
Arise and Shine

Rosh Chodesh for the 10th month ~ All this the day before 'the month of Anguish'- Gaza Bombed

Rosh Chodesh for the 10th month ~ All this the day before 'the month of Anguish'

All this the day before 'the month of Anguish' which began at sundown 12/27/08. (See notes on the month below the article links) Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem & for our leadership's wisdom to sow righteousness into the situation.

225 killed as Israel rains fire on Hamas in the Gaza Strip

At 11:30 a.m., more than 50 fighter jets and attack helicopters swept into Gazan airspace and dropped more than 100 bombs on 50 targets. The planes reported "alpha hits," IAF lingo for direct hits on the targets, which included Hamas bases, training camps, headquarters and offices.

Thirty minutes later, a second wave of 60 jets and helicopters struck at 60 targets, including underground Kassam launchers - placed inside bunkers and missile silos - that had been fitted with timers.|0|8CB36E6FF2AF530|
Photo: 12-27-08

Palestinian firefighters offering help at the site of a Hamas security compound
following an IAF missile strike in the Gaza Strip on Saturday. (AP)

Hamas' Mashaal: Launch third intifada

'This is only the beginning'
IDF's first assault on Hamas infrastructure ends
as next step in op awaits chief of staff's orders

Arab world slams Israel for Gaza op

World leaders call for halt to violence

Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 06:21:42 PM EDT
IDF mobilizing tanks in event
of Gaza ground incursion - Ynet
Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 02:47:11 PM EDT
Israel Vows to Expand Gaza
Airstrikes as Death Toll Passes
200 - Fox
Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 11:30:11 AM EDT
World leaders call for halt
to violence - J'lem Post
Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 11:28:36 AM EDT
Vatican calls for end to
Middle East violence -
Jerusalem Post
Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 11:13:43 AM EDT
Honolulu Suffers Major Power
Outage as Obama Visits - CNN
Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 07:39:12 AM EDT
Pakistan moves troups
to India border - CNN
Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 07:14:20 AM EDT
Prepare for more rockets - Israeli
operation in Gaza will see
southern communities facing
major assault (Part 2 in analysis) -
Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 07:07:07 AM EDT
'Iran Red Crescent vessel
heads to Gaza' - J'lem Post

Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 01:30:11 AM EDT
Yemen to build ghetto for Jews;
plan to build secured residential
compound in capital of San'a -
Friday, Dec 26, 2008 08:51:15 PM EDT
Peres warns Obama against talks
with current Iranian leadership -
Jerusalem Post

Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 07:02:39 AM EDT
Eligibility remains focus of Supremes' conferences - Dispute posted on docket twice after Electoral College votes in - WND

Sunday, Dec 28, 2008 12:21:39 AM EDT
2008 was the year man-made
global warming was disproved -
Christopher Booker
Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 06:23:52 PM EDT
How Israel led Hamas into
false sense of security -
Roni Sofer
Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 07:42:20 AM EDT
Iran and Hamas do Christmas -
Caroline B. Glick
Saturday, Dec 27, 2008 07:17:48 AM EDT
Dangerous equation - Anti-Semitism
and Islamaphobia - Benjamin Weinthal
Friday, Dec 26, 2008 07:14:49 PM EDT
Obama mansion 'owned' by
Tony Rezko attorney: Lawyer at
firm where Democrat worked
receives property tax bill - WND

Rosh Chodesh Tevet

New/ Head of Month = Tevet the 10th month

(Babylonian meaning = Good (from “Tov”); Biblical theme = Divine Grace ~ the 2nd of 4 months without harvesting)

On the 1st of Tevet (TODAY, 12/28/08), Yechoniah, King of Yehudah, was exiled together with the Sages and the nobility, members of the family of royalty, of Yerushalayim {See the terrible events that followed in the notes below for ‘Rosh Chodesh Tevet’}. The day was not however designated as a public fast day. In Ezra 10:16, on the 1st of Tevet/ the 10th month, the matter of Ezra 9:1-10:17 was examined {“not separating themselves from the people of the lands, and are doing according to their abominations”; ‘daugthers’ & ‘strange wives’ is a biblical term for pagan rituals/ religions… what we commonly see today in paganized Christianity ~ this is the pig-pen condition of Prodigal Ephraim.}

Est. 2:16, Psm. 51:17, Num. 10:10, Deut. 6:3-9 & Lev. 19:18, Matt. CH. 6, & Num. 6:24-26.

