A proclamation that may explain the problem as I see it...JLH
To the Bride,…To the Daughters of T’Syion…
Many are called for such a time as this...
Navi’ {Prophet} Hosea’ is pivotal...For the time and season we are in.
Hosea’s words speak of the calling OUT of the Protestant daughters from the womb of Rome’s religious harlotry...
It is the Calling Out of the protestant daughters of Rome.
It is the Calling Out of the protestant daughters of Azusa.
Azusa' brought forth Divisions, and more divisions.
It is a Time for restoration of the breach.
It is about the Broken Body of Y’IsraEL RE-MEMBERED...
...Brought back together in Echad.//ONE in YAHweh.
Friend, Do you understand the covenant words from the Navi's like Hosea, that are now unfolding?
We, the Army of Light, are victorious ba Ha' hem YAH'shua Ha Moshiach.
However we need to Know what is unfolding in this time and Hour.
The Watchmen are the Covering of Elohim over Ephrayim....{Tribes of the Despersion}
~~ Hosea 9:v8~~~
We are to know our assignment and go into the Assemblies {If Allowed} and retrieve the Children.
Truly...It is no longer a Time for Foolishness.
It is However a Time for the Watchmen [Notzrim] to Arise and Shine for the MASTERS' glorification ~~~YeshaYAHu 60:v1..{Isaiah}
Many leaders are playing games in this Hour... However, this is an hour of darkness and oppression …we must ignite a light of wholeness within our communities and come to grips with the harlotry that has prevailed.
Leaders of church and government are the problem for they have attempted to erase the ONE, who can heal us.
YAH’ is the Echad' of all things... past, present, and future.
Moreover the Elohim of all things is calling ‘His Bride’ to Wake up, Light the two Candles of Havdallah, and come to grips with the facts… we have all gone astray from Torah truth.
We have all needed to come to Teshuva'. {RePentence}
Moreover, if the Leaders do not call this nation to right standing, then the Navi’s of Elohim ‘Must’ come forth for such a time as this.
It is not a time for foolishness from the Pulpits of America.
'Your stench has reached the Nostrils of “The Master Creator” and YAHweh has written Ichabod upon your doorposts.
He' himself is closing you one by one, for your heart is far from HIM…He will no longer respond to your unrighteous ways, for HE alone is the Righteous ONE”
NATION of Darkness, In Order for the Shekinah Light to once again shine upon us as a nation unto G-D we must turn from our evil ways.
Evil has prevailed, harlotry from the pulpits has prevailed.
It is time to take back America, a time to return to Right standing.
The hour is near, judgement is at the door.
Enjoy Purim and Shabbat ~~~Watchmen/ Intercessors keep Vigilant" something is Up...not sure what yet...
Shalom upon your home.
May Elohim bless you, and be with you.
The simple believeth every word: but
(Proverbs 14:15)
*** Shavua Tov,.....
Truly,...It is no longer a Time for Foolishness..It is However a Time for the Watchmen[Notzrim] to Arise and Shine for the MASTERS' glorification ~~~YeshaYAHu 60:v1
Many are playing games in this Hour...However Shekinah-Life is here to Reach and Teach' with EMET" and Ruach..[Truth and Spirit]
Rabboni Ya'aKov~HadassahTerry~~ Above all~~Enjoy your journey..."J&T"
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life IT is a Mandate to go forward at this Pivotal Time and Reach the Goyim {Gentiles} who have had a Veil of Deception thrown upon them. { Eph4:17-18}
~~~With Great Certainity~~~I Proclaim:::.. IT is time To Arise and Shine ...For Ha’Shem.
¨ It is time to expose the Darkness on every front. <> That includes, Government,…Church,.. and all forms of Paganism handed down from Rome...We can No longer sit ...It is TIME to Arise with TRUTH from our lips! Shavua Tov, From Ya’akov and Hadassah Terry’.....
Well Like i say from time to time we all get CON-Troversial Here and Midrash the Tennants of biblical Understanding...In other words IF it is from ROME feel free to tread out the Quagmire.....Smadewell' did with his"Virgin Birth" postings,..& People Left the site.
Then I went and found out from Catholic sources it was not a Cathlic dogma until 695 AD...So Swing sweet Chariot of Elohim ...Swing to the Rafters ~Sing a NEW Song of Joy'
James and Terry Hamilton
Shalom ~~~..ToDa for joining the Team @ ShekinahLife
Above all~~Enjoy your journey..."J&T"
***May Elohim bless you, and be with you.VISIT OUR MAIN SITE
The simple believeth every word: but
(Proverbs 14:15)
Mar 9, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Above all-Remember~~Enjoy your journey..."J&T"
Mar 12, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Rabboni Ya'aKov~ Above all~~Enjoy your journey..."J&T"View My page on
SHEKINAH-LIFE @ Ning HereYa'aKov bin Adonai" and Hadassah Terry... Servants unto YAH'~~~Main...
Mar 15, 2008
Mar 15, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
To the Bride,…To the Daughters of T’Syion…
Many are called for such a time as this...
Navi’ {Prophet} Hosea’ is pivotal...For the time and season we are in.
Hosea’s words speak of the calling OUT of the Protestant daughters from the womb of Rome’s religious harlotry...
