
Arise and Shine

May 13, 2010

A Commercial From the Council on Foreign Relations

NOW I’m convinced of the power of grassroots movements and the power of the internet. When I was a public school prisoner student back in the 1960s and early 1970s, I (nor anyone else I knew) had ever heard of the Council on Foreign Relations. Why all of a sudden does the CFR feel it must produce a video to promote all of the “good” (especially done by CFR member Ben Bernanke) that it contributes to the world? I think it is because of all of the websites, including LRC and the LRC blog, that have been writing about the true evil machinations of groups like the CFR (and the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group) over the past few years. The word is really starting to get out, and the CFR—though certainly not overly alarmed—wants to put out the small fires before they grow into an uncontrollable brush fire.

After watching the above video, I strongly suggest you take the time to watch this video interview with the late Libertarian Aaron Russo (who had inside knowledge from his friend Nick Rockefeller) on what the CFR is really all about:

[Thanks to Travis Holte for sending both videos]

Views: 11

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