
Arise and Shine

Armageddon - Elites Evacuation To Mars, Deep Underground (Government Really Making Plans Now)

Eddie NWO Censored

NASA / JPL-Caltech / UA / TAMU - September 2, 2008
Clouds scoot across the Martian sky in a movie clip consisting of 10 frames taken by the Surface Stereo Imager on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander. This clip accelerates the motion.
The camera took these 10 frames over a 10-minute period Particles of water ice make up these clouds, like ice-crystal cirrus clouds on Earth

Watch the clouds of Mars fly by

Space. com
Sept 2, 2008

http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/26514708/

Phoenix probe captures sky view as it tests more Red Planet soil

There's a new Martian movie, though it's not quite feature-length

A series of still images taken by the Phoenix Mars Lander of water-ice clouds sailing overhead on the Red Planet has been turned into a short animation by NASA mission scientists

"The images were taken as part of a campaign to see clouds and track wind. These are clearly ice clouds," said Mark Lemmon of Texas A&M University. Lemmon is the lead scientist for the lander's Surface Stereo Imager, which snapped the pictures of the clouds during a 10-minute period last Friday.
The resulting animation is just a few seconds long

Read The Rest Here

William Cooper (Exposing the Illuminati excerpt clip 1989) - Former Navy Intelligence officer, Occult lecturer, radio show host and military whistleblower, murdered at his home by police in November 2001 after predicting the coming of 9-11 - This is excerpt from his 1989 lecture where he disclosed the secret government's (Majestic 12) clandestine ALTERNATIVES 2 AND 3 planning to evacuate DEEP UNDERGROUND and SEND HUMANS TO BASES ON THE MOON AND MARS when Earth faces an imminent CATASTROPHE IN THE COMING YEARS

Ben Bova: U.
S needs a separate ‘space force’

Naple News
August 30, 2008

http://www. naplesnews. com/news/2008/aug/30/ben-bova-us-needs-sepa...

There’s a space battle going on right now. But it’s not happening in the wild black yonder, with spacecraft zapping lasers at one another. It’s happening in Washington, mostly, and in the upper echelons of the U.S.
Air Force

The battle is over how our military should deal with operations in space. The Air Force, of course, is in charge of most military aviation.
Since the advent of artificial satellites, in the late 1950s, the Air Force has assumed control of most of the nation’s military space operations as well

Official Air Force policy is that the aerospace environment is one continuous theater of operations.
Airplanes or spacecraft, as long it flies, it falls under Air Force control

However, some Air Force officers feel that space is a very different operating environment, quite distinct from flying planes in the air.
They are pushing for a space command that is a separate branch of the Air Force or perhaps even a space force that is totally separated from the Air Force itself

This kind of struggle is nothing new to the military. Before Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Navy was divided between traditional “battleship admirals” and the relatively younger proponents of aircraft carriers, who saw air power as the primary striking force of a modern navy.
The Japanese helped to solve that dilemma by sinking most of the battleships of the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor — using carrier-based planes to do the job

The Navy became, perforce, based on aircraft carriers, whose planes eventually put the Japanese Imperial Navy on the bottom of the Pacific

More recently, the Navy’s “submarine admirals” have been heard grumbling that in a full-scale war aircraft carriers would be little more than fat targets, while missile-carrying submarines are now the heart of the Navy’s striking power

The Air Force itself began as part of the U.S. Army, and had to struggle to gain its independent status. All through World War II, our fliers were in the U.S. Army Air Forces.
It wasn’t until 1947 that the Air Force became an independent service

Now we have a move to separate space forces from air forces Does it matter?

Space is vital to our national well-being. Instant worldwide communications, weather monitoring, global navigation systems all depend on satellites orbiting the Earth.
A single Hiroshima-sized nuclear bomb exploded in low Earth orbit could knock out most of the satellites over that hemisphere, crippling Wall Street and business firms large and small, including your local banks and pharmacies, cutting off television broadcasts and telephone service, global positioning system (GPS) signals and more

Our military forces spread around the world depend on satellites, too, for communications, weather data, global positioning, surveillance, targeting, etc

Is space important enough to have its own military service, like the ground, ocean and air arenas?

