
Arise and Shine

Secret Citibank Memo Predicts TOTAL CHAOS By 2010
You will see that these things have already been planned and thought out in advance, and spurred on by government secret services. These things will come about through manipulation, just as the LA riots did, and the way that wars are started. The government plans and manipulates people and situations, and sends out their top flunkies to get the job done. If the people were not so deliberately dumbed down, and dead headed, they might realize what is happening to them. It's a sad situation, but a planned one. There are a few that are warned in advance by the government, and wouldn't you know that some of those few are in the banking industry.

LA Riot 1992 remembered – Can you imagine as this time around its about a NATIONAL meltdown in every sector you can imagine

Walmart stampeded death is only the TIP of the iceberg

RE: Secret Citibank Memo says Civil Disorder by 2010

http://www. naturalnews. com/News_000556_gold_civil_unrest_financia...
Financial Disaster Will Lead to Civil Disorder in 2009 or 2010, Says Secret Citibank Memo

Mike Adams
Natural News
November 29, 2008

An internal memo from a top Citibank analyst reveals what the banks really think about the global financial situation, and the outlook is grim

"The world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done.
When the dust settles this will either work, and the money they have pushed into the system will feed through into an inflation shock," wrote Tom Fitzpatrick, Citibank’s chief technical strategist

He goes on to explain that the massive money creation efforts by the Federal Reserve and other central banks will end with one of two things: A resurgence of inflation, or a fall into "depression, civil disorder and possibly wars." Either outcome, he says, will cause the price of gold to skyrocket.
Gold will push to well over $2,000 per ounce, he explains

The timing on all this? Sometime in either 2009 or 2010, said the analyst

This coincides with predictions I’ve made here on NaturalNews. com, where I’ve publicly predicted price inflation of 20% - 40% in 2009, and the financial collapse of the United States government (sometime before 2025) due to an irreversible debt burden

I’ve also predicted that when the people wake up and realize their dollars have been looted by the Treasury and turned into worthless pieces of paper, there will be riots in the streets

These events have already been set into motion. It is now only a matter of time until they bubble to the surface. On the day the mainstream taxpayers actually figure all this out, don’t be caught out in public.
Stay home.

Views: 2

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