
Arise and Shine

NASA Will Bomb Moon on Friday

(Oct. 7) -- A NASA probe is about to fire a missile into the moon and you might be able to get a glimpse of the impact.

The missile released by the Lunar CRater Observing and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) will slam into the moon's south pole Friday, sending up a plume of debris several miles high. Instruments on the booster trailing the missile will analyze the debris and, before also crashing into the lunar surface, will relay the data to the LCROSS orbiter.

Researchers hope the blast will reveal evidence of underground water deposits. Previous missions have confirmed traces of water on the surface and some scientists believe there could be billions of tons of ice locked away in the deep, shadowy craters of the lunar poles. That ice might be a source of drinking water and fuel for astronauts, if they ever return to the moon.

There's nothing new about objects hitting the moon. Comets have bombarded the lunar surface for billions of years, leaving it riddled with craters. Those comets could be the source of the water, although there are competing theories, according to

Unlike comet impacts, NASA knows exactly where and when its missile will strike the moon -- the crater Cabeus A at 7:30 EDT Friday morning. That means amateur observers with telescopes should be able to see the flash when the bomb hits. NASA has details about how to observe the event.

Views: 7

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