*********************************************************** The Great Southern California ShakeOut ***********************************************************
At 10 a.m. on November 13, join millions of Southern Californians in the ShakeOut Drill, the largest earthquake preparedness activity in US history! http://www. shakeout. org/
Earthquake Scenario Shaking Simulation- Simulations for the magnitude 7.8 "ShakeOut" earthquake on the southern San Andreas fault, developed by the Southern California Earthquake Center ShakeOut Simulation workgroup. Simulation by Rob Graves, URS/SCEC
When the next big earthquake hits the San Francisco Bay Area, it will be a catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina proportions. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people will die, and hundreds of thousands will become homeless. Economic losses will be on the order of $200 billion, the vast majority of it uninsured. Outside help will be desperately needed, but difficult to coordinate and execute
And just as before Hurricane Katrina, scientists have been sounding the alarm, warning that the disaster is inevitable. It's not a matter of if, but when the "Big One" will strike
"The reality is that we could have a large earthquake at any time," said geologist David Schwartz of the U.S. Geological Survey
The Bay Area is lined with faults capable of delivering a knock-out blow. But one in particular is poised to rupture sooner than later. Geologists have determined that the average time between major earthquakes on the Hayward fault is 140 years. The last big one was October 21, 140 years ago
The 1868 Hayward fault earthquake measured around a magnitude 7 and offset the ground laterally more than six feet in places. It killed 30 people in the sparsely populated area and leveled or severely damaged nearly every structure in a wide swath along its 43-mile length. It was known as the Great San Francisco Earthquake until the 1906 earthquake took that title away
But if the 1868 quake were to strike again today, it would do exponentially more damage. The Hayward fault lies along the hills on the eastern side of the San Francisco Bay in one of the most densely populated areas of the state. It runs beneath homes, schools, senior centers, hospitals, businesses and through the campus of UC Berkeley, bisecting the football stadium
"A Hayward fault earthquake will change the Bay Area," said USGS geologist Tom Brocher. "It's likely to be one of the nation's biggest natural disasters"
During the last 140 years, the population of the Bay Area has mushroomed to around seven million people. As many as five million of them would be impacted by a major Hayward fault quake. The Association of Bay Area Governments estimates that 220,000 people will be displaced from their homes, as many as 70,000 of those will seek public shelter
********************************************************************** 5 Most Dangerous U. S Earthquake Hot Spots Beyond California **********************************************************************
California isn't the only state with a serious earthquake hazard. There are several lesser-known fault zones lurking in other parts of the country that are just as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than the famed San Andreas Fault
Some of these faults are capable of producing quakes bigger than the 1906 San Francisco quake, but because the time between major jolts is longer than in California, many people who live near these faults don't even know they are there
Here's a closer look at five of the country's most hazardous seismic hot spots outside of California
The largest earthquake drill in U.S. history is currently being planned. At 10 AM on November 13, southern Californians and other participants will practice earthquake safety procedures during The Great Southern California ShakeOut. Registration is free and open to everyone
********************************************* An Earthquake Drill for the Record Books *********************************************
At 10 a.m. on November 13, 2008, millions of people in homes, schools, businesses, government offices, and public places all over southern Californian will Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Why? An enormous earthquake is in our future, and the ShakeOut Drill is our chance to practice what to do when it happens
Don’t miss out! Register today to be counted in the drill, get email updates, and much more
Why is important to do a Drop, Cover, Hold On drill? Just as with anything, to act quickly you must practice, practice, practice. In a big earthquake, there may be very little time to protect yourself before strong shaking knocks you down or drops something on you. Most earthquakes have a sharp jolt a few seconds before the strong shaking, and we need to Drop, Cover, Hold On immediately when we feel the jolt. By practicing we will act quickly, rather than waiting to see if the earthquake will be large. If it is, it may be too late to protect yourself. ShakeOut. Don't FreakOut
Select a Group to Learn How You Can Participate
Emergency Response? Natural disasters? California is bankrupt, what are you talking about Arnold, MARTIAL LAW? EARTHQUAKE COMING?
