James (yaakov)


Oregon City, OR

United States

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Something About Me

I am somewhere on the forty two journeys (Wilderness) Very interesting journey---so far...

From an inner-city ministry background where the rubber/Truth' Meets the road, come innumerable experiences of testimony that may awe you. Unexpectedly, the call was "reach and teach my children". Mr. Hamilton was thrust into pain and anguish, poverty and desperation, to learn that Among-between and amidst the people with His word in the community was the greatest outreach... yet favor was at every intersection. YHVH molded and shaped His Servant for the work ahead paving the way with a trumpet shout.
Ya’aKov and and His beautiful Hadassah Terry have a burning passion to see churches, cities, regions and whole nations completely transformed by theTorah of Adonai.
Friends you can do nothing apart from HaShem.
Ya’aKov releases the Manifestation and glory of Adonai'everywhere he is sent with a strong prophetic and miracle-healing authority.

How does that work?...When the spontaneous meeting of those who are sounding their"Heart Cry", mesh with the Creative desire of Adonai' to heal and Love His children all the more....Then many are instantly healed and delivered in those meetings.
Simply because HaShem loves you.

Ya'aKov also has a unique abiding understanding of the Character of the Master, thereby proclaiming and declaring the directives of the L-rd in the prophetic stream of gifts of revelation acquired by decades immersed in the well of the Masters unfailing love.

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