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Totalaterian Agenda' Discussions (1,870)

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US Canada Armies Ready For Total US Collapse

US Canada Armies Ready For Total US Collapse Just another US news reporting on the plans to militarize US streets when dollar dies and tot…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 27, 2008

10 Worst Real Estate Markets for 2009

10 Worst Real Estate Markets for 2009 The housing market hasn't bottomed out yet. For the third quarter, the closely-watched S&P Case…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 27, 2008

Israel strikes demolish Hamas compounds, killed Over 200, 700 or more injured, raw videos

Israel strikes demolish Hamas compounds, killed Over 200, 700 or more injured By IBRAHIM BARZAK GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – Israeli warplanes…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 27, 2008

Reclaiming Your SOVEREIGNTY

Reclaiming Your SOVEREIGNTYAre you a Sovereign Yet Part 1 Are you a Sovereign Yet Part 2 Are you a Sovereign Yet Part 3 Are you a Sovereign…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 27, 2008

Reports: Russian military to get more than 70 nuclear missiles over 3 year period

Reports: Russian military to get more than 70 nuclear missiles over 3 years By Associated PressMOSCOW (AP) — The Russian military will comm…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 27, 2008

US So Broke Cannot Even Afford To Hire Jury

US So Broke Cannot Even Afford To Hire Jury Just waiting for total US infrastructure meltdown across the country... soon murderers will be…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 27, 2008

Important News Reports In Case You Missed Them

Important News Reports In Case You Missed Them IMPORTANT NEWS !!!Will a king prosecute a king? Pt2http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=ITC960…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 27, 2008

FEMA'​s Plan for popul​ation​ reduc​tion in the USA

FEMA'​s Plan for popul​ation​ reduc​tion in the USA “Here are your coffins. (I have personally seen these plastic containers in Conyers,…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 27, 2008

Obama, the military and the threat of dictatorship

Obama, the military and the threat of dictatorship Bill Van Auken With his choice of Admiral Dennis Blair as director of national intelli…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 26, 2008

The Feder​al Reser​ve Aboli​tion Act, Thank You Ron Paul

The Federal Reserve Abolition ActBuzz up!Ron Paul introduced HR 2755: Federal Reserve Abolition Act. There were no co-sponsors, no further…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 26, 2008


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Rose sharon -shekinahlife

In the beginning of the "Zohar" the Article, the Rose, says: "Just as the rose among thorns is…
Apr 8, 2017

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