The official position of the Air Force is that the aerospace environment is a single theater of operations, therefore the Air Force is perfectly capable of handling space matters. Physically, this is not so.
Airplanes can’t operate in space, where there is no air, and spacecraft can’t orbit in the atmosphere, where air friction would burn them to cinders

Space is different strategically too. Satellites orbit the entire Earth.
Space operations are inherently global in scope

Space advocates fear that the Air Force is run by “airplane generals” who regard space as of secondary importance. They point out that space efforts don’t get the attention, or the funding, that is due to such an important aspect of the nation’s defense.
In truth, the space advocates are making much the same argument that the fliers made when they were struggling to establish an independent Air Force

The Allard Commission on U.S. national security in space (named after its sponsor, Colorado Sen.
Wayne Allard) recently recommended a bold new course for the nation’s military stance in space

The commission recommended merging the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) with the space-related sections of the Air Force into a single, new entity that would be independent of the Air Force.
The new entity would be called the National Security Space Authority

NRO was created during the Cold War to handle satellite reconnaissance of Soviet Russia and other regions of importance to our security

Any such recommendations raise cries against the “militarization” of space. Most Americans feel that space should be kept free of the military.
But that pious hope was shattered in 1944, when Nazi Germany started firing V-2 missiles at London and Amsterdam

Nuclear bomb-carrying missiles spend most of their flight times in space. Russia and China have both demonstrated anti-satellite weapons. Our armed forces depend on satellites every day.
Space is already militarized

You might as well complain about the “militarization” of the high seas. Nations have created navies to protect their interests on the oceans, and nations — or terrorist groups — will use space to achieve their own goals. As more and more of our commerce and industry come to depend on space for communications and other purposes, our satellites will become tempting targets for enemies.
We must be ready and able to protect them — and, if necessary, to deny access to space to those who would harm us

“Men cry peace, peace,” Patrick Henry warned long ago, “but there is no peace.
” Sadly, that is the fact wherever human interests clash, whether it’s Bunker Hill or orbital space

And a couple of thousand years earlier, the Greek historian Thucydides warned his fellow Athenians that, distasteful as it may be, it is necessary to be ready to defend what you hold dear: “To you who call yourselves men of peace, I say: You are not safe unless you have men of action at your side.
” Let’s hope that the space battle now under way in Washington will allow us to protect and defend ourselves in space, as we do on Earth

Naples resident Ben Bova is the author of nearly 120 books, including “Mars Life,” his latest futuristic novel Bova’s Web site address is www. benbova. com

By BEN BOVA (Contact)
7:00 p.
m, Saturday, August 30, 2008

Richard Hoagland with Project Camelot - Dark Mission NASA coverups
part 1 of 3

part 2 of 3

part 3 of 3

January 10-11: A light-blue sky of Mars shown during a NASA news conference (Jan. 10).
I guess if the NASA guys don't make a big deal of the shifting colors of Mars, the media won't find it strange either If this keeps up, Earth-like Mars images will become 'normal' rather quickly

Several dust devils cross a plain in this animation of a series of images acquired by NASA's Mars Rover Spirit in May, 2005

The ‘Most Dangerous Hacker’ To Be Extradited From UK to US – Because He Saw Something From Pentagon’s UFO Files Which Is ENDANGERING US ALL In The Coming Years

A lot of 'truthers' think mixing the UFO secret agenda with mundane politics is a big taboo and no-no - what these people do not realize, is that while the world is heading for an armageddon, the secret governments are secretly building moon and mars bases, making evacuations to outter space and deep underground (google MJ12 and the Alternative 2 and 3 plannings) and even a SPACE FORCE filled with Marines is now being deployed

What do you think is going on here? What did Gary McKinnon see from the Pentagon UFO files online and why is the US government so desperate in blackmailing this curious hacker with charges of espionage and sabotage? DOES THIS CONCERN YOU? DO THE WARS GOING ON AROUND THE WORLD HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH BIG OIL MONOPOLIES, AND THE SUPRESSION OF UFO FREE ENERGY INFORMATION?



