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Pranks involving electronic road signs stir worryPranks involving electronic road signs stir worry by Jim Suhr COLLINSVILLE, Ill. – Pranksters in at least three states are messing with e… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Feb 4, 2009 |
Firm tied to salmonella ran unlicensed Texas plantFirm tied to salmonella ran unlicensed Texas plant by Brent J. Blackledge WASHINGTON – A peanut processing plant in Texas run by the same… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Feb 4, 2009 |
Crisis in the Sky: Medevac Helicopter Crashes, Deaths EscalatingCrisis in the Sky: Medevac Helicopter Crashes, Deaths Escalating Business Pressures, Insurance, Lack of Oversight Blamed for Rash of Accide… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Feb 4, 2009 |
Jet lands safely in Denver after bird hits engineJet lands safely in Denver after bird hits engine by Dan Elliott DENVER – A United Airlines jet returned safely to the Denver airport Tue… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Feb 4, 2009 |
Bat-killing syndrome spreads in NortheastBat-killing syndrome spreads in Northeast by Michael Hill ROSENDALE, N.Y. – A mysterious and deadly bat disorder discovered just two wint… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Feb 4, 2009 |
Iraqi shoe hurler inspires art in Saddam hometownIraqi shoe hurler inspires art in Saddam hometown BAGHDAD – When an Iraqi journalist hurled his shoes at George W. Bush last month at a B… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jan 29, 2009 |
Arctic's thaw brings security risks for NATOArctic's thaw brings security risks for NATO by David Stringer REYKJAVIK, Iceland – NATO will need a military presence in the Arctic as… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jan 29, 2009 |
NJ police: Woman's ex-friends used cold as weapon as an act of indifference to human lifeNJ police: Woman's ex-friends used cold as weapon By VICTOR EPSTEIN NORTH BERGEN, N.J. – A 19-year-old woman who thought she was going to… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jan 29, 2009 |
Ancient Lefties: The History of Obama's HandednessAncient Lefties: The History of Obama's Handedness by Heather Whipps Something sinister is going on, and newly-inaugurated President Obam… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jan 29, 2009 |
Alaska volcano has geologists on alertAlaska volcano has geologists on alert ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Mount Redoubt, a volcano 100 miles southwest of Anchorage, is rumbling and sim… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jan 29, 2009 |
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