
Arise and Shine

Survival Time Is NOW - Lock Up, Stock Up, Cock Your Guns, Part 1

Are you prepared for the coming starvation?

Associated Press Nov 28, 2008
Sign of Times: Record Crowd at Holiday Dinner
Organizers of a Thanksgiving dinner for the needy say the record crowd is a sign of the bleak US economy as the AP's John Mone reports

November 24, 2008 - 40,000 Swarm Farm To Gather Free Food

What will you eat after store shelves go empty?


You can now have 7 years of healthy food for 4 pennies a pound

Visit The Site: http://www. survivalistseeds. com/


Without a long term food solution, YOU will starve or become a slave The NWO
scientists are genetically modifying seeds to make us sick Sick people are easy to
control See what you are eating - http://www. roundupreadynation. com/index22. html


You need the insurance of having thousands of pounds of healthy food because
the store shelves will soon go empty and money will become worthless Growing
your own food will determine how much freedom you will have and your level of
suffering Growing food is simple and easy using my Secret Patriot Garden System

Non G. MO Seeds - http://www. survivalistseeds. com/

Knowledge is Power - http://universal-x-knowledge. blogspot. com/

START HOARDING FOOD AMERICANS! - Wallstreet Journal, April 2008
Food Riots Coming To U.
S - Counterpunch. com
Food riots in 20 nations including Cameroon, Egypt, Burkina Faso, Uzbekistan,
Yemen, Mexico City, Haiti, Senegal, Mauritania...MSNBC
FOOD PRICES UP - 34% this year USA, 28% in Europe, 18% in China...CNN

Patriot Alert: We are sliding from Stage 3 into Stage 4 orchestrated by the New World Order!
Your short term food supplies will run out! Survival depends on having LONG-TERM
(7+ years) food supplies because the N.W.
O is genetically manipulating seeds, food,
prices, monetary systems and you! Soon a loaf of bread will cost a bucket full of
money and people will starve What will you and your family eat?

Thursday, March 13, 2008 LAST NIGHTS SESSION WAS ONLY THE FOURTH TIME IN 176 YEARS THAT CONGRESS CLOSED ITS DOORS TO THE PUBLIC Word has begun leaking from last nights special, closed-door session of the United States House of Representatives. Not only did members discuss new surveillance provisions as was the publicly stated reason for the closed door session, they also discussed: the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008, the imminent collapse of US federal government finances by February 2009, the possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse, advance round-ups of "insurgent U.S.
citizens" likely to move against the government, The detention of those rounded-up at "REX 84" camps constructed throughout the USA, the possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses

Truth: Without a long term food solution, YOU will starve or become a slave. The N.W.
scientists are genetically modifying seeds to make us sick Sick people are easy to

Never Run Out of Food - http://www. survivalistseeds. com/

Hard times have some flirting with survivalism

Economic angst has Americans stockpiling 'beans, bullets and Band-Aids’

Oct 21, 2008
By Kari Huus

http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/27244465

SEATTLE - Atash Hagmahani is not waiting for the stock market to recover.
The former high-tech professional turned urban survivalist has already moved his money into safer investments: Rice and beans, for starters

“I hoard food,” says Hagmahani, 44, estimating that he has enough to last his family a year or two.
“I’m not ashamed to admit it”

“People keep asking when this (economic crisis) is going to clear up,” says Hagmahani, who agreed to be interviewed on the condition that he be identified only by the pseudonym he uses for his survivalist blog, or by his first name, Rob

The answer, he predicts, is that the country is entering what he calls a “Greater Depression.
” “Maybe they jolly well better get used to the change in lifestyle”

Hagmahani is not alone in concluding that desperate times call for serious preparations

With foreclosure rates running rampant, financial institutions teetering and falling, prices for many goods and services climbing, and jobs being slashed, many Americans are making preparations for worse times ahead. For some, that means cutting spending and saving more.
For others, it means taking a step into survivalism, once regarded solely as the province of religious End-of-Timers, sci-fi fans and extremists

That often manifests itself as a desire to secure basic emergency resources — what survival guru Jim Wesley Rawles describes as “beans, bullets and Band-Aids”

Rawles, speaking by phone from an “undisclosed location” somewhere between the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains, said he has seen traffic on his Web site, SurvivalBlog. com, explode in the last year

Getting ready for ‘TEOTWAWKI’
“There are a lot more people — a lot more eager people — who are trying to get themselves squared away logistically,” said Rawles, who lectures and writes books on preparing for and surviving “TEOTWAWKI” — The End Of The World As We Know It

Read The Rest HERE

Russia Today - As the world wakes up to the affects of climate change, more and more Russians are ditching city life for some fresh country air.
They are taking the usual 'dacha' living one step further by living off the land all year round

Fred Lanphear, a member of the Fellowship for Intentional Community board, speaks about his values from Songaia Community in Washington state

Peak Moment 84: O.U.R. stands for "One United Resource," expressing how interdependence and inclusion undergird this 25 acre demonstration sustainable community on Vancouver Island. This model ecovillage comprises natural buildings, a school, long- and short-term residences, extensive gardens, greenhouses, and even a bed & breakfast.
Brandy Gallagher MacPherson describes how they created an entirely new zoning category by building relationships with regulatory agencies that go beyond "us versus them" [www. ourecovillage. org]

Fellowship for Intentional Community

Checkout website http://fic. ic. org/

Promoting Community Living and Cooperative Lifestyles Across North America
The Fellowship for Intentional Community nurtures connections and cooperation among communitarians and their friends.
We provide publications, referrals, support services, and sharing opportunities for a wide range of intentional communities, cohousing groups, ecovillages, community networks, support organizations, and people seeking a home in community