Gary McKinnon is facing extradition to the USA under the controversial Extradition Act 2003, without any prima facie evidence or charges brought against him in a UK court. Try him here in the UK, under UK law.

Gary McKinnon: Hacking the Pentagon - Project Camelot Video Interview

(August 30th 2008 Project Camelot update http://projectcamelot. org/ )

Gary McKinnon to be extradited: As most of you know who are following this case, the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) has refused Gary McKinnon's request for prevention of his extradition to the US, As a result, Project Camelot is working to encourage Gary and his legal team to consider legal representation with knowledge of ufology and exopolitics in the event that this case goes to trial, he will be defended by those who know the real issues at stake; namely the existence of a secret space program and disclosure of the secrecy surrounding ufos and the ET presence

We have been assured by Dan Bursich and his partner, Marcia McDowell of their commitment to testify should this case come to trial in the US They would be confirming the existence, among other things, of the secret space fleet. Although Dan and Marci have been called away to work on some undisclosed matter... most likely by the current contingent of MJ or Majestic 12/Committee of the Majority, we have been told that their forum at Eagles Disobey is still in operation and you will find period updates there

Free Gary McKinnon
by Greg_Zoborvski..

Gary McKinnon is due to be extradited to the United States within two weeks and faces up to 80 years in prison

British hacker Gary McKinnon in final appeal to Home Secretary over extradition

Sunday Times UK
August 29, 2008
David Brown

Read Article Here

January 25, 2008 - Human-like figure on Mars

Admiral James Forrestal and his ruthless boss President Harry Truman

The ultra secretive Majestic 12 Committee - Admiral James Forrestal seated

Admiral Forrestal was thrown out of the window of the Bethesda Naval Hospital and plunged to his death on May 22, 1949 with a bathrobe sash tied around his neck - his body was found on a third-floor roof below the 16th-floor kitchen across the hall from his room - all for attempting to disclose the dangerous US UFO secrets to the public and expose the 'secret government' Majestic 12 committee

The Death of James Forrestal - By Richard M Dolan

Video content: According to the ET's, the real bible-prophesies decades ago, Also about the knowledge back at the 50's that humans would eventually destroy themselves and the earth because of mass environmental pollution and the contents of the plans how to live on after this: Alternative 1, 2 and 3 - Most shocking is the introduction of manufactured diseases (AIDS) and other measures to control earth's population, How these and other projects were funded, Also very shocking, George Bush is introduced (late 50's) And a start with the truth about the moon and mars projects (dated early 60's)

William Cooper’s speech transcript

'Alternative 3' - Part 1 of 2

'Alternative 3' - Part 2 of 2

Video Note: This black operation involves huge underground tunnels and cities, extraterrestrial bases on the moon and Mars, and utilizes anti-gravity flying disks and huge cigar shaped craft to shuttle between the earth, moon and Mars. This 4:40 hour video documentary offers an amazing amount of proof and concludes that Alternative Three is not a hoax, but a real program. There is evidence that Alternative Three may be at Tithonia and is excavating the site. Explores the claims of Bob Lazar and John Lear, both of whom claim we have secret bases on the moon and Mars and have had them for years.
Also deeply explores Alternative One, chem-trails, the coming Ice Age and much, much more This is a must for the serious person looking for the real truth behind many odd sightings around the world today

ALTERNATIVES 1, 2, and 3

http://www. theforbiddenknowledge. com/hardtruth/alternatatives123....

