of Torah teaching] of Rav. Hillel who was pivotal in Judaic history for restoring the Torah back to Y'israel.
Yeshua may well have sat at Hillel's oral teachings in his younger years.
I only suggest that for consideration as most of what Hillel taught was uttered by Yeshua himself

More-so a careful observation of speech patterns and phrases that run congruent with one another across the eons of Rabbinic history of mankind show to be the norm for true rabbinic teaching even today.
That in my humble opinion is how we can weigh out some of the Christian theology handed down from Rome from about the third century to now modern time.The walk is the Same Hasidic walk as in olden times the World of the flesh is the only difference we are now in modern times.
And for the most part full of ourselves we need a spiritual spanking from time to time as a fathers love to his son may have to invoke from time to time to keep us safe.
And moreover it would seem to be or at least My perception is that Yeshua was sent by YAHweh to re-prove the Hasmodian style priests installed in office by Roman authority.
First and foremost I see this man in the office of a Navi'. A prophet like Eliyahu or any one of them we could name who were sent to correct the way-ward Israelite's led by disobedient Priests back to Torah rightness.
DeepWell hopefully will shake you in order to wake you to bring you to a greater depth of what this man was doing, and hopefully show why the great MASTER YAHweh selected him as a Chasidim, A Pious Benevolent one to represent Emunah' [faith and faithfulness] around the world.

Many decades ago when I began studying the Written Word, I quickly began to realize you
must walk the covenant walk that Yeshua showed us in the Brit Chadassah...and later as Yochannon wrote about in his discourse of first john 2:v6 that if we say we abide in the things of YAH' then we must walk the covenant walk of YAH'
NO exceptions to this rule.

He that says he abides in Yeshua,
Ought himself also to walk,
even as He walked.
1'st Yochanan 2:v6 Paraphrased/jlh

I often think of this verse in these terms 'He who says he abides in the teachings of the master Yeshua should also imitate or mirror his walk of righteousness'. Perhaps you too have considered this Enoch style walk of consistent authority and awe and more-so absolute reverence.

What is your take so far?

fin. DW2.0

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