
Arise and Shine

Bible Too Liberal? Conservatives Say Yes
By Anne Miller
AOL News

(Oct. 6) -- Debates between conservatives and liberals are going biblical.

A collaborative online project seeks to update the Bible with a more conservative translation -- and has drawn the ire of less right-leaning bloggers and columnists.

The Conservative Bible Project is the brainchild of attorney and teacher Andy Schlafly, a son of conservative standard-bearer Phyllis Schlafly. His Bible-related Wiki, which allows contributors to post information, comment on others' and suggest tweaks or fixes, went up this summer.

The project quickly drew fire.

"These right-wing ideologues know better than the early church councils that canonized Scripture?" So asked Rod Dreher, a conservative blogger for Beliefnet.

"They really think it's wise to force the word of God to conform to a 21st-century American idea of what constitutes conservatism?"

Schlafly said he aims to counteract modern translations, not edit the Bible.
"I think liberal bias was less of a problem in older translations," he said. "It's refreshing to read anything that is free of liberal bias, and the Bible is the most well-read book in the world, so that should be the first thing to clean up."

As an example, he cited a recent church service he attended near his New Jersey home.

"There was a reading from the gospel, and the pronoun used to refer to a child in this translation was 'it'," he said. "So this translation of the gospel referred to a child as an 'it,' a thing. And that is liberal, it's offensive and it's incorrect."

The 10 commandments of the project include avoiding unisex or "gender inclusive" language, being concise (Lord, instead of Lord God) and expressing "free market parables."

Meanwhile, a Time magazine writer called the project "insane." A Salon writer suggested a few sarcastic entries of his own.

Schlafly counters that his critics "are liberals who are unhappy that their game is up." And a few dozen people have already logged on to help craft the new translation.

Schlafly predicts the conservative version will be completed, and available for a publisher to download and print, in about a year.

Views: 4

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