
Arise and Shine

8 Years too late? Some TV Show Tells the Truth About The Elite Perverts
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"Powerful and compelling.
A must read-"

-- Alex Jones - Infowars. com

"Mark takes you beyond 9/11 into a world of secret societies, mystics, and madmen.
This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the global elite, despite your own religious beliefs-"

-- Jason Bermas, producer of Loose Change

“Mark Dice is not a conspiracy theorist, he is a conspiracy realist. This book tells it like it is. I urge every American to read it and pass it on to your friends and relatives.
Wake up America-”

-- Ted Gunderson, Senior Special Agent in Charge (ret-)
FBI Los Angeles Division

“I highly recommend Mark Dice’s Resistance Manifesto. Every patriotic American needs the valuable information in this outstanding book.
Its insights are vital to our overcoming the sinister forces now confronting us on every side-”

-- Texe Marrs - Power of Prophecy Ministry & Author of Codex Magica

“A must read for all Patriots- Mark has the guts most of us
wish we had-”

-- Mike Hanson, author - Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy

(Infiltrated B.
G- with Alex Jones in 2000)

"Mark Dice has assumed leadership of The Resistance. Forewarned is forearmed and we all have a role to play in the future.
Or as Mark puts it, "The Resistance lives within each of us-"

-- Jim Marrs, Author of Rule by Secrecy

"Dice serves as an irritant and a never ending combatant to the Cashist Cartel that controls American’s commerce and currency-"
-- Anthoy J- Hilder, Freeworld Alliance


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In the beginning of the "Zohar" the Article, the Rose, says: "Just as the rose among thorns is…
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