Sacramento, California - Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday joined with emergency responders, volunteers and private industry partners to highlight his administration’s recent actions to strengthen the state’s ability to respond to emergencies and natural disasters
At yesterday’s event in San Diego, the Governor showcased four memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with the private sector that officially make them key partners in the state’s disaster response system, and he discussed how recently signed legislation will enhance our emergency response capabilities “With these agreements, California is better prepared than ever before for disasters, which is important especially now, at the start of Santa Ana wind season in Southern California,” Governor Schwarzenegger said. “We have the world’s best firefighters, police and first responders, but we all know government cannot do it all-making these kinds of public-private partnerships exactly what California needs. I am so pleased that these private sector partners will be on call 24-7 for the people of California next time an emergency strikes”
Acknowledging the important role that the private sector plays in helping California respond and recover from emergencies, the Governor in 2006 issued Executive Order S-04-06, which called on the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) to make the private sector part of the state’s disaster response system
As part of its implementation, OES has been actively forming partnerships with private industry. To date, OES has signed MOUs with the following private sector partners: Business Executives for National Security, the California Grocer’s Association, the California Utilities Emergency Association and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc
These MOUs will allow for more targeted and efficient delivery of goods and services by formalizing 24-hour contacts with the private sector. Just like we have 24-hour access to our governmental partners, the state now has well-established personal relationships with emergency management professionals in the private sector that we can call on 365 days per year. These partners will also be allowed into the State Operations Center during a disaster to staff a “Business Operations Center,” which is currently being established by OES. Having the private sector side-by-side with state and federal emergency management personnel will expedite response activities and maximize resources
Examples of how these MOUs will benefit Californians include:
* Restoring power - the California Utilities Emergency Association coordinates the repair of power, water and other utilities via its affiliate businesses, which is critical during an emergency to restoring a community back to normal
* Providing food and water - the California Grocer’s Association can access their network of members to provide food, water and other provisions to emergency responders and evacuation centers
* Access to supplies - Wal-Mart has access to goods and supplies throughout the country and has a sophisticated logistics system to ensure that necessary supplies get to where they are needed in the shortest time-frame possible
* Access to emergency professionals - the Business Executives for National Security have a host of professional emergency managers that can aid in immediate response activities and long-term recovery efforts
As part of the Governor’s efforts to streamline the state’s emergency response capabilities, he recently signed AB 38 by Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbara), which will combine OES and the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security (OHS) into a new cabinet-level California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA). The bill gives the merged agency the responsibility of overseeing and coordinating emergency preparedness, response, recovery and homeland security activities in the state
Additionally, the Governor signed the following legislation this year to strengthen California’s emergency response and firefighting capabilities:
* AB 2327 by Assemblymember Anna Caballero (D-Salinas) requires entities that provide assistance during an emergency or disaster to strive to ensure that all victims receive the assistance they need and for which they are eligible
* AB 2796 by Assemblymember Nava authorizes OES to establish a statewide registry of private businesses and nonprofit organizations that are interested in donating services, goods, labor, equipment, resources or other facilities in times of emergency. These efforts will be a valuable complement to OES’ ongoing partnerships with the private sector
* SB 1595 by Senator Kehoe (D-San Diego) updates existing fuel management laws by amending defensible space requirements that separate structures from surrounding vegetation and other potential wildfire fuels
* AB 2859 by Assemblymember Ted Gaines (R-Roseville) expands the authority for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) to thin green trees and other vegetation to promote healthy forests in areas with disease or insect infestations
Luke Thomas Earthquake Prediction - October 24, 2008 5.9 earthquake is likely October 24 or early October... 5. 9 earthquake is likely October 24 or early October 25 in Los Angeles 5. 7 earthquake is likely October 24-26 in San Francisco
More and more CRAZY Federal Homeland Security crappy excuses for MARTIAL LAW all over the country, pandemic drills and now EARTHQUAKE drill
A SCHEDULED EARTHQUAKE maybe? I guess they are going to nuke Sierra Nevada and plunge California straight into the Pacific EH??
Lyon County Sheriff’s Deputy Ryan Powell, pictured back right, briefs Lyon County Search and Rescue members in their command center bus during the recent Vigilant Guard 2008 multi-agency drill to test the preparedness of dozens of local and state agencies to work together effectively during an emergency
National Guard troops from five western states and Guam participated in a recent major emergency preparedness exercise involving dozens of local and state agencies in Silver City, The training scenario included a mock evacuation of the small Comstock town Pictured are troops posted at the entrance to Silver City to blockade the area and protect businesses and residents from looters while residents were evacuated to nearby Dayton High School
************************************************************ Live action drill prepares emergency responders for massive earthquakes ************************************************************
It's not often you see an armed military presence in the tiny Comstock town of Silver City, but that's exactly what residents awoke to on a recent sunny Saturday morning
Camo-clad armed soldiers were on a mission -- a training mission of first responders performing a mock 7. 1 magnitude earthquake
The simulated disaster, Vigilant Guard '08, was designed to test the skills and teamwork of every participant to enhance their response when a real disaster strikes the region. The largest full-scale emergency preparedness exercise conducted in Northern Nevada was planned for nearly two years
The possibility of a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hitting south of Reno on the Mt. Rose Fault System is real, according to earthquake experts
Recent earthquake activity in the region highlights the seismic dangers the region faces every day
There's a 12 percent to 15 percent chance an earthquake of magnitude 7 or greater could hit the Reno-Carson City area within 50 years, Nevada State Geologist Jonathan Price said during a news conference announcing the exercise
Chances of a quake measuring magnitude 6, the same strength as the one that damaged Wells in February, rise to 65 to 70 percent during the same time period, Price said
The drill played out in seven Western states and involved more than 2,000 participants from emergency response agencies in six Nevada counties including Lyon County
Dozens of local and state participants, including National Guard troops from five western states and Guam, responded to the disaster with a script that included evacuation of Silver City residents and securing the small town from looters
The script instructed responders that the earthquake occurred at 6 a.m. June 12 and caused massive fatalities, injuries, damage and $3 to $11 billion in destruction
Along with soldiers, Lyon County Sheriff's deputies, search and rescue teams, county human services and the Red Cross played roles in the exercise that temporarily housed Silver City evacuees at Dayton High School
Lyon County Sheriff Sgt. Ryan Powell was incident commander in the west-central Lyon County portion of the disaster drill
Between the sheriff's office and its search and rescue team there were about 30 individuals along with approximately 50 National Guard troops staged at the command center on Highway 341, in Silver City and Mason Valley
"It doesn't get any better than this. This training is valuable," Powell said, adding that communication between all of the players worked well as did the exercise
At the other end of the county, another scenario was played-out that included turning the Lyon County Fairgrounds into a field hospital to tend to the thousands people wounded in the disaster
This type of exercise sharpens the skills of everyone involved so when they respond to a disaster or emergency they will be ready to deal swiftly with the catastrophic impact on life, property, business and infrastructure to restore public safety and well being, said Governor Jim Gibbons when he announced the drill
Vigilant Guard was established as an annual exercise for National Guard, local and state government emergency responders to coordinate and practice disaster response techniques. The exercise was made possible by a $1,5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
************************************************ A little warning in my email from California Senator Boxer ************************************************
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