By secret Executive order by President Eisenhower, the Jason Scholars were ordered to study mans impact on the Earth. They reached the conclusion that by, or shortly after, the year 2000 the planet would self destruct due to increased population and man's exploitation of the environment with out any help from God or the Aliens.
The Jason Society (The Bilderburger's, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commision are the SECRET GOVERNMENT and rule this nation through MJ-12 and the study group known as the Jason Society) confirmed the findings of the scientist and made three recommendations called ALTERNATIVES 1, 2, and 3


Alternative 1 was to use nuclear devices to blow holes in the stratosphere from which the heat and pollution could escape into space. They would then change the human cultures from that of exploitation into cultures of environmental protection.
Of the three this was decided to be the least likely to succeed due to the inherit nature of man and the additional damage the nuclear explosions would create


Alternative 2 was to build a vast network of underground cities and tunnels in which a select representation of all cultures and occupations would survive and carry on the human race. The rest of humanity would be left to fend for themselves on the surface of the planet.
We know that these facilities have been built and are ready and waiting for the chosen few to be notified


Alternative 3 was to exploit the alien and conventional technology in order for a select few to leave the Earth and establish colonies in outer space. I am not able to confirm or deny the existence of "batch consignments" of human slaves which would be used for the manual labor as a part of the plan. The Moon, code named ADAM, was the object of primary interest, followed by the planet Mars, code named EVE. I am now in possession of official NASA photographs of one of the Moon bases.
I believe that the Mars colony is also a reality

As a delaying action, ALL THREE ALTERNATIVES included birth control, sterilization, and the introduction of deadly microbes to control or slow the growth of the Earth's population. AIDS is ONLY one result of these plans. It was decided by the ELITE that since the population must be reduced and controlled, it would be in the best interest of the human race to rid ourselves of the undesirable elements of our society. Specific targeted populations included BLACKS, HISPANICS, and HOMOSEXUALS. The joint U.
S and Soviet leadership dismissed Alternative 1 but ordered work to begin on Alternatives 2, and 3 virtually at the same time

John Lear - former US CIA worker, discloses inside information of US and Alien treaties in exchange for UFO technology.
This is an audio tape of a broadcast from Coast To Coast with Art Bell and George Noory June 03, 2007

Area 51 - Groom Lake Nevada - Possible Magneto-leviton tube shuttle tunnel. The Mag Lev tubes travel at mach 2,7 and faster and are connected to a global network of tunnels. There is also an underground highway connecting the many the DUMBS. One of my NSA contacts who worked at the Los Alamos DUMB claims he was chased on foot along the highway by three tall and muscular 'Nordics' after he walked past an office and overheard them talking about some piece of high technology. They grabbed him and threatened to kill him.
He claimed they were human/reptilian hybrids because their eyes would 'shift' into having vertical slits for pupils According to another NSA contact who worked at the Pine gap DUMB in Australia, the Mag Lev tubes are known as 'Terradrive' and only travel in one direction around the world One must be a very high ranking Mason (33rd degree of Zion or higher), corporate-intelligence agent or an ET to gain access to Terradrive

Dulce New Mexico

Underground tunnels are ALL CONNECTED across the US

Luxurious Mount Weather Presidential nuclear fallout underground retreat

Iron Mountain underground facility - Pennsylvania

Mount Weather - Northern Virginia

Elite Deep Underground Military Bases - DUMB's

The Road To Hell - Underground Bases and FEMA Camps

Texe Marrs American New World Order Underground Military tunnels (part 1)

MUST SEE!! Phil Schneider (murdered by MJ12) tells all about Dulce New Mexico underground US Alien secret underground bases (1995) - 2 hrs

Dulce & Other Underground Bases and Tunnels

by William Hamilton III

Underground Bases & Tunnels

Does a strange world exist beneath our feet? Strange legends have persisted for centuries about the mysterious cavern world and the equally strange beings who inhabit it