Intentional Communities have for many centuries been places where idealists have come together to create a better world. Although there are thousands of intentional communities in existence today, and many others in the formative stages, most people are unaware of them or the roots from which they spring. The Fellowship is increasing public awareness of existing and newly forming communities.
We offer information and referrals for those who are actively seeking, or simply curious about, alternate lifestyles for themselves and their families

Communities come in all shapes and sizes, and share many similar challenges -- such as defining membership, succeeding financially, distributing resources, making decisions, raising children, dividing work equitably, and choosing a standard of living. Many wrestle with questions about right livelihood, spiritual expression, land use, and the role of service in our lives. At the same time, there is limited awareness of what others are doing to meet these challenges -- and much to gain through sharing information and experiences with others exploring similar paths.
The Fellowship documents the visions and experiences of life in community, and actively promotes dialogue and cooperation among communities

Intentional communities are often aware of themselves as different from mainstream culture, and many choose to highlight these differences. Yet, virtually all communities share a common root value of cooperation.
The Fellowship facilitates the extension of cooperation beyond membership boundaries and common values, understanding that differences can be a cause for celebration, and an occasion for enrichment and growth The Fellowship is helping draw the circles of cooperation ever larger, and assisting with the personal stretching that this requires In that spirit, FIC membership is open to everyone

Ecovillage website: http://www. ecovillage. org/

To engage the peoples of the Americas in common effort to join the global transformation towards an ecologically, economically, and culturally sustainable future

ENA serves as the Western Hemisphere representative of the Global Ecovillage Network
ENA works to unite cultures from North, Central and South Americas and the Caribbean to become a unified force in the ecovillage and sustainability movements
Building a Strong Foundation
Since its conception in 1995, ENA has built a strong organizational structure We have:

A 19 seat Council representing nine regions:
Southern South America, Northern South America, Brazil, Mesoamerica, Caribbean, United States West, United States East, Canada, and Mobile Ecovillage initiatives in the Americas
A large core group of volunteers serving on project committees, and, in Ecovillage Contact Offices in 18 countries in the Americas

Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 11/10/08

A Guide To Hiding Out and Eluding Pursuit in Remote Areas

by Michael Chesbro

Do you need to get away from the pressures of the world and the gaze of Big Brother for a while? Do you plan to live or work in a remote area where you need to be able to take care of yourself? Do you want to develop the skills to remain undiscovered in the back country - even if others are searching for you? If so, Wilderness Evasion is for you. You don't have to be on the run to benefit from this unique survival book: it includes skills you can use every day in your real life. Whether you're heading into the woods for evasion purposes or just a little relaxation, you should know what this manual can teach you about survival medicine, emergency caching, communications, food and water procurement and storage, counter anti-tracking, and the psychological aspects of being alone in the back country, among other things. The ability to remain alive, self-reliant and in control of your environment - even in the remotest of areas - is one that few people possess these days. Learning the skills taught in this book can keep you alive for as long as you need to be in the wilderness.
For academic study only

Michael Chesbro is a retired senior counterintelligence agent from the U.S. Department of Defense Special Operations.
He holds degrees in security management and jurisprudence and is a graduate of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center His other books include: The Complete Guide to E-Security, Freeware Encryption and Security Programs, and Privacy for Sale

Wilderness Evasion a Guide to Hiding Out and Eluding Pursuit in Rem... .. Get your own at Scribd or explore others: Windows Diseases language data ..


http://www. nitro-pak. com/

Scary Parallels of 2008 vs 1929 Stock Market Crash & Depression

by Harry R Weyandt, Nitro-Pak® President

October 10, 2008 Nitro-Pak Preparedness Center, Inc

I'm not trying to get real technical here, but look closely at the similarities between the U.S. Stock Market Crash of 1929, the crash of the Japanese Stock Market Crash of 1990, and our current U.S.
Stock Market Crash
Wow, when I saw the above chart laying out the 3 crashes on top of each other, it took my breath away. Talk about history repeating itself...HOLY COW!!!

Without a doubt, human nature does not change much overtime.
Individual and collective greed and fear drives the stock and real estate markets, not only in the US, but the rest of the world Does this ring any bells for you with what's happening right now??

Read on an hold on to your seat for a scary prospect of our future.
I have taken the liberty to point out in blue type in the article below the ery similarities of what is happening today compared to the Crash of October 29, 1929 and the beginning of THE GREAT DEPRESSION

Will another Great Depression happen to us? That's the trillion dollar question. Only time will tell. I for one hopes we do not, but feeling either way that it is always a wise and prudent INVESTMENT to prepare for the possible upsides ans well as the downsides... just-in-case

One cannot prepare for every eventuality of life, but you can make a few preparations to lessen their possible impacts on your and your family.
What ever you do, don't get overwhelmed and decide its to "hard" and that its "hopeless"

If you can't afford to do all your preparations all at once, don't let that stop you. Make a plan and break it down into small bite sized pieces as your budget will allow.
Just systematically put your plan together

In my opinion, the following look at the 1929 Great Depression is a "BLAST-from-the-past" WARNING for us to seriously ponder right now! Do you think for one moment that those folks back in 1929 saw the "Great Depression" coming?

Do you think that some might have been in denial back then? (How about today?). Even after the "crash" of 'Black Monday' October 29, 1929 occurred, did everyone try to sell? No, not even close. The stock market "only" lost 12% on that day.
It took 3 more years to drop by 90% of its value.

Views: 2

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