
Arise and Shine

The Largest Theft in the History of Mankind

Tracking the Largest Theft in the History of the Mankind


Bailout to Cost 8.
5 Trillion

(Plz Forgive the short intro, consider donating)

From: Guinea: The 1930's Smut Peddler
http://www. myspace. com/smut911

November 26, 2008

Bailout costs $8.
5 trillion

US Federal Government has pledged $8.
56 trillion in economic bailout for financial institutions so far

With the credit crisis continuing to worsen, the US federal government is pledging a seemingly endless amount of money to shore up failing institutions hit hard by toxic assets. Federal government pledges now top $8 trillion with the most recent $800 billion announced Tuesday.

http://therealnews. com/t/index. php?option=com_content&task=vi...

Edgar J. Steele Nickle Rant on the Bailout Scam

Video Created by:
Peace & Freedom Are Achieved Through Understanding

Written and spoken by: Edgar J.
http://www. conspiracypenpal. com/


Jim Rogers Discusses the Bailout

Thanks for the vid: Dane Petersen


Ron Paul on Bloomberg TV 10-02-08
Discussing Bailout Scam


Real Talk From a Pissed Off American About the Bailout

Video From: Bounty Hunter Guy
http://www. myspace. com/bountyhunterguy


Brutal SNL Skit so accurately depicts the Keynesian enabled vulture culture of greed. The only thing missing was having Ron Paul walk on stage and giving the now famous I told you so look and shaking his head in disapproval of what socialism has done to the once great American Economy.

Mystery Of That Missing SNL Bailout Skit Solved: NBC. com Took It Down For Legal Reasons; Has Put Up Edited Version Today

Thanks: Republican Liberty Caucus Of Texas


Peter Schiff Nov 11th 2008

"The dollar will soon collapse"


Peter Schiff on Bloomberg TV 11-21-08

Thanks for the video From: sheila
http://www. myspace. com/cmeintheclouds

WH Press Sec NOT ALLOWED to Talk about the Dollar


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