More UFOlogists have considered the possibility that UFOs may be emanating from subterranean bases, that UFO aliens have constructed these bases to carry out various missions involving Earth or humans

Belief in a subterranean world has been handed down as myth, tale, or rumor down the generations from all over the world.
Some of these stories date back to ancient times and tell tales of fantastic flora and fauna that can be found in the caverns of ancient races Socrates spoke of huge hollows within the Earth which are inhabited by man, and vast caverns which rivers flow

A legendary large cavern supposedly exists below Kokoweef Peak in southwestern California. Earl Dorr, a miner and prospector, followed clues given to him by Indians. He entered Crystal Cave in the thirties and followed a passage down into Kokoweef Mountain until he attained a depth of about a mile. There, he entered a large cavern which he proceeded to explore for a distance of eight miles.
At the bottom of the cavern, a river flowed, rising and falling with the lunar tides, and depositing black sands rich in placer gold along its banks One day, crazed by fever, Dorr used dynamite to seal shut the entrance to his fabulous cavern, and started a legend that still lures men to seek the fabled wealth below Kokoweef

Nowhere is the belief in a subterranean world more prevalent than with the Indians of North America The Hopis believed they emerged from a world below the earth through a tunnel at the base of the San Francisco peaks near Flagstaff

There are also legends about mysterious Mount Shasta in northern California The mountain is said to have housed a race of surviving Lemurians who built a sanctuary in the depths of the earth to escape the catastrophes which befell them These

Lumerians allied themselves with space travelers who built a saucer base inside the mountain

Whether ancient cities exist in caverns below the earth is anyone's guess, but it's a fact that governments have built underground tunnels and facilities for a variety of reasons.
The Chinese, Russians, Vietnamese all built subterranean tunnels and bases It shouldn't come as a surprise that America has been building its own underground world

An elusive report in the August 7, 1989 edition of U.S. News and World Report, reveals the secret plan to carry on government in case of a disaster. The plan is called "Continuity of Government" or COG. The article stated that COG is the government's ultimate insurance policy should Armageddon ever arrive, providing the program runs smoothly. In 1982, a new secret agency, the Defense Mobilization Planning Systems Agency was created and reports to the President. In the event of a nuclear attack, special teams equipped with war plans, military codes, and other essential data would accompany each designated presidential successor to secret command posts around the country.
Besides the president, another 46 key officials named in the Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan (JEEP) would be evacuated There are 50 of these underground command post bunkers located in 10 different regions of the country, and each is linked with others via satellite or ground-wave relays

The U.S.
Air Force sponsored research in deep underground construction as early as 1958 The RAND corporation carried out this research, and published proceedings from symposiums held on the subject of construction methods and equipment, utility installation, and the use of nuclear bursts to produce underground cavities

A great concern to underground construction engineers was the problem of ventilation. They considered it advisable to take into account all types of ventilation contamination, and not just radioactive fallout. Underground works included ingresses, egresses, and accommodations. The first two are generally provided for by shafts or tunnels, while the third requires larger openings, such as halls, chambers, cells, vaults, or other open spaces.
Many problems in design and construction are common to all three, but the problems associated with the larger openings in the rock, required for accommodation purposes, are generally more complex and difficult than those for the smaller openings of tunnels or shafts Operation and maintenance of underground installations can also pose special problems

Huge boring machines with large-diameter disc-grinders are used in constructing tunnels Tunnels are needed to link one accommodation area to another, or one facility to another

The English Chunnel project is the largest engineering project in Europe, and will link France and England through a three-tunnel railway. The eleven boring machines used in the project are so large and so long that they were assembled in underground areas 65 feet high.
Six of the machines are digging the submarine tunnel between the Dover Strait and Pas de Calais and five are digging the land tunnels leading away from the channel to aboveground terminals The front of the boring machine contains tungsten-tipped picks that workers guide with the use of laser projections on video screens

