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Greetings and blessings in the name of the LORD! I'm grateful and give thanks in all things even though things got much worse. Through it all, I've had some tremendous miracles, and most of them have been instant healings. All praise, honor, and glory belongs to the great Living God! I heard about some very good news concerning America that you and the rest of the country should hear about too:
Last September 2015 a man was beckoned to Heaven with the voice of the
Lord saying, "Come up Here!" To this man's dismay, and surprise he was taken to
the Courts of Heaven, and allowed to set in on the "Trial of America". First the devil
plead his case against America and showed the vileness of the people, the
corruption of the governments, the lost and wayward, and the two things that
have been grieving God, making gay marriages legal, and the abortions of
innocent children, along with the ones who served the devil or themselves
instead of the Mighty Living God. Afterwards, the Holy Spirit took the stand.
One by one He showed American people praying as if they were setting on
his lap, and His huge size made them look like the size of a Barbie Dolls. There
were hundreds of thousands of people from every age group, every color, every
denomination, and every race all praying for the peace of America, and the peace
of Israel, God's chosen people. The one thing that touched God's heart deeply
was the number of very small children praying with all of their hearts. At a certain
point God said, "That's enough, I've made My decision!" He turned and looked at
the Mercy Seat, and then spoke saying, that because of the prayers coming up
before His throne for America, He has decided to give America another 10 good
years before the bad things are due to commence. At that time another trial will be
held, and once again the prayers of the people will be measured.....I cannot stress
the importance of pray enough at the point. It's truly a matter of life and death for
millions of people. Pray, pray, pray, for the peace of Israel, and it's protection under
God, and pray the same for America without missing a day!!!
It was nice hearing from you, and I hope you have been well and in the joy of the LORD!
In Him,
Thank you for joining and adding value to the quest of the meaning of life/chayim
~Shalom/Welcome to SHEKINAH~LIFE'¬ Your hosts Jim and Terry Hamilton
As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."
Shalom to one and all/.....Your host:
Jim and Terry (mobile)\
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