It is the Calling Out of the protestant daughters of Rome.
It is the Calling Out of the protestant daughters of Azusa.
Azusa' brought forth Divisions, and more divisions.
It is a Time for restoration of the breach.
It is about the Broken Body of Y’IsraEL RE-MEMBERED...
...Brought back together in Echad.//ONE in YAHweh.
Friend, Do you understand the covenant words from the Navi's like Hosea, that are now unfolding?
We, the Army of Light, are victorious ba Ha' hem YAH'shua Ha Moshiach.
However we need to Know what is unfolding in this time and Hour.
The Watchmen are the Covering of Elohim over Ephrayim....{Tribes of the Despersion}
~~ Hosea 9:v8~~~
We are to know our assignment and go into the Assemblies {If Allowed} and retrieve the Children.
Truly...It is no longer a Time for Foolishness.
It is However a Time for the Watchmen [Notzrim] to Arise and Shine for the MASTERS' glorification ~~~YeshaYAHu 60:v1..{Isaiah}
Many leaders are playing games in this Hour... However, this is an hour of darkness and oppression …we must ignite a light of wholeness within our communities and come to grips with the harlotry that has prevailed.
Leaders of church and government are the problem for they have attempted to erase the ONE, who can heal us.
YAH’ is the Echad' of all things... past, present, and future.
Moreover the Elohim of all things is calling ‘His Bride’ to Wake up, Light the two Candles of Havdallah, and come to grips with the facts… we have all gone astray from Torah truth.
We have all needed to come to Teshuva'. {RePentence}
Moreover, if the Leaders do not call this nation to right standing, then the Navi’s of Elohim ‘Must’ come forth for such a time as this.
It is not a time for foolishness from the Pulpits of America.
'Your stench has reached the Nostrils of “The Master Creator” and YAHweh has written Ichabod upon your doorposts.
He' himself is closing you one by one, for your heart is far from HIM…He will no longer respond to your unrighteous ways, for HE alone is the Righteous ONE”
NATION of Darkness, In Order for the Shekinah Light to once again shine upon us as a nation unto G-D we must turn from our evil ways.
Evil has prevailed, harlotry from the pulpits has prevailed.
It is time to take back America, a time to return to Right standing.
The hour is near, judgement is at the door.
Rabboni Ya'akov bin Adonai'///James Lee Hamilton
View My page on
Check out the SHEKINAH-LIFE Team Here
Mar 17, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Mar 21, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Shalom upon your home. May Elohim bless you, and be with you.
The simple believeth every word: but
(Proverbs 14:15)
View My page
Join the ShekinahLife Team
Shalom Aleichem…”Y&T”
Mar 21, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Mar 22, 2008
Mar 28, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Mar 29, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Mar 30, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life.
Above all~~Enjoy your journey today..."J&T"
Apr 2, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life EREV TOV
Apr 3, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Rabboni Ya'aKov~HadassahTerry~~ Above all~~Enjoy your journey..."J&T"***
Shavua Tov,.....
Truly,...It is no longer a Time for Foolishness..It is However a Time for the Watchmen[Notzrim] to Arise and Shine for the MASTERS' glorification ~~~YeshaYAHu 60:v1
Many are playing games in this Hour...However Shekinah-Life is here to Reach and Teach' with EMET" and Ruach..[Truth and Spirit]
Apr 5, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Apr 5, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life
IT is a Mandate to go forward at this Pivotal Time and Reach the Goyim {Gentiles} who have had a Veil of Deception thrown upon them. { Eph4:17-18} ~~~With Great Certainity~~~I Proclaim:::.. IT is time To Arise and Shine ...For Ha’Shem.
¨ It is time to expose the Darkness on every front. <> That includes, Government,…Church,.. and all forms of Paganism handed down from Rome...We can No longer sit ...It is TIME to Arise with TRUTH from our lips!
Shavua Tov, From Ya’akov and Hadassah Terry’.....
Apr 6, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life LILA TOV
Apr 8, 2008
James (yaakov)
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life
Apr 24, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Humor for the day
Apr 25, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Apr 26, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life
May 13, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life
May 15, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life
May 16, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life
May 21, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life
Enjoy your week
May 26, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Then I went and found out from Catholic sources it was not a Cathlic dogma until 695 AD...So Swing sweet Chariot of Elohim ...Swing to the Rafters ~Sing a NEW Song of Joy'
Jun 4, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life
Jun 8, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Jun 10, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Jun 20, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Jun 20, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Image-hosted-by Shekinah-Life
Jun 26, 2008
Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge
Jul 4, 2008
Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge
Image hosted by Shekinah-Life
Jul 6, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Jul 11, 2008
Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge
Jul 11, 2008
Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge
Image-hosted-by Shekinah-Life
Jul 18, 2008
Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge
Jul 25, 2008
Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge
Jul 31, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Aug 1, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life
Aug 3, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Image-hosted-by Shekinah-Life
These Images found in the Shekinah-Graphics link above
Aug 15, 2008
Hadassah Terry
Image-hosted-by Shekinah-Life
Aug 21, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Image hosted by Shekinah-Life~~~
Aug 22, 2008
James and Terry Hamilton
Kuf Mem
Image Hosted By Shekinah-Life
Oct 3, 2008