
Arise and Shine

Our Founding Fathers warned us of Greed

I was helping my 13 year old son in the 8th grade with his history homework. When our founding Fathers were creating the Constitution, they looked back in history, to TRY & avoid past mistakes made in history and one of them was the fall of the Rome Empire. They called it the Rome Warning in my son's history book and it said something like, our government will fail if luxury and comfort is valuabl More..e more than independence.

This below is whats from the link Founding Fathers:

It's certainly true that some philosophers in the Greco-Roman tradition warned against the excesses of power, and America's Founding Fathers often quoted them, as did John Calvin and the Puritans, but on the whole it was a debauched slave-state, and the Founders more often referred to Rome as a warning of what would happen if America abandoned its Biblical quest to be " a City on a Hill":

Sound familar, look at what's happening to our country now, greed in Wall Street, bribery among lobbyist, selling government position, president elections spend millions and millions of dollars just to vote for a president. Now greed is taking over our country, the rich want to get richer, even if it scarifies everyday Americans, we are losing our middle class families, because the rich wanted to get richer.

Are there any good people in our government? Money is power, not character, wisdom, knowledge, & scarifies to keep our country running great for all Americans.

God Bless America.

My only hope is that all this greed will catch up to these people in Wall Street and our government, and we will hit bottom and the only way getting out is with a wise, unselfish leader. We have too many selfish people in the US and money is power, but now there will be no money and we will suffer and our only answer is wisdom like our founding fathers.

I own my own business and when competition came into the area, I had the choice to get out or scarify by working longer hours, take less pay, to make it work, and in the mean time I tried different selling options to compete with my competitors and I did start to get more customers back, because of service!! BUT I HAD TO SCARIFc to make it work. To this day, we still work 7 days per week, instead of 5 days in the past, but it's worth it because I have a job and my own business. I can take off a few days here and there but for the most part we have to be there 7 days for different reasons.

I think this is time for the Auto Industry to restructure there whole company. I live in Michigan and this is going to effect me, but I am also a small business owner that knows what it's like to MAKE CHANGES when CHANGES ARE NEEDED. I had to take a pay cut, but it's worth it to make my company work and in the long run I am still in business.

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