
Arise and Shine

US appealing to UAE with nuclear deals?

The Bush administration has devised strategic plans to provide the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with nuclear fuel, technology and know-how.

The Wall Street Journal reported Friday, that the White House is slated to sign its first nuclear deal with the Middle Eastern country in the upcoming weeks.

Senior US officials speaking on the condition of anonymity claim the deal --which comes in the w More..ake of other nuclear proposals to Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Bahrain -- would serve as an important peace model in the face of Iran's uranium enrichment.

"This is a real counterexample to what Iran is doing... We're seeking commitments from nations within the Middle East that they're going to rely on the markets for nuclear fuel," the paper quoted the unnamed official as saying.

Despite the claims, the common perception is that the move is in line with Washington efforts to repair UAE-US relations two years after Congress provoked Arab fury by resisting Dubai attempts to buy several US-owned ports.

The February-March 2006 Congress opposition to the purchase of six US ports by Dubai Ports World (DPW) was said to be due to "national security issues".

US President George W. Bush lashed out at the Congress for its rejection of the port deal, claiming that it was driven by racism against the "valuable allies" of Washington.

According to a Gulf News poll, 64 per cent of the Arab investors "changed their opinion for the worst" and would think about other destinations. A majority maintained that DP World has been forced out of the US port operations due to "racism".

"Other foreign-owned companies run US ports--but they were not Arab. That is the message. And we got it," Gulf News reported.

President-elect Barack Obama has not taken a position on the accord which if signed would mark the first time the US has sought to clinch a nuclear deal with an Arab state in the Middle East.

The deal has raised concerns in US Congress that it could encourage nuclear proliferation in an already volatile region.


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