
Arise and Shine


Statue in front of United Nations building says it all - UN will destroy US sovereignty and disarm all US citizens and round your families up for detention

http://www. ammoday. com/

United Nations NY headquarters - US citizens will all surrender their guns to the NEW WORLD ORDER

Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association,gestures during his address Monday at the Ashbrook Center luncheon in Myers Convocation Center

November 18, 2008 - NRA leader touts gun rights in Ashland speech

NRA chief says gun owners must be vigilant
There are pressures to give up rights, according to Wayne LaPierre

Times Gazette

http://www. times-gazette. com/news/article/4468640

Historic victories for gun rights occurred in 2008, but the fight for firearm freedoms must continue to preserve the Second Amendment, National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre told a crowd on Monday at Ashland University

Despite the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to strike down a handgun ban in Washington D.C., that affirmed the right to keep and bear arms, there is a battle for firearms ownership in America, LaPierre said.
He urged NRA members and firearms owners to stay vigilant while pressures mount domestically and internationally for them to disarm

LaPierre said during the Major Issues Lecture Series at the John M.
Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs that an "elite ruling class" of anti-gun politicians has "declared war on our individual rights" by trying to restrict Americans' ability to keep and bear arms

"Seventy-five years ago in his first inauguration as president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt said 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,' " he said. "Today, I would argue almost the exact reverse is true.
The greatest thing we have to fear in many ways is not enough Americans are afraid, because not enough realize what grave dangers are out there to our freedoms"

The Supreme Court's decision on the D.C. handgun ban was monumental, but firearms owners cannot become complacent with their liberties, LaPierre said.
He said the ruling prompted the NRA to seek changes to laws that conflicted with the decision

"Together, if we stand up for what we believe in, we'll never lose these freedoms that make our country the envy of the entire world and make the USA the greatest nation in all of mankind," LaPierre said

LaPierre presented video testimony from residents of New Orleans who had firearms confiscated by local authorities during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
People in the video shared stories saying they were rendered defenseless against looters and other criminals after their firearms were taken

After Katrina, the NRA successfully lobbied for federal legislation barring authorities from confiscating firearms from lawful citizens during emergencies, LaPierre said.
His announcement of the law's passage received applause from those in attendance

American gun rights also are under fire from international groups like the United Nations, LaPierre said, adding that the organization has led efforts to ban guns in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, South Africa and other countries

LaPierre showed a taped debate from the United Nations in which Rebecca Peters, director of the International Action Network on Small Arms, called for gun restrictions in the United States.
Meanwhile, during the debate, law-enforcement personnel and residents said prohibition of firearms contributed to increases in crime

In the clip, Peters, who led the charge to tighten Australian gun regulations during the 1990s, said hunters in the United States should be relegated to single-shot rifles only.
She also said she believes "American citizens should be like any other citizens in the world" and disarm

LaPierre disagreed. He said Americans should refuse to give up their "God-given right" to own and use firearms and other countries should share those freedoms.
The NRA executive vice president said the Constitution is explicit in its support of gun ownership

"The Second Amendment says what it means and means exactly what it says," LaPierre said

The event concluded with a video tribute to former NRA President Charlton Heston, who died earlier this year

n Contact Travis Minnear at 419-281-0581 ext. 237 or



There are more news articals about this just – GOOGLE ‘SURRENDER GUNS’ and ‘GUN CONFISCATION’

1 Monmouth offers cash for weapons - The Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office will be conducting a voluntary weapons surrender program, commonly known as "Guns for Cash." - The surrender program will take place from 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Nov. 21 and from 8:30 a. m. to noon Nov. 22 at the Long Branch Police Department, according to a press release from the Prosecutor's Office.

2 Bell Gardens to buy back guns - From wire service reports - 11/21/2...

3 Groups told to surrender illegal guns November 11 2008 - Warring co...

4 Police extend gun swap for digital cameras - Nov 22, 2008 - With mo...


Barack Obama is “a gun-snatcher,” said Jim Pruett, left, owner of Jim Pruett’s Guns and Ammo in northwest Houston, He said sales had been booming recently
November 6, 2008 - On Concerns Over Gun Control, Gun Sales Are Up

11-07-08 Gun Sales Skyrocket After Obama Elected

10/29/2008 Gun Sales On Rise In Florida On Fear Of An Obama Presidency

October 28, 2008 - Gun sales up in Connecticut

October 29, 2008 - Gun shops in New Mexico see a huge rise in gun purchases in anticipation of an Obama Administration Judging by other reports this is becoming a national trend

Obama election prompts surge in US gun sales

Guardian UK
McClatchy newspapers
Friday November 7 2008

http://www. guardian. co. uk/world/2008/nov/07/uselections2008-bara...

