
Arise and Shine

Obama Picks CFR Insider to Head Treasury

Kurt Nimmo
November 22, 2008

It’s change we can believe in. President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and CFR member Tim Geithner will take over the job of administering the banker bailout in January.

NBC’s Chuck Todd and former Fed mob boss Alan Greenspan’s wife, Andrea Mitchell, report on Obama’s nomination of Treasury bureaucrat and CFR member Tim Geithner to head up the Treasury.

“NBC News has learned that the president-elect is preparing to roll out his economic team on Monday — and will personally announce the team and answer questions — part of an effort to reassure markets,” writes Domenico Montanaro for MSNBC.

It looks like a more seasoned insider will be pulling Geithner’s strings. “Former Treasury Secretary Summers — also considered for the post — might still play a major future role in the Obama administration, according to sources.” The bankers wanted Summers as giveaway executor but he is politically unacceptable. He blurted out “controversial comments” on “gender issues” while lording over Harvard. Sexism does not play well with the politically correct image of a diversified Obama administration.

Geithner was a senior fellow in the Economics Department of the Council on Foreign Relations and director of the Policy Development and Review Department at the International Monetary Fund. After obtaining an M.A. in International Economics and East Asian Studies from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies in 1985, Geithner went to work for Kissinger and Associates. In 1988, he joined the International Affairs division of the U.S. Treasury Department and was named president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 2003. He is also a member of the Rockefeller “financial advisory body,” the Group of Thirty, an organization comprised of members from the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, Citicorp and Citibank, the China Construction Bank, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, in short the very heart of the international banking elite.

In June, Gary Weiss wrote that Geithner was a “central figure” in the “drama” that was J.P. Morgan Chase acquisition of Bear Stearns. “It was Geithner’s Federal Reserve bank, not the Treasury, that came up with the $29 billion loan that made the deal possible or, more precisely, acceptable to J.P. Morgan.” In other words, Geithner was taking orders directly from the international bankers. He is also cozy with AIG, Lehman, and Goldman Sachs.

Obama’s choice of a Federal Reserve, CFR, and Rockefeller insider reveals there will be no change for the plebs, but more of the same and then some — a continuation of pillage and debt slavery. It means we will continue to be subjected to international monetary and trade agreements at the behest of the international bankers and the corporatists. It means our sovereignty will be further eroded and the self-perpetuating cycle of borrowing will continue. It means the bankster plan to loot the country, consolidate wealth, and turn the United States into a third world country based on the China slave labor gulag model will move forward.

It’s change we can believe in.

Views: 3

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