These boring machines are like huge, steel-encased worms. Sealed in each machine are teams of 35 men who line the cavity of the tunnel with concrete and guide the muck down the track. The machines bore the hole, remove the earth, and pave the inside of the tunnel with precast concrete segments.
The digging face of the machine is a 95-ton, 28-foot-6-inch diameter disc, divided into cutting blades The borer is 300-feet long

The September, 1983 Omni ran a picture story on the "Subterrene," a nuclear tunnel-boring machine developed at Los Alamos.
The machine burrows through deep underground rock, heating it to a molten state (magma), which cools after the Subterrene moves on The result is a tube with a smooth, glazed lining that can be used for the high-speed transport shuttles that link the sub-base complexes

Interestingly enough, an inventor named Charles Kaempen has invented a composite pipe that has enormous tensile strength.
Kaempen has developed an undersea transportation tube that uses his unique system of lock coupling and merely has to be laid on the sea floor, obviating the need for excavating and tunneling He has made a proposal to Spain to link Spain and Morocco using his new tube technology

Tunnel boring is undergoing a boom according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal (Dec. 12, 1990). Susan Nelson, director of the American Underground Space Association is quoted in the article as saying, "There is simply a lot more interest in the world these days in tunneling and use of the underground in general." It says the underground is crowded with government-funded mega-projects and proposed projects. The Spanish want to put a tunnel through the Pryenees and bore a road to Morocco on the African coast. The Norwegians want to burrow under the fiords. The Japanese are toying with tunneling through to South Korea.
The Canadians are building a tunnel from New Foundland to Prince Edwards Island In America, there are 87 public-works projects planned in the next three years alone

Bear in mind the fact that these are all classified as civil engineering projects. Where civil engineering goes today, military engineering has already gone yesterday.
In 1959, the Rand Report carried photos of the giant Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) Large scale military engineering projects may have made extensive use of these machines since the fifties

Tunneling is getting a boost because of the increasingly crowded global landscape Planners in Northern Italy are burying stretches of a freeway in a tunnel to avoid cutting a road through historical important forest and farmlands

Mr. Russell J. Miller of the Colorado School of Mines and director of the Center for Space Mining in Boulder, Colorado, is working on studies to determine the feasibility of putting space bases and cities underground on Mars and on the moon.
Of course, someone from somewhere else may have already beaten Mr Miller to the punch

Informants have told us that underground facilities utilize transport tubes to shuttle workers to and from work. This is more than a subway. These tube trains use high technology. It isn't surprising, then, to learn that Frank P. Davidson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a plan to unclog the airways by designing electric "wingless airplanes" that hurtle across continents and oceans in sealed tubes or tunnels that are essentially frictionless vacuum chambers.
Perhaps he should meet with Dr Kaempen and consider using his composite pipe as the tube

Underground diggers have their own society called "Moles," who find talk of tunneling and tunnels spicier than most of us surface dwellers

It's no secret that governments have built their own secret underground railways and tunnels. China's leaders built secret rail tunnels under Bejing that would enable them to flee in a crisis. According to a Chinese civil servant, the tunnels linked leader's homes, government buildings, the central bank and an army base. That sounds like a well-thought-out-plan.
Grab your prized possessions, cash from the bank, armed guards from the base, and run like hell! The network was built up over a period of 40 years as a defense against foreign invaders We can be sure that what China has done we have done

Japan, dense and overcrowded, is giving serious thought to living underground. They are planning to build underground sewage plants, underground railroads, and underground cities. According to a recent issue of Omni, The Taisei Corporation is planning to build a subterranean mall called "Alice City." There would be underground stores, offices, hotels, theaters, and sports arenas. Strolling spaces would meander through interior spaces populated with trees, birds, fish tanks, bridges, and waterfalls.
The Shimizu Corporation has a blueprint for constructing an underground grid that would span 2,000 square miles underneath Tokyo This grid would contain a number of commercial centers connected by subway trains that could shuttle workers to and from work