Barack Obama said he would improve the economy.
Turns out he already has, at least in one retail niche: gun sales

Starting in the days before the election, gun shops have been mobbed by buyers who fear that Obama and a larger Democratic majority in Congress will restrict firearm sales

Many were stocking up on things such as assault rifles, high-capacity magazines and handguns that they think would be the most likely targets of new laws, though practically everything related to shooting has been selling more quickly

"It's been an absolute madhouse," said Trey Pugh, a manager at Jim's Pawn Shop in Fayetteville, which is selling 15 to 20 AR-15 assault rifles a day.
"I'm getting guys come in and say I always wanted that gun, and give me that one too and that one and, oh, I need a gun safe, too"

Distributors are running out of assault rifles, he said, and prices are rising

On the stump, Obama didn't discuss sweeping changes to gun laws. But his stance that local authorities should be able to make "sensible" laws has worried some, as has the fact that many Democrats in Congress favor additional restrictions.
The National Rifle Association, among others, stoked these fears during the election

Many purchases appear to be panic buying, Pugh said, because the government could not pass new gun laws before next year.
Between the election, fears that the sour economy will spur more crime, hunting season and Christmas sales, the next couple of months will likely be wild for firearms dealers, he said

"Everybody, and I mean everybody, is buying guns right now," Pugh said

Stores in North Carolina, such as Young Guns in Apex and Perry's in Wendell, reported hectic sales and lines at cash registers

"It's been tremendous," said Barry Perry of Perry's Guns in Wendell.
"We have so many customers that parking has been a problem"

Online gun and shooting supply shops say sales in recent weeks climbed along with Obama's poll numbers

At Villagetactical. com in Oklahoma City, which concentrates mainly on gun parts, sales have doubled since summer, said owner Andy Glunt

"Some of them have said that they think if they don't buy it now, they won't be able to later," he said

Fears of more regulation were fueled by an NRA campaign that said Obama would crack down on guns That notion was amplified in gun forums such as glocktalk. com and AR15. com, where swarms of posters talked of having bought "Obama guns" or detailed election-related gun and ammo purchases.
Some even speculated on things such as how a firearms confiscation plan would work

It's hard to gauge the likelihood of new laws. Obama has said that local jurisdictions should be able to impose regulations on guns to reduce crime on city streets.
At the same time, he said owning guns, including handguns, is an American tradition and should remain legal

Obama, who taught constitutional law, has said that he believes gun ownership is an individual right

It's also unclear whether a serious push for regulation is likely from Congress. The number of Democrats there who support gun rights has been increasing.
Also, the party fell short Tuesday of winning a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, leaving Republicans leverage against laws they don't like

Still, many gun owners fear that Obama will cave in to demands from members of his party who harbor extreme anti-gun views, said Wayne LaPierre, vice-president of the NRA

Obama campaigned as a supporter of gun rights, but the media never pinned him down completely on contradictions in his record, LaPierre said

"The reason gun sales are rising is that gun owners and second amendment enthusiasts are justifiably suspicious," he said

A Clinton-era ban on some semi-automatic assault weapons and parts such as high-capacity, military-style magazines was a political disaster for the Democrats, said LaPierre.
The party would pay an even higher political toll if Obama broke the implicit promises he made to gun owners during the campaign

Alan Chapman, an IT professional who lives in Durham, bought a rifle similar to the AK-47 and a semi-automatic handgun in recent weeks because he expects tighter laws and higher prices.
A neighbour bought a handgun for the same reason, he said

"I just wish I could afford more," Chapman said.
"Prices are going to go up after the election just based on fear"

He thinks the Democrats could attack concealed carry permits, but that the most likely change is a new assault weapons ban

Longtime handgun owner Bob Nitchke of Mooreseville, who posts on glocktalk. com, isn't thrilled with the possibility of more regulation.
But he thinks the panic over Obama is out of proportion to any threat

"I don't think anything is going to happen, particularly in the first couple of years," he said.
"I just don't think it's a priority right now, because they've got bigger things to deal with, like the economy"

Anything that's more extreme than the assault weapons ban, such as a bill to stop handgun sales, would be a political disaster, and just seems unlikely

"What I do know is that gun stores are making a lot of money," he said
Glunt, the owner of the online shop, said he wasn't completely happy about that windfall

"I'd rather have business a little slower and not have a threat to our second amendment," he said

Sales of guns are on the rise in FL due to voters fears of an Obama presidency (who cares neither candidate was born in US and all for Bilderberg Rothschild CFR AIPAC foreign policies, no difference)

Marc Maron talks to a gun shop owner in Las Vegas NV, who informs him gun sales are going up as Obama is leading in the polls and the locals are afraid of "Obamanition".

Views: 5

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