
Arise and Shine

Ok. I've got MAJOR questions. Started hanging out in a class on, called "Direct from YHWH". The teacher there was explaining that the 'Sefirot' is also called the tree of life. Here are my notes from the class:

Keter = Crown

Binah = Ruach

Chokhmah = widsom / pillar of mercy

Da'at Knowledge

The following are labeled as in connection with the seven flames of the menorah (Seven Days of the Week)

Chesed = Sunday
Mercy, kindness, actions, and is proactive

Gevurah = Monday
Justice, discipline, strength, judgement

Tipheret = Tuesday
Splendor, beauty, spiritually and physical compassion

Netzach = Wednesday
Victory, endurance

Hod = Thursday

Humility (not the hanging of your head lowly); Having confidence without boasting; being who you are without bragging; respecting yourself and others; not superficial / (No Airs...)

Yesod = Friday
Bounding / Foundation; balancing spiritual concepts into actions that unites us with Elohim (the engine room).

Malchut = Saturday
Leadership / Kingdom

In trying to locate new information about the subject. I have kept 'running into' Kabbalistic' teachings, which really has kinda sent up a 'red flag', in my brain: Pun intended. Simply because I really don't believe in throwing out the baby with the bath water, I am trying to understand the importance of understanding the Sefirot.
Check out these videos to help you begin to 'see' my confusion on the subject:

And this was kinda the sinker for me... 'Did this guy just say jeh-vah?'

My basic question for the more 'learned' persons, ie Hadassah James & Terry ,and Smadewell : What is the baby in the bath water on this subject... or is there even a baby in there?

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Everyman's Talmud~~This is a hard book to lay down...Every time you pick it up there is a new awakening ...the articles on prayer are precious nuggets of gold.
There's only one DEITY.

I like this But it sure gets the christian-style-Messianics mad...LOLOL
I like Lew White website also. I have learned alot from comparing his notes as well. So, based on the evidence presented here from both comrades, I would say that perhaps I have been coming at this subject backwards. Had I been looking for a broader understanding that true Kabbalah is not the hellenistic 'concept' that many modern teachers would have us to believe?
Concerning my approach as to how I 'learn' more about the subject; if I continue to compare it with Hebrew Scriptures, I guess I have nothing to worry about.

So How did it 'become' so distorted, and into some weird glamorized by 'celebrities' Ron Hubbard version that it has become today? Because from the websites I have encountered, the approach seems to remove the very scriptures that it 'claims' to be derived from.

Oh and thanks for the book link smadewell, $10, fits right into the budget in this economy, LOL
Todah for the request, and invite. I have send you my contact information via email on this site. I am aware that learning is a daily process, a daily walk in our lives. Not simply looking for labels to identify ourselves by. Doing that, just keeps us focused on the difference between us. I like your thought processes smadewell. You deal in facts, and not a 'follow the crowd' mentality.

Shalom, KM
KM writes:::I like your thought processes smadewell. You deal in facts, and not a 'follow the crowd' mentality.

HeeeHeee ROFL ~~ I like your Comment KM~~~ I knew Smadewell could handle this post well and bring us back to the Historical process of Biblical structure...Thereby putting things in proper order.
Heehee, LOL yes he totally rocks concerning information, correct? At first I thought I might get booted off the forum for discussing 'such things'. But I'm not as much of a 'dweeb' as I previously thought. Sifting for truth is kinda fun.

Todah Rabah @ Dale for the new website. I like the information presented there, and will definately add it to one of my favorites. Please keep in mnd though that the subject at hand is concerning the Sefirot - The Tree of life, which when one learns more Hebrew, and the spiritual concepts (mind you that I AM STILL learning) in connection to Torah and keeping his mitzvah will fall inline with His Torah, which is keeping the commandments. His Torah is indeed the tree of life, Do we agree?
Thanks Smadewell..We must keep on the right path ..or at least on Subject ...That is a well informed article you linked to...ToDah
There has been enough personal kingdom building to last several lifetimes.. What we need here @ Shekinah is to nourish the Soul///AhLayNu=It is our duty.

PS::::Enjoy your Shabbo's
I often go to this website too for the proper times for Shabbat in my area. I'm already a memeber, LOL... so I should have went to this website too for more information. This Reply smadewll, has truly clarified the subject for me. And this picture is now my desktop pic. I am returning to the status of student, once again. Todah Rabah for promoting Da'at and not 'religion'.

Shabbat Shalom Your Excellency, KM


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