According to science-writer Isaac Asimov, there are advantages to living underground. For one thing, no one would worry about the weather. The temperature could be held at a fairly constant level, between 55 and 60 degrees F, and a lot of energy used for heating and cooling could be saved. Without the diurnal sun cycle, no one would know day from night. People could be working around the clock or playing around the clock, depending on their penchant. All transportation, communication, and housing could go underground, freeing the surface world from human trampling.
The surface of the planet would have a few nice restaurants and recreation centers where people could observe clear blue skies, the returning planet and animal life, and have room for all to roam on a weekend hike Earthquakes would cause only one-fifth the damage to underground structures that they cause to surface structures

In a provocatively speculative book entitled Alternative 3, author Leslie Watkins proposes that scientist have become concerned with the state of the Earth's atmosphere, a scenario that is much easier to accept these days Secret meetings between scientist produce three alternatives for handling the imminent danger

"Alternative 1" was a plan to blast holes through the stratosphere to release heat and pollution

"Alternative 2" was a plan to relocate Earth's population in massive underground caverns drawing fresh, cool air from the soil (Perhaps there is a real Alternative 2 in progress)

"Alternative 3" was to escape the Earth and go to Mars.
We will consider Alternative 3 later Whether any real such alternative plans exist is not being argued here, but the concepts are useful in examining the future directions of secret projects

William Cooper – Exposing the Illuminati (murdered Dec 2001) – talked about the 3 ALTERNATIVES to preserve mankind during an upcoming GLOBAL CATACLYSM and dangerous US secret UFO projects

Dulce New Mexico

Cosmic Top Secret America's Secret UFO Program

by William H Hamilton, III

The Atomic Energy Commission initiated Project Plowshare in 1957 to develop peaceful uses of nuclear explosives.
It has explored the use of nuclear blasts to build harbors, dams, highway cuts, and canals, and to stimulate oil and natural gas production by following up the widely used practice of detonating ordinary chemical explosions in oil- and gas-bearing strata The first test of this technique, known as Project Gasbuggy, took place 4,240 feet below ground in a desolate area of New Mexico know as the San Juan Basin, on December 10, 1967, where a 26-kiloton nuclear "device" was exploded in a sealed well

While Gasbuggy was only a single experiment, the A.E.C.
, in partnership with Austral Oil Company of Houston, subsequently began the first of what promised to be a long series of even larger nuclear explosions, on the order of two 100-kiloton shots each year, for a period of 10 years or more The first explosion, known as Project Rulison, was a 40-kiloton shot, some 8,400 feet below ground at a site near Rifle, Colorado, on September 10th, 1969

A method that has been suggested to build bases on the moon may already be in operation on Earth. With the use of controlled nuclear blasts it will be possible to excavate cavities beneath the lunar surface. A missile could be used to drill a hole approximately 50 feet deep, then a second blast would produce a cavity about 45 feet in diameter.
An igloo would be constructed over the hole, a plastic bag dropped down the cavity and filled with air The work area and living quarters would then be constructed

It may prove more efficient and practical to "house" future moon colonies in artificial or natural caves beneath the lunar surface, than to attempt construction of exposed meteorite domes.
Living quarters, spacious parks, lakes, and wooded areas could be constructed underground A transportation tube would connect various colonists to other ports and distant parts of the moon

Back on Earth, we have reports of equally suspicious parks An ex-security officer, who once worked underground in the Groom Lake area of Nevada, said he once saw a baseball diamond and an Olympic-sized swimming pool in one of the caverns a mile below the Nevada desert

