
Arise and Shine

Plot To Disrupt Inauguration Could Start Martial Law

Colin Powell - Crisis on January 21 or 22

Click To Watch: Nov 22, 2008 - LaRouche Fields Question on British ...

LaRouche's November 22nd Warning:
The British Will Attempt To Assassinate President-Elect Obama

I do believe that with all of the hate mongers around, the Brits will not be the only ones gunning for this fellow. And let us not forget the H1N5 pandemic that is also planned for us. It could very well be releases at the very same time, and then it is only a matter of time before it reaches your house. Martial Law will be enforces during the pandemics as well, because these soldiers have not been training to pick up mass causality victims for nothing. That really would be a mess. A dead president, and vice president as well, and who will get the job then? You have it. It's Hillary. Then we have Hillary and a pandemic on top of that with at least 85% of the population effected. Messy, messy, messy!!!


Daily Paul
November 24th, 2008

http://www. dailypaul. com/node/74034

http://www. larouchepac. com/news/2008/11/22/lyndon-larouches-novem...

Lyndon LaRouche's November 22nd Warning: The British Will Attempt To Assassinate President-Elect Obama

NOV. 22, 2008 (LPAC) -- Lyndon LaRouche today issued his most emphatic warning to date on the danger of a British-authored assassination of President-elect Barack Obama. Using the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the British-run assassination of President John F. Kennedy, LaRouche warned that the greatest danger of an assassination of the President-elect would be before the scheduled Jan. 20, 2009 inauguration--while George W.
Bush is still the President and while Dick Cheney is still in office as his Vice President

“The most dangerous and devastating thing that could happen to the United States, and, by extension, to the world as a whole, is an assassination of Barack Obama, while George Bush is still occupying the White House. This means that the greatest danger is the period between today and Jan.
20, 2009, when Barack Obama is to be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States,” LaRouche declared

“The opportunity to create the kind of national emergency, from which American democracy would never re-emerge, is too overwhelming for the British to pass up,” LaRouche emphasized. “Look at the global financial disintegration, which has been underway since July 2007, precisely as I warned in my July 25, 2007 webcast. The Anglo-Dutch liberal system of globalization, free trade, and unfettered speculation is dead. What the British financial oligarchy fears, under these current conditions, more than anything else is an American revival of the policies last seen during the Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Their hatred of FDR almost matches their hatred of Abraham Lincoln.
And the British, as the official record even shows, assassinated President Lincoln”

LaRouche explained, “Lincoln was just reelected to a second term as President, and the British were horrified at the prospects of what Lincoln would do.
The British-sponsored Confederacy was defeated, and they hated everything that Lincoln represented, and everything that Lincoln was now in a position to do, with an industrially developed United States, poised to become a continental republic, with the completion of the Trans-Continental Railroad”

From the earliest days of our republic, LaRouche explained, “the British have assassinated American republican leaders, beginning with the assassination of former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, at the hands of British East India Company traitorous agent Aaron Burr, continuing with the assassination of President Lincoln, President William McKinley, and President John F.
Kennedy, 45 years ago today

“The British know that an assassination of President-elect Obama, while George Bush is still in power, would tear the United States apart, and lay the basis for the kind of lockdown of the system, that would mean the end--after more than 200 years--of our Constitutional Republic. What happened, under Bush and Cheney, following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York City and the Pentagon, gives a taste of the kind of top-down repression that Cheney and his puppet George W.
Bush would impose, under the conditions of chaos set off by an assassination of the President-elect,” LaRouche explained

“I consider it the very top national security priority to prevent this British treason.
If there is so much as an attempt on the life of the President-elect, as the British media has been promoting it, ever since election day, the whole world shall know the address from which the plot was hatched,” LaRouche concluded

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Associated Press
Nov 15, 2008

WASHINGTON (AP) — Threats against a new president historically spike right after an election, but from Maine to Idaho law enforcement officials are seeing more against Barack Obama than ever before. The Secret Service would not comment or provide the number of cases they are investigating. But since the Nov. 4 election, law enforcement officials have seen more potentially threatening writings, Internet postings and other activity directed at Obama than has been seen with any past president-elect, said officials aware of the situation who spoke on condition of anonymity because the issue of a president's security is so sensitive. Earlier this week, the Secret Service looked into the case of a sign posted on a tree in Vay, Idaho, with Obama's name and the offer of a "free public hanging.
" In North Carolina, civil rights officials complained of threatening racist graffiti targeting Obama found in a tunnel near the North Carolina State University campus

Or symbol of a black lady to be widowed?

Caroline Kennedy: Obama Will Be “A President Like My Father ...

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