Did Dick Cheney Just Confess to a War Crime on National TV?
Did Dick Cheney Just Confess to a War Crime on National TV? By ZP Heller Go To Original
Not only has the Bush administration committed war crimes in plain sight, but now Dick Cheney is freely confessing it on national television. In an interview with ABC, Cheney admitted he directly authorized the CIA to use highly controversial enhanced interrogation tactics like waterboarding, as well as the torture of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad.
Cheney showed no regret. In fact, he spoke with such insouciance it was almost as though the administration hadn't repeatedly denied authorizing use of these tactics over the years. (Of course, Cheney still denies waterboarding constitutes torture.) What's more, he actually praised the Guantánamo Bay prison facility. "Guantánamo has been very well run," he said, claiming it should remain open indefinitely.
Anthony Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU with whom Brave New Foundation created the Close Gitmo campaign, had this to say:
"The current administration's torture policies and fundamentally flawed military commissions make a mockery of the Constitution and violate America's commitment to human rights. Contrary to the vice president's opinion, these detainees should be prosecuted in U.S. military or civilian courts that are fully equipped to handle complex national security cases. "
Cheney's confession is part of a broader effort from the intelligence community to justify the Bush administration's use of torture in an attempt to keep Gitmo open, keep the unconstitutional military commissions going, and keep torture on the table. It's as though they think that if they say it freely and openly enough, then we will just have to overlook the fact that they're confessing to war crimes!
We must urge President-elect Obama to close Gitmo and shut down these commissions. Then, we must play Cheney's interview on every political blog out there in an effort to command the attention of Congress and the DOJ. Cheney and his hubris have finally gone too far. Here's hoping a war crimes tribunal one day replays this interview at his trial.
Now look what he says about Bin Laden, and the American government has know where he was all along. He was even in an American Hospital, in Minnesota when they had our soldiers out looking for him just right after 9/11. This is such a fake since of patriotism that he puts out front.
US Vice President Dick Cheney says the Bush administration 'loves' to capture Osama bin Laden during the remaining 30 days in power.
"Capturing bin Laden is something we clearly would love to do in the 30 days left," Cheney said on Sunday.
He added that US forces had captured and killed many al-Qaeda members since 9/11.
"Well I would prefer to have gotten bin Laden the week after 9/11. So More.. would the president," the vice-president told Fox News in an interview.
He also noted the President George W. Bush has succeeded in preventing a similar attack on the US since 9/11.
"As I said, we've prevented further attacks against the United States. That's probably the most important objective."
US intelligence sources maintain that the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 forced bin Laden and other al-Qaeda leaders to seek refuge in tribal areas on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.
"He's been holed up in a way where he's not even been communicating and there are questions about whether or not he's even running the operation. But we have had major success against the organization," Cheney said.
He claimed that the Bush administration had acted appropriately in its 'war on terror'.
"I think more important though is what we've been able to do generally to his organization. Even if you were able to get bin Laden, which clearly we would like to do, you've still got I've had in the past, a strong functioning organization there," he said.
Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden
Under the pretext of fighting terrorism and al-Qaeda, the Bush administration has waged two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The Bush administration denies that the US government has ignored al-Qaeda leaders, yet pundits say that Washington has not been 'consistent' in pressing for action against the group.
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