What's going on in the deep underground tunnels below Mercury Base at the Nevada Test Site? After hearing the story of Bob Lazar on KVEG radio, a construction worker called Billy Goodman and Bob Lazar to say, "We are the construction workers...we put things together and take them apart...of the meeting of seven people, there are two who will come forward to support you." This mysterious caller further said, "There's more than just tunnels down there. There's everything you can imagine down there. I know because we put it up.
We installed We did everything"

Informants have mentioned underground tunnels and facilities in New Mexico at Dulce, Sunspot, Datil, Corona, Taos Pueblo, and Albuquerque; in Arizona in the Santa Catalina Mountains; in Colorado at Delta, Grand Mesa, and Colorado Springs; in California at Needles, Edwards AFB, Tehachapi Mountains, Ft Irwin, Norton AFB, and Morongo Valley; in Nevada at Blue Diamond, Nellis AFB, Groom Lake, and Papoose Lake areas, Quartzite Mountain, and Tonopah

I became interested in a possible underground installation in the Techachapi Mountains in the summer of 1988. A young couple, Ray and Nancy, reported that they had gone to a plateau in the mountains after Ray's shift work had completed at the Northrop Plant. Ray was inspector on the B-2 project. The plateau is adjacent to the perimeter of the leased Tejon Ranch where Northrop has built a secret underground facility. It was about one o'clock in the morning when Ray and Nancy spotted a brilliant orb coming out of the ground which flashed light in their direction. They could not account for two-and-half hours of missing time. Ray thought that they had the orb under observation for about an hour, yet the next memory is of sunrise! Under hypnosis, Ray recalls being abducted and taken to an underground base populated by little grey EBEs and Air Force and security personnel.
The EBEs were examining Nancy who had been restrained on a metal table Ray's emotions swelled under hypnotic recall of the incident

A local man claims he saw a flying saucer emerge and take-off from a silo on the property

A disgruntled contractor reported that he worked on constructing the tunnels in the underground area and was bothered by the Air Force probes that were often seen hovering in the tunnels. He described these probes as small orbs, and said that this facility was nicknamed "The ANTHILL" because of its resemblance to underground ant colonies. The tunnels have round doorways without doors.
Adjacent to the doorways are security panels with red and green lights There are some kind of cylinders embedded in the doorway jams that protect a field of energy of some sort

Black helicopters have been sighted around Boynton and Secret Canyon near Sedona, Arizona.
A man living in Long Canyon has sighted a lot of strange things in the canyon areas, and residents suspect a secret government installation has been established in, of all places, Secret Mountain! One of my investigators hiked to Secret Canyon late one night and was stopped by a voice on a loudspeaker and a laser-targeting light on his chest He was told he had entered a restricted area and to turn around and leave

We have now spotted and photographed the small orbs around the "Anthill" These orbs definitely exhibit the peculiar characteristics reported in other UFO sightings

Since that time, we have located two other secret facilities. One is at a place in the Mojave-Desert called Llano.
It is an extremely secure facility, but witnesses have seen an extremely bright light burning atop a pylon inside of a movable behemoth- sized structure This light does not illuminate the interior of the structure! Orbs have been seen in the vicinity of this facility as well

We can only conjecture about what secret programs are being conducted away from preying eyes.
The underground can and does hold all sorts of secrets Some of the most amazing revelations about what goes on in the underground projects comes from a mysterious informant named Thomas, and who claims there is, indeed, a deep dark secret harbored underneath the imposing mountainous elevations of Northern New Mexico

The Deep Dark Secret at Dulce

Dulce is a sleepy little town in northern New Mexico of about 900 population located above 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. There is only one major motel and a few stores. It's not a resort town and it is not bustling with activity. But, according to a few outsiders, Dulce harbors a deep, dark secret.
The secret is harbored deep below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa The secret is said to be a joint government-alien biogenetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals

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Xcon 2004 - Richard Sauder - Hidden Empire: Underground Bases and Tunnels

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As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."

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In the beginning of the "Zohar" the Article, the Rose, says: "Just as the rose among thorns is…
Apr 8, 2017

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