Also, the Shemoneh Esreh/ the Eighteen Blessings

Night Eight: John 3:1-8 & 12-21, 1 John 1:5-9, Philippians 2:14-16, 2 Sam 22:1-3, & 17-33 (or Psm. Ch. 18)

Sundown, Sat, 27th Dec. 2008 thru Sundown Sun., 28th Dec. 2008

1st of Tevet, 5769

Chanukah: 8 Candles

Rosh Chodesh Tevet = the 10th month

‘A Month of Anguish’: During the month of Tevet, 3 fast days are observed, the 8th, 9th, and 10th of the month {Jan 4th, 5th, & 6th 2009 respectively}, in commemoration of the 3 major calamities which befell the People of Yisrael. The fast days of the 8th and 9th of Tevet are called ‘fast-days-for-the-righteous’, as on these days, only individuals who choose to, fast, whereas the fast of the 10th of Tevet is a public fast obligating the entire Jewish {and those who join to YHWH as in Isa. 56 & in Zech. 8:18} community. As it is said (Lev. 26) ‘And they shall confess their transgressions and the transgressions of their fathers.’ (Rambam: Hilchot Ta’anit Ch. 5) WHAT HAPPENED?: On the 8th of Tevet, at the beginning of the “Greek Era”, the Torah was translated into Greek by the decree of King Ptolemy, in about the year 313 BCE, according to the Bayit Sheni Timeline presented in the Chanukah Section, which locates the date of the Destruction of the First Temple in 423 BCE. This corresponds to the approximate year of 476 BCE, according to the alternate timeline which locates the Destruction at 586 BCE. That day was regarded as equally calamitous for Yisrael as the day on which the Golden Calf was made, since it is impossible to adequately translate the Torah. The Translation of the Seventy was completed on the 8th of Tevet (Ptolemy’s isolation of 72 Elders to translate the Torah {As the history tells, Ptolemy wanted to prove that the Torah was man-made by requiring each of the 72 Elders to be isolated from one another and accurately translate the Torah from Hebrew into Greek. Instead it was proved that the Torah was indeed written by YHWH in that all 72 Elders translated each word of Torah into the very same Greek words as each of the other Elders! This is where YHWH used what the enemy meant for evil for His perfect purposes… furthermore, these translations make it possible to find where the ‘lying pen of the scribes’ have purposely mistranslated parts of the “New Testament” in favor of a Torahless Messiah & the “church” replacing Israel. Only YHWH could do all that with such foresight!}). Moving backwards in time, the 9th of Tevet commemorates the death of both Ezra the Scribe and Nechemia, two of our greatest leaders, who faithfully led Yisrael during the return from Babylonian captivity... It is said of him that had the Torah not been given to Yisrael through Moshe, it would have been given to Yisrael through Ezra. On the 10th of Tevet (Asara B'Tevet עשרה בטבת/ Fast commemorating the siege of Jerusalem. [more from]), Nevuchadnetzar, King of Babylonia, laid siege to Yerushalayim (2 Ki. 25). In modern Yisrael, the 10th of Tevet has been designated as Yom Hakaddish Haklali – the day on which we mourn those whose date or place of death is unknown. On the 1st of Tevet, Yechoniah, King of Yehudah, was exiled together with the Sages and the nobility, members of the family of royalty, of Yerushalayim. The day was not however designated as a public fast day. [from: ]

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