
Arise and Shine

Dubai - Miracle or Mirage? pt.

Surrounded by war zones, Dubai remains blissfully peaceful. This state which is smaller than the province of Prince Edward Island has become home to superlatives – the biggest building, the largest airport, the tallest hotel, the richest horse race are all situated in Dubai.

Forty years ago it was a sleepy backwater, now it is a magnet for the young and ambitious from around the world. But th meteoric expansion comes at a price. To accommodate the tsunami of foreigners known as expats, Dubai, a Muslim state, turns a blind eye to some of these visitors’ excesses, often to the great displeasure of the locals known as Emirati.

This massive influx of expats which includes hundreds of thousands of indentured labourers from South Asia is crucial if Dubai Inc. is to reach its goal of becoming an economic and tourist powerhouse. It’s also led to an extraordinary phenomenon. Emiratis are now a minority in their own land. We meet some of these Emirati both young and old and some of the expats including a number of Canadians, as they work and play in this unreal world of Dubai.

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Now that is one interesting video...The Blessing of oil profits made that man's dreams come to pass..
Adel Writes:::"When you look around and see what Yahuah has build, (creation) man cannot compete.
No, You’re right we cannot compete in that creative respect
However it really is how one understands perception and restoration of all things now isn't it...

The Father of this man in the video did not have anything when he began his journey to 'Repair his world'...But in the process of pursuit 'He found the key'.

I am always in awe of how much we as mortal children have at our disposal IF we would only take the first steps toward the goal.

You must see, it is not what one has in the beginning of the quest, but how we finish the race.

My Position is as always; " we must experience the loss of all things Not of HIM to find the Greatness of HIM"


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