The Campaign For A New World Order Religion Has Begun
Co-founder of Google Larry Page smiles during the Clinton Global Inititative annual meeting in September 2008 in New York
Wikipedia: Larry Page is the son of the late Dr Carl Victor Page, a professor of computer science and artificial intelligence at Michigan State University and one of the University of Michigan's first computer science PhD graduates, and Gloria Page, a computer programming teacher at Michigan State University. - Despite his mother being Jewish, Page was raised similarly to his father: WITHOUT A RELIGION
******************************************************************* World asked to help craft online charter for religious harmony *******************************************************************
A website launched Friday with the backing of technology industry and Hollywood elite urges people worldwide to help craft a framework for harmony between all religions
The Charter for Compassion project on the Internet at www. charterforcompassion. org springs from a "wish" granted this year to religious scholar Karen Armstrong at a premier Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) conference in California
"Tedizens" include Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin along with other Internet icons as well as celebrities such as Forest Whittaker and Cameron Diaz
Wishes granted at TED envision ways to better the world and come with a promise that Tedizens will lend their clout and capabilities to making them come true
Armstrong's wish is to combine universal principles of respect and compassion into a charter based on a "golden rule" she believes is at the core of every major religion
The Golden Rule essentially calls on people to do unto others as they would have done unto them
"The chief task of our time is to build a global society where people of all persuasions can live together in peace and harmony," Armstrong said
"If we do not achieve this, it seems unlikely that we will have a viable world to hand on to the next generation"
Charter for Compassion invites people from "all faiths, nationalities, languages and backgrounds" to help draft statements of principles and actions that should be taken
UN’s message in NYC – Disarm global citizens for the New World Order
********************************** UN rejects religion’s use to justify killings **********************************
UNITED NATIONS, Nov 14: A high-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly has rejected the use of religion to justify the killing of innocent people and terrorist acts and voiced concern that serious instances of intolerance, discrimination and harassment persist between people of different faiths and cultures
In a consensus declaration read out by the UN Secretary General, Ban
Ki-moon, at the conclusion of the two-day “Culture of Peace” gathering here on Thursday, participants called for mutual understanding through dialogue, and respect for human rights among proponents of various faiths, cultures and civilisations. The special session was convened at the initiative of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
“Concerned about serious instances of intolerance, discrimination, hatred expressions, and harassment of minority religious communities of all faiths, participating states underlined the importance of promoting dialogue, understanding and tolerance among human beings, as well as respect for all their diverse religions, cultures and beliefs,” the declaration said
“Participating states affirmed their rejection of the use of religion to justify the killing of innocent people and actions of terrorism, violence and coercion, which directly contradict the commitment of all religions to peace, justice and equality,” it added. Mr Ban said the challenge now was to move beyond “powerful, positive words” to “dialogue that delivers”. Heads of state, ambassadors and senior officials from some 70 countries addressed the meeting, including Saudi King Abdullah, US President George Bush, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Israeli President Shimon Peres, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Jordan’s King Abdullah
In the declaration, the General Assembly reiterated its call for “promoting a culture of tolerance and mutual understanding through dialogue, and supporting the initiatives of religious leaders, civil society, and states seeking to entrench the culture of peace, understanding, tolerance, and respect for human rights among the proponents of various faiths, cultures, and civilisations”
The participating states expressed their commitment to strengthening existing mechanisms within the United Nations for “promoting tolerance and human rights, preserving the institution of the family, protecting the environment, spreading education, eradicating poverty, and fighting drug abuse, crime and terrorism, noting the positive role of religions, beliefs and moral humanitarian principles in tackling these challenges”
Mr Ban voiced deep gratitude to the Saudi leader. “King Abdullah’s initiative has come at a time when the need for dialogue among religions, cultures and civilisations has never been greater. It has brought together people who might not otherwise have a chance to interact. Along with other initiatives, it will contribute to building a more harmonious world. “The challenge now is to go beyond the powerful, positive words we have heard these past two days. I pledge my full support to this effort. It may take time to see results, but I am convinced that this meeting was an important step forward”
On Wednesday, at the opening session, General Assembly President Miguel D’Escoto told participants that the world was facing its most difficult period since the founding of the UN
He urged global leaders to use their “moral strength” to find solutions to some of the greatest problems plaguing the planet, including poverty, hunger and climate change
Google headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel
*********************************************************** World de-population in the making: Tel Aviv may be the new Eugenics capital of the world ***********************************************************
Original Title: 'Google This'!
