
Arise and Shine

I am pretty sure Obama will charm the angered Russian bear... not like Russian president Medvedev did not announce that the US Israeli funded and trained Georgian invasion was Russia's 9-11 catastrophe - Obama's war advisor Brzezinski wants to attack Russia and China anyway

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev speaks during his annual state of the nation speech in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, Nov 5, 2008

Russia to deploy short-range missiles near Poland

Associated Press Wed Nov 5, 2008

http://news. yahoo. com/s/ap/20081105/ap_on_re_eu/eu_russia_medvedev

MOSCOW – Russia will deploy short-range missiles near Poland to counter U.S.
military plans in Eastern Europe, President Dmitry Medvedev warned Wednesday, setting a combative tone that clashed with global goodwill over Barack Obama's election

In his first state of the nation speech, Medvedev blamed Washington for the war in Georgia and the world financial crisis and suggested it was up to Washington to mend badly damaged ties

Medvedev also proposed increasing the Russian presidential term to six years from four — a change that could deepen Western concern over democracy in Russia and play into the hands of his mentor, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who has not ruled out a return to the Kremlin

Read The Rest HERE

U. S.: Russia's relocation of missile "disappointing" 2008-11-06

October 22, 2008 - Russian Army Exercise - Stability 2008 (part 1)

October 22, 2008 - Russian Army Exercise - Stability 2008 (part 2)

A new intercontinental ballistic missile, called the RS-24, was launched at the Plesetsk launch site, northwestern Russia, Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Russia reforging its nuclear shield

RIA Novosti
10/ 28/ 2008

http://en. rian. ru/analysis/20081028/117996812. html

(RIA Novosti military commentator Ilya Kramnik) - The introduction of the RS-24 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) in 2009 will be the most important phase in the renewal of the Russian Strategic Missile Force (SMF) after the adoption of the Topol-M

For the first time in post-Soviet Russia, a new ground-based MIRV-equipped missile system will be adopted by Russia's military

There is little information on the performance of the new RS-24.
According to the most reliable sources, this missile, developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology like the Topol-M, is in fact a further development of the latter, with an improved third stage and dispensing mechanism, the so-called "bus," from the RSM-56 Bulava ICBM

The new missile should have a range of 11,000 km or more, and the warheads are most likely to have a yield of between 150 and 300 kilotons each. The RS-24 will hold an interposition between the Topol-M with a 550-kiloton single warhead, though in the future it could be tipped with three individually targeted warheads with a yield between 150 and 300 kilotons, and heavy lift launch vehicles RS-20 Voevoda, carrying up to 10 warheads, 750 kilotons each.
The RS-24 is therefore likely to be comparable in performance with the silo-based liquid-fueled UR-100 NUTTH

Aside from the warheads, the RS-24 carries missile defense penetration systems, hindering enemy detection and interception, which makes the new missile a valuable asset amid the deployment of U.S.
global missile defense

Like the Topol-M, the RS-24 could be specified in either a silo-based or a mobile version, which would increase the Russian SMF's versatility.
With the current production capacity, by the beginning of the next decade, up to 15 ICBMs, including five to six RS-24s, could be delivered to the military annually, keeping the ICBM numbers at the required level

With the RS-24 entering service, the structure of the Russian SMF in the coming decade looks clear. Along with the Topol-M, the new missile will form the backbone of the SMF, their number totaling up to 250 and 60, respectively, by the end of the next decade. Additionally, by 2020, several dozens of Topol and UR-100 NUTTH ICBMs will remain in service. A new heavy missile is also expected to replace the RS-20 Voevoda ICBM.
All in all, the SMF would include about 300 to 350 missiles of various types with 800 warheads

The backbone of the Naval Strategic Nuclear Force will be liquid-fueled RSM-54 Sineva ICBMs, installed on six 667BDRM nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines, which will have their life cycle extended into late 2020s, and cutting-edge solid-fuel RSM-56 Bulava ICBMs on 955/955À submarines. The navy plans to commission eight missile submarines of the above-mentioned class to replace the 667BDR submarines.
By 2020, the Russian navy will most likely have between 12 and 14 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines carrying between 192 and 224 missiles with 800 to 900 warheads

Strategic aviation will go on with the employment of the Tu-95MS and Tu-160 bombers, as the new advanced strategic bomber will not enter service before 2020.
The balance in bombers class numbers is likely to change, however, with Tu-95s down to between 40 and 48 from the current 68, and Tu-160 up to between 22 and 24 from the current 16

