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Totalaterian Agenda' Discussions (1,870)

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America's Healthiest And Unhealthiest States

Your Health America's Healthiest And Unhealthiest States David Sutton, Twenty spots where factors such as binge drinking, pollution and di…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

Pink Slips Layoff Tracker

Pink Slips Layoff Tracker Compiled by Klaus Kneale, 12.09.08, 11:20 AM EST Number of layoffs since Nov. 1, 2008, at America's 500 largest p…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

America's Fastest-Dying Towns

America's Fastest-Dying Towns by Matt Woolsey Ten spots where jobs are vanishing, incomes are dropping and poverty levels are rising. If…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

Tell All Blogetts from the Press - Hold on, it's not pretty

Blogs from the press: Dec. 5, 2008 - 7:32 PM EST so where are all of these conservatives pray tell? they obviously aren't in government.…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

Obama team's warring Middle East views

Obama team's warring Middle East views By BEN SMITH President-elect Barack Obama and his presumptive secretary of state, Hillary Rodham C…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

Gore About Inside Job with Obama: Thanks, but NO thanks !, Obama: But Could we at least talk energy?

Al Gore waves off official role Jonathan Martin He may be assembling a Team of Heavyweights, but Barack Obama isn’t likely to have the fu…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

Ill. Gov. arrested in Obama successor probe, & 3 ex-Ill. governors have served time, & Clinton Seat Up For Grabs

Ill. Gov. arrested in Obama successor probe By MIKE ROBINSON, Associated Press Writer CHICAGO – Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arreste…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

7 Products With Falling Price Tags

7 Products With Falling Price Tags by Jay MacDonald provided by Your financial ship is taking on water from all sides: a plu…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

Pelosi Likes Idea of 'Car Czar' to Audit Bailout, & 'Car Czar' Candidate Has History of Controversy, & Volker also eyed

Pelosi Likes Idea of 'Car Czar' to Audit Bailout ( Soon there will not be anything left that is not owned and operated by the government)…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

Sony to cut 8,000 jobs amid global downturn ,16,000 jobs + 1.1 $ Billion, & Adobe to eliminate 600 jobs worldwide (

Sony to cut 8,000 jobs amid global downturn By YURI KAGEYAMA, AP Business Writer TOKYO – Sony is slashing 8,000 jobs, or 4 percent of its…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008


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Rose sharon -shekinahlife

In the beginning of the "Zohar" the Article, the Rose, says: "Just as the rose among thorns is…
Apr 8, 2017

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