
Arise and Shine

US Canada Armies Ready For Total US Collapse

Just another US news reporting on the plans to militarize US streets when dollar dies and total chaos riots begin to break out across USA sometime in 2009

December 04, 2008 - Twenty thousand additional US uniformed troops, set to be trained by 2011, are to help as a response to the threat of a possible mass terror attack or civil unrest following an economic collapse, But despite assurances from the Pentagon, many Americans are worried by the prospect of seeing the military guard in the streets


New York Post
December 23, 2008

http://www. nypost. com/seven/12232008/business/us_army_ready_if_th...

ARE you afraid that the eco nomic downturn could get out of hand? I mean, really out of hand?

Well, don't worry

The US Army War College is on the case - ready to handle "unforeseen economic collapse" and the "rapid dissolution of public order in all or significant parts of the US"

And you thought we were just dealing with a recession!

In a report published Nov.
4 - just in time for the holiday season - the War College's Strategic Studies Institute posited a number of shocks that the country should be prepared for, including unrest caused by the economy's failure

The report has a snappy title, "Known Unknowns: Unconventional 'Strategic Shocks' in Defense Strategy Development," and was written by Nathan Freier, a visiting professor at the college. The foreword was written by Col. John A.
Kardos, director of the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute

Freier lists a number of possible things we should worry about - because we probably don't have enough of our own - including run-of-the-mill terrorism and the fact that China and Russia could align against us politically and economically

"Some of the most plausible defense-relevant strategic shocks remain low-probability events," Freier soft-pedals before going on to scare the hell out of us

The War College says "widespread civil violence inside the US would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security"

Among things Freier wants us to worry about are "deliberate employment of weapons of mass destruction. . .
unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency and catastrophic natural and human disasters"

Oh, and by the way, have a Merry Christmas!

I have a confession to make: I am a member of the United Auto Workers union

It's not a "confession" in the sense that there is anything wrong with it

Here's how my membership happened

I teach a course at New York University.
And a couple of years ago, the United Auto Workers unionized the university's adjunct professors, or teachers who are happy to be underpaid because we earn a living elsewhere

The union apparently thought untenured teachers were a better bet than people who make cars.
And, guess what, it was right

Anyhow, after being threatened by the union with dismissal from NYU if I didn't join, I reluctantly began paying dues.
And I completely forgot about it until the matter came up at a Christmas party at the university last week

So, you are probably wondering if I think my brother union members should give concessions to keep GM, Ford and Chrysler alive

I'll have to get back to you on that after I check with headquarters


So, you are losing sleep because of the financial markets

Maybe it's because of your mattress

A research firm in Cleveland says the economy and financial stress are affecting sales of bedding

Longbow Research reports that 87 percent of retail ers it surveyed said mattress sales are declining

Longbow says that the sales decline worsened in Octo ber and November

Maybe people are afraid to change mat tresses because that's where all their money is hidden

U.S. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, left, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, and Canadian Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais, commander of Canada Command, signed a Civil Assistance Plan that allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency. The signing took place at U.S. Army North headquarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Feb.
14, 2008

Martial Law and NORTHCOM

Canada, US agree to use each other's troops in civil emergencies

Global Research, December 26, 2008
Ottawa Citizen - 2008-12-23
by David Pugliese

http://globalresearch. ca/index. php?context=va&aid=11499

Canada and the U.S.
have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other's borders during an emergency, but some are questioning why the Harper government has kept silent on the deal

Neither the Canadian government nor the Canadian Forces announced the new agreement, which was signed Feb.
14 in Texas

The U.S. military's Northern Command, however, publicized the agreement with a statement outlining how its top officer, Gen. Gene Renuart, and Canadian Lt.-Gen.
Marc Dumais, head of Canada Command, signed the plan, which allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency

The new agreement has been greeted with suspicion by the left wing in Canada and the right wing in the U.

The left-leaning Council of Canadians, which is campaigning against what it calls the increasing integration of the U.S.
and Canadian militaries, is raising concerns about the deal

"It's kind of a trend when it comes to issues of Canada-U.S. relations and contentious issues like military integration.
We see that this government is reluctant to disclose information to Canadians that is readily available on American and Mexican websites," said Stuart Trew, a researcher with the Council of Canadians

Trew said there is potential for the agreement to militarize civilian responses to emergency incidents.
He noted that work is also underway for the two nations to put in place a joint plan to protect common infrastructure such as roadways and oil pipelines

"Are we going to see (U.S.
) troops on our soil for minor potential threats to a pipeline or a road?" he asked

Trew also noted the U.S. military does not allow its soldiers to operate under foreign command so there are questions about who controls American forces if they are requested for service in Canada.
"We don't know the answers because the government doesn't want to even announce the plan," he said

But Canada Command spokesman Commander David Scanlon said it will be up to civilian authorities in both countries on whether military assistance is requested or even used

He said the agreement is "benign" and simply sets the stage for military-to-military co-operation if the governments approve

"But there's no agreement to allow troops to come in," he said. "It facilitates planning and co-ordination between the two militaries.
The 'allow' piece is entirely up to the two governments"

If U.S. forces were to come into Canada they would be under tactical control of the Canadian Forces but still under the command of the U.S.
military, Scanlon added

News of the deal, and the allegation it was kept secret in Canada, is already making the rounds on left-wing blogs and Internet sites as an example of the dangers of the growing integration between the two militaries

On right-wing blogs in the U.S. it is being used as evidence of a plan for a "North American union" where foreign troops, not bound by U.S.
laws, could be used by the American federal government to override local authorities

"Co-operative militaries on Home Soil!" notes one website. "The next time your town has a 'national emergency,' don't be surprised if Canadian soldiers respond.
And remember - Canadian military aren't bound by posse comitatus"

Posse comitatus is a U.S.
law that prohibits the use of federal troops from conducting law enforcement duties on domestic soil unless approved by Congress

Scanlon said there was no intent to keep the agreement secret on the Canadian side of the border.
He noted it will be reported on in the Canadian Forces newspaper next week and that publication will be put on the Internet

Scanlon said the actual agreement hasn't been released to the public as that requires approval from both nations.
That decision has not yet been taken, he added

Global Research Articles by David Pugliese

Views: 2

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