Therefore, before the end of the next decade, the total potential of Russia's nuclear triad is estimated to be between 1,600 and 1,900 warheads. Is it a big figure? On the one hand, with the given deployment of U.S. missile defenses, this number of warheads doesn't seem so.
On the other hand, the rapidly increased defense penetration capability of Russian nuclear weapons will make this inventory sufficient to inflict unacceptable damage to an attacker, whoever it may be

October 2008, More Russian Navy Ships Head For Venezuela

Inside Story - Russian military spending - 14 Oct 08

Russia blasts off back to the future

Scotland Sunday News
By Thom Shanker

AS THEY tracked Russian military manoeuvres last week, the US government's Kremlin-watchers might have been forgiven for wondering if they were seeing recycled newsreels

A huge exercise, Stability 2008, spread tens of thousands of troops, thousands of vehicles and scores of combat aircraft across nearly all 11 time zones of Russian territory in the largest war game since the collapse of the Soviet Union

There was no specified enemy, but the Russian forces appeared to be enacting a nationwide effort to quell unrest along Russia's southern border – and to repulse a US-led attack by Nato forces, according to experts in Moscow and Washington

In a grim finale, commanders launched three intercontinental ballistic missiles, the type that can carry multiple nuclear warheads. It was a clear signal of the drastic endgame the Kremlin might consider should its conventional forces not hold.
One of the missiles flew more than 7,100 miles, allowing Russian officials to claim they had set a distance record

If these images of Russian power projection appeared drawn from the dark decades of Dr Strangelove, the response from Washington was anything but.
Defence secretary Robert Gates and admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, provided the same sanguine reply, echoed down through the ranks of government analysts who have spent years reading Russian military journals and scrutinising classified satellite photographs

Read The Rest HERE

Over 100 silo-based Stilettos are currently in service with the SMF, with each missile carrying six 550-kiloton warheads RS-18 will be gradually replaced by new RS-24 ICBMs, equipped with MIRV warheads and characterized by its high missile-defense penetration capability - Russia extended the service life of the Stiletto missile to 31 years following a successful test launch in October 2007

Over the past five years Russia conducted 31 test launches of RS-12M (SS-25 Sickle), R-18 (SS-19 Stiletto) and RS-20 (SS-18 Satan) ICBMs and will double the number of test launches after 2009

Russia's SMF regularly launch missiles to test their performance characteristics and decide whether they can remain in service

October 14, 2008 - Russian president Dimity Medvedev attended the launch of a long-range Topol missile on the northeast coast of Siberia.
Medvedev says he intends to do more testings and to build new weapons

Oct 12, 2008 - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has watched the test firing of an intercontinental Topol missile and vowed to commission new-generation weapons for his country's armed forces

10-12-2008 - Russia test-fired long-range ballistic missiles Sunday as President Dmitri Medvedev pledged to build up the country's armed capabilities – Russian nuclear navy fleet reaching US backyard VENEZUELA

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, right, and Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov visit Plesetsk cosmodrome in northern Russia, Saturday, Oct. 11, 2008. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has spent the weekend watching missile tests.
After watching Saturday a submarine-launched ballistic missile, a part of naval exercises being staged in the northern Barents Sea, Medvedev witnessed a test-firing of a 21-year-old Topol ICBM on Sunday at a rain-soaked launch site in the northern forests

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev (R) and Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov (L) visit Plesetsk cosmodrome in northern Russia, October 11, 2008. Russia fired a long-range Topol missile from Plesetsk on Sunday.
Before the launch, President Medvedev personally inspected the RS-12M Topol, also called the SS-25 Sickle by NATO Picture taken October 11, 2008

Russia’s nuclear deterrent in good shape: Medvedev

The Hindu
Vladimir Radyuhin

http://www. hindu. com/2008/10/13/stories/2008101352841400. htm

MOSCOW: Russia has successfully test-fired four long-range nuclear-capable missiles over the weekend in an unprecedented show of force that has not been seen since the Cold War era

On Sunday, two nuclear submarines deployed in the Sea of Okhotsk, north of Japan, and the Barents Sea, northeast of Norway, simultaneously test-fired Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM), which hit targets at the opposite extreme of the country

A third missile, Topol, was fired from a mobile land-launcher at the Plisetsk space centre in northwest Russia.
A day earlier, a nuclear submarine test-fired the new ICBM Sineva in the Barents Sea
Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev, who was present at the Sineva’s launch on Saturday, and watched the Topol launch on Sunday, said the country’s nuclear deterrent was “in good shape” and “new weapon systems” will be inducted in the future. The missile launches were part of the “Stability 2008” war games, the biggest strategic manoeuvres by Russia since the break-up of the Soviet Union.
The exercise involved nearly 50,000 troops and over 7,000 pieces of heavy-war gear, including aircraft, ships and nuclear missiles

