Hadassah Terry

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I am set apart...and want to wipe away His tears...

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  • Hadassah Terry

    Your Greater Glory That Shines Down From Above

    Your Greater Glory that shines down from above

    Is breaking forth and revealed from within those that you love

    Raining down upon those who are now fully giving birth

    Disclosing the true value of their eternal worth

    Those that sit in darkness are seeing the dawning of the Great Light

    Stirring and awakening many more, to now stand and fight

    For the darkness cannot perceive all that the Glory Light will bring

    The battle lines are drawn even as the Greater Light is being seen

    "Travail, travail," the birthers do wail; as the bound do slowly emerge from jail

    The battle increases with the ever downward tipping of the scale

    "Glory and War", the cries will intensify even more, till it is a deafening roar

    As the Glory Light pours downward through Heaven’s open door

    The winds shift from South to North, as the tide recedes to disclose the every man’s worth

    Greater light within and greater light without, signaling the full end time birth

    Pouring out and pouring within, the Light will shake and sift all the hearts of men

    Who will give way to the Discerner of the thoughts and hearts of men?

    Time ends and time begins, as the wheels of the Cherubim do spin

    The Gates retaken; the lands shaken, and the servants stand all radiant with Him

    Eruptions within and eruptions without, as the darkness that binds is cast out

    Here and there will the Glory explode, as the Greater Light increasingly fans out

    From shore to shore, the seas and lands will increasingly shake and roar

    Many will understand then, just what all the birthing was for

    Waves will come, and waves will go, ebbing and flowing with the Glory that is growing

    Suddenlies abound with every circuit the earth turns, awakening to the knowledge of Him

    While the righteous that shine with the radiance that comes from Him within, do know

    The marker has been set and now the buffeting winds will blow and the cleansing floods flow

    The wise will quickly move in and out with their Heavenly assignments

    As the Glory pours downward and brings forth the final end time alignments

    New names being written in the Books, until the time of the end

    As the Great Light is being witnessed and the choice is given to all who will come in

    Such is the knowledge of the Glory that will flood the nations in this birth

    For the Lord of the Harvest comes to gather all that is His and that which has worth

    -Susan Cummings

  • James and Terry Hamilton

    Hello my ShekinahLife LADYONE. ..

  • James and Terry Hamilton

  • Kuf Mem

    Jewish Myspace Stuff

    Jewish Myspace Stuff



    •Matthew 9:35-36

    And Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

    But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them because they fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd.

  • James (yaakov)

  • Yahaloma

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

  • James and Terry Hamilton

  • Yahaloma

    Shalom upon your house as well. Blessings,
  • Kuf Mem

    Causing to Prosper

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    "And יהוה‎ YHWH was with Yosef, and he became a prosperous man. And he was in the house of his [Egyptian] master.... [who] saw that יהוה‎ YHWH was with [Yosef]. And all that he was doing, יהוה‎ YHWH was causing to prosper in his hand...." B'reshiyt (Genesis) 39:2-3

    From the angry hands of his brothers to indentured servitude in Mitz'rayim, Yosef was nonetheless on the path toward his destiny. At home with Yis'rael, Yosef had clearly been the favorite among the sons. Now, owned by Mitz'rayim, he was receiving the favor of the Lord. Despite his troubled circumstances, "all that he was doing, יהוה‎ YHWH was causing to prosper in his hand... and he became a prosperous man... and his master saw that יהוה‎ YHWH was with [him]."

    Like Yosef, we, too, may display evidence that יהוה‎ YHWH is with us-but also like Yosef, יהוה‎ YHWH's favor does not guarantee our release from unfavorable circumstances. Indeed, things may get much, much worse before they show signs of getting any better-yet this does not diminish יהוה‎ YHWH's approval of how we are living for Him. May we take solace in the favor that יהוה‎ YHWH is showing us today, even if it means waiting for our vindication and destiny just a little while longer.

    P R A Y E R

    I praise You, יהוה‎ YHWH, for even in the midst of undeserving trials, You are with me. Thank You for preserving me and moving me along the path to my destiny, even when it seems like I am standing still. I bless Your Name, for only You can send prosperity when oppression would otherwise abound. Show me Your ways, Abba, Father-your ways of faithfulness, security and hope...

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  • James (yaakov)


  • Kuf Mem


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  • James (yaakov)

  • James and Terry Hamilton

    Humor for the day

  • James and Terry Hamilton

  • James and Terry Hamilton

  • Yahaloma

    Shabbat Shalom
  • Lori Jones

    Hi Hadassah Terry, May Yahweh Bless you with Shalom and all the love that goes with it. Hallelujah! Bless His Holy name. Shalom, shalom
  • James and Terry Hamilton

  • James and Terry Hamilton

  • Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

    Thanks Terry, for the great Shabbat images & scriptures. There is nothing better than receiving God's Word, & I really liked the beautiful pictures too. Thank you, again.
  • Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

    Ooops, silly me. Happy Shabbat to you too, & to James & family. Enjoy the rest.
  • Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

  • Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

    P align<="center">Main-site-here
  • Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

  • Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

    < a href="http://Shekinahlifecenter.com">ChallaBreadImage-hosted-by Shekinah-Life
  • Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

  • James and Terry Hamilton

  • Kuf Mem

    Smooches. Todah for the request!

    Shalom, KM
  • Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

    Hi Terry,
    Thanks for the Shabbat comment. I don't deserve it. I have not been getting the Shabbat comments out at all. I'm sorry! My son's new Habitat for Humanity house will not be ready until around Hanukkuah time, & the only time that he & his wife have to work on it is weekends. I'm the baby sitter, while they are gone out working on it. So much for my Shabbats! They can't afford a paid sitter, so I'm it. Sorry!
    Shavua Tov,
  • Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

    Thank you, Thank you for the Shabbat Shalom. I still don't know if I will get any time to send out comments. I have been so tired that I have been walking around like a Zombie anyhow. All of my kids & grandkids are needing help at the same time, & I have still been trying to keep up with all of the online stuff, & there is only one of me. I need to be triplets, but I'm trying to keep up.
  • Lori Jones

    Shalom Hadassah Terry,
    Thank you for the Blessing, and may your Shabbat be filled with the presence of Yawheh. Shalom, and Blessings upon you and your house.
  • Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

    Thank you for the lovely greeting flowers. Shabbat Shalom!
  • James (yaakov)