Google is a Public US company, and is in the main financed by US Pension Plans. It has an obligation to it's stockholders to run the business in an effective, competent and appropriate manner
Therefore the following question begs to be asked; " Does the establishing of a $50 million dollar research centre in Tel Aviv, paying extravagant salaries to Israeli workers, when such an operation could have been located in Bangladesh for example, at a fraction of the cost, fall within the remit of conducting business in an effective, competent and appropriate manner? "
In this sudden rush to Israel, Google is in good (depending on how you see the world) company. IBM, Sun Systems, Microsoft, Intel and others have all chosen Israel as a location in which to set up operations. Financially, this just does not make any sense Furthermore, why is a country made up overwhelmingly of Russian immigrants, with an average IQ of 90 such an attractive destination for these corporate giants ?
Tel Aviv is the tenth most expensive city in the world and as previously stated, salaries are high, and IQ levels not so much so, whereas Bangladesh can offer qualified hi tech workers at 1/5 of the price. It must be something of a ..bitter pill.. for Americans to consider that a US pension is paying some Israeli's $150,000 a year salary, when if work must be ..outsourced.. the money could be more wisely spent elsewhere
An additional abuse of the US by Israeli's is how American Universities such as Harvard are being frequented by students from Israel, who take student loans, then after graduation, disappear back to their ..homeland.. never repaying the loan, again it is the US taxpayer who picks up the bill
It is no secret that Google's founders, Larry Page and Russian born Sergey Brin are ..very.. interested in the Zionist State, and have known ties there. It should also be of interest to note that these two ..entrepreneurs.. were financed by Andy Bechtolsheim, the Co Founder of Sun Microsystems. All three are Jewish, and all three now have operation centres in Israel
Tel Aviv is internationally recognised not only as one of the world's ..Prostitution Capitals.., but also a centre for white slave trading in Russian Children. Additionally, it is a major player in drugs trafficking acting as a Trans-Shipment point for Heroin and Ecstasy
So, to summarise, our Autoworker in Detroit has his pension invested for him in Google, which funds a massive internet monitoring operation in Israel, paying huge salaries and building up the infrastructure in that country. His taxes pay for Israeli students to study at Harvard, while he struggle's to pay his bills and his children attend Community College
But there's so much more to this than meets the eye. Is it a coincidence that both of Google's founders are married to women who work in the Biotech field. Sergy Brin's wife, Anne Wojkicki is one of the founders of ..23 and me.., a ..personal.. genome website which promises to make ..sense.. of a customers genetic information. As one reader put it "Google + DNA Testing = the ultimate personal website". Or one could look at it another way. Why are so many of the top corporate ..magnates interested in DNA and Genome research. Bill and Melinda Gates are very active in sponsoring research in this field as well as being very generous to a certain pharmaceutical company in Denmark producing vaccines for Africa. As they say in Nairobi and elsewhere, " When the UN Doctors come a' calling, expectant mother's begin a'running "
This year, a US-UK led International Consortium announced the ..1000 Genomes.. Project, with the aim of producing the most detailed map of human genetic variation to date. Major support will be supplied by the ..Wellcome Trust Sanger.. Institute in the UK, China's Genomic's Institute, and the US Genome Research Institute. For anyone with half an interest in recent human history, the name ..Sanger.. should set the alarm bells ..a ringing... American Margaret Sanger was before WWII, the ..High Priestess.. of the Eugenics movement. She once said, " The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of it's infants is kill it". She was highly instrumental in the setting up of planning.. and was an outspoken advocate of selective birth and the genetic profiling and physiological ..means testing.. of prospective parents along with mandatory sterilisation for those considered unfit to procreate
What we are seeing here is the coming together of Big Business, IT, and Biotech Research. Names like Gates, Page and Brin together with their Biotech Researching wives, with a dash of Margaret Sanger's legacy thrown in
A vast control grid is being erected around the Globe for a given purpose. That purpose is the domination and control of planet earth and all who are allowed to ..sail.. on her. We can see this growing daily before our eyes. It is multi tasking on a grand scale. The endgame is a depopulated planet of around 1 billion. The majority, economic slaves to an elite group of ..carefully selected.. supermen and women, the ..Pages, Brins, Gates.. and their Illuminati/ Bildeberger fellow travellers no doubt
The concentration of resources being injected into biotech and genome research, combined with the many faceted depopulation methods which have and are being used across the globe to reduce fertility, induce sterility, cause miscarriages in the third world and encourage contraception and abortion in the so called ..developed world.. leads almost inevitably to the creation of a world where only the few ..blessed.. genetically superior beings live out their artificially prolonged lives in abject luxury where the rest exist in dispair
We are now looking into the abyss, when in the very near future, such a world could very likely become a reality. It is far more likely that Google + DNA = BIG Brother
Genome research need urgent public discussion. We must not allow the self appointed super rich elite to take control of the human gene. In the wrong hands, and misused, it would be the most terrible of all the weapons of mass destruction mankind has created to inflict upon itself
Lastly, perhaps our intrepid heroes, Page and Brin, and their fellows are locating to their ..promised land.. in good time Will Jerusalem become the Capital of their New World Order, with it's World Government, Army, Bank and microchipped population of worker slaves ?
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