October 11, 2008 - Russia's President Dimitry Medvedev has witnessed the launch of the intercontinental missile Sineva, The ministry of defence says the rocket reached its longest distance yet 11,547 kilometres

All set to go - time to nuke those greedy bloodsucking Zionist capitalist Luciferians in USA and Europe - Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev visits a Russian aircraft carrier in the Barents Sea, Oct 11, 2008

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev (L), Commander of Russia's Strategic Missile Forces Col-Gen Nikolai Solovtsov (C) and Defence Minister Anatoli Serdyukov visit cosmodrome Plesetsk, which is nestled among the taiga forests of Russia's north, Oct 12, 2008

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev (R) and Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov visit Plesetsk cosmodrome in northern Russia, Oct 11, 2008

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev (R) visits a Russian aircraft carrier in the Barents Sea, Oct 11, 2008

Medvedev observing a submarine-launched ballistic missile test from the cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov on Saturday

Russia tests long-range missile - Oct 12, 2008 - Russia's President Dimity Medvedev oversees the missile test and says that new weapons will be made, The intercontinental Topol was launched from a truck and reached its target on the Kamchatka peninsula 30 minutes later, The RS-12M Topol, called the SS-25 Sickle by NATO, has a maximum range of 10,000 km (6,125 miles) It is a highly mobile missile designed in Soviet times, The Topol is a key part of Russia's nuclear deterrent

Russia's Medvedev observes test launch of Topol ICBM

RIA Novosti

http://en. rian. ru/russia/20081012/117687736. html

PLESETSK (Arkhangelsk Region, northern Russia), October 12 (RIA Novosti) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev observed on Sunday the test launch of a Topol intercontinental ballistic missile from the Plesetsk space center in northern Russia

The missile was launched by Russia's Strategic Missile Force at 11:24 a.
m Moscow time (7:24 GMT)

Topol (SS-25 Sickle) is a single-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) approximately the same size and shape as the U.S.
Minuteman ICBM The first Topol missiles became operational in 1985

Although the service life of the SS-25 was extended to 21 years after a series of successful test launches last year, the missile will be progressively retired over the next decade and be replaced by a mobile version of the Topol-M (SS-27 Sickle B) missile

On Saturday, Medvedev also observed military exercises of the Northern Fleet in the Barents Sea, including a full-range test of the Sineva ballistic missile that traveled a record 11,547 km (7,170 miles)

The exercises test Russia's strategic and regional deterrent and the structures of the Northern Fleet, particularly in relation to the naval strategic nuclear forces

An aide to the Russian navy commander said it was the first time a submarine had launched the Sineva ballistic missile to its maximum range

"For the first time in Navy history, the launch was not to the Kura test range in Kamchatka [Russian Far East], but to the area of an equatorial part of the Pacific," Captain 1st rank Igor Dygalo said, adding that the launch was made to check the preparedness of naval strategic nuclear forces

The Sineva launch was made as part of the Dvina tactical exercises of the Russian Northern Fleet, which are also part of larger-scale Stability-2008 exercises conducted with Belarus that started in September and will run until October 21

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev visits cosmodrome Plesetsk, which is nestled among the taiga forests of Russia's north, Oct 12, 2008

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev (L) listens to a report as he visits cosmodrome Plesetsk, which is nestled among the taiga forests of Russia's north, Oct 12, 2008

Russia test-fires ballistic missile to mid-Pacific

Sat Oct 11, 5:38 AM ET

http://news. yahoo. com/s/nm/20081011/wl_nm/us_russia_missile_pacific

MURMANSK, Russia (Reuters) - Russia for the first time test-launched a strategic missile to the equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean on Saturday, a navy spokesman said

The spokesman said a Sineva missile had been launched from the nuclear-powered submarine Tula in the Arctic Barents Sea in the course of military exercises observed by President Dmitry Medvedev

"For the first time in the history of the Russian navy, the target of the missile was in an equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean rather than the Kura testing ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula," he said

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev visits a Russian aircraft carrier in the Barents Sea, Oct 11, 2008

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev visits a Russian aircraft carrier in the Barents Sea, Oct 11, 2008

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev visits a Russian aircraft carrier in the Barents Sea, Oct 11, 2008

October 20, 2008 - Joint Russian-Indian company, BrahMos Aerospace, is the producer of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile that can travel almost three times faster then sound

New hypersonic missile to be 'uninterceptable'

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