
Arise and Shine

The Elections Were Staged. The Reign Of Tyranny And Terror Begins.

Antichrist Election 2008 Obama Begins The New World Order

New World Order 2008 Election Obama Wins To Carry Out US Martial Law

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
" - Joseph Stalin

So just how did Obama manage to get in, because the tally seems suspicious ?

Obama Supporter Admits Voting Several Time On Live TV - PA

NWO Zbign​iew Brzez​inski​ and his CFR AIPAC​ puppe​t candi​date OBAMA​ promi​se TO INVAD​E PAKIS​TAN if presi​dent Musha​raf does not take care of its '​terro​rist'​ probl​ems - are you ready​ for this fello​w Ameri​cans?​

Secret US Wars Kills Millions In Third World Countries

Obama should fit in just fine to take up where the others left off doing secret wars. But this time it will be against American citizens.

Troops Trained To Scrape Up Aftermath Following Elections

This video shows how things were set up in advance and orders already given to shoot to kill. This will be for the resisters who do not want to get on the trains to go to death camps. The government has not missed an opportunity to get all of the orders set up in advance to make things run smoothly for their evil agendas.

Matth​ew Roths​child​ (​part of the Roths​child​ Illum​inati​)​ tells​ gatek​eeper​ Amy Goodm​an of Democ​racy Now that over 23,​000 Busin​ess Leade​rs Worki​ng With FBI and Homel​and Secur​ity had forme​d INFRA​GARD given​ the power​ to SHOOT​ TO KILL ANY OF YOU when riots​ break​ out in USA

The Stage is set. Now Obama Can Come In And Carry Out The Evil Agendas Of Depopulation. The Troops Are Here And Ready To Start Arresting Ordinary Citizen To Go To Death Camps. Watch Next 2 VIDEOS:
Combat Troops In American With Military Officials Making Excuses That Not Even A Rothchild Will Accept

Did you notice the fear in the military mans voice when he had to answer questions from Rothchild that he knew was the truth but he had to deny. The troops are here with disregard to US law of using combat troops on the homeland. We all know why they are here. These troops will be used to carry out the depopulation agendas. These troops are young boys early grown, and will be used to send people to their deaths.

Now an Obma Nation, our nation will pay for the abominations. See what we have as the leader of our once free nation. Our nation will not be free for long. Our rights are already being stripped from us. Now see:
The SCARY Truth about Barack Hussein Obama : his deception exposed

If any of you do not care within your heart about our nation of America becoming Socialist/Communist, with open borders and granting citizenship, driver's licenses, Social Security and reduced college intuition, and universal health care to illegal aliens (at the cost of taxpayer dollars), dividing Jerusalem and being in favor of Islamic terrorist organizations, as well as allowing unrestricted abortion-on-demand, forcing taxpayers to pay for embryonic stem cell research (which involves the destruction of human life), gay marriage, reductions of the 2nd Amendment of the right to bear arms, higher taxes, more out-sourcing of jobs, being against Alaskan and offshore oil drilling, redistribution of wealth, etc., ...then by all means support Obama Hussein Obama or refuse to vote against him on November the 4th or via absentee ballot. Don't take my word for it, for the evidence is both compelling and overwelming. The choice is yours. Are you ready for this kind of "Change"? If not, then arm yourselves with knowledge and make your voice heard.....before it's too late. Much of the truth is enclosed within these and thousands of other confirming sources.

Obama's obvious refusal to salute the American flag during national anthem and wear pin :


http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=N8QCkgg5Kjo

read many facts about him from numerous sources which are unnerving :

http://barackobamacandidate. org/

many of his lies exposed :

http://www. truthorfiction. com/rumors/o/obama-lies. htm

http://www. blackagendareport. com/index. php?option=com_content&am...

http://ibloga. blogspot. com/2008/05/obamas-top-50-lies. html

his Muslim faith (which he slipped up and admitted in his own words) :

http://www. worldnetdaily. com/?pageId=74635


Obama Communist mass murderer Che Guevara Flag In Houton, Texas campaign Office :


The news video :

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=POkHs4Xwo5M&feature=related

International Socialist, Communist and U.N.
Connections :


http://obamaism. blogspot. com/

http://www. usasurvival. org/ck2. 22. 08. html

http://www. aim. org/press-release/aim-identifies-mysterious-obama-...

was a member of the socialist New Party :

news video :

http://hk. youtube. com/watch?v=UndhQWndyw8&feature=related

related articles :

http://newzeal. blogspot. com/2008/10/obama-file-41-obama-was-new-p...

http://www. powerlineblog. com/archives/2008/10/021724. php

http://michellemalkin. com/2008/10/09/obama-the-socialist-new-party...

http://www. humanevents. com/article. php?id=26913

his strange "bedfellows" and supporters (video) :

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=qNfRb87dtY4

was a member and organizer in Communist ACORN group which is guilty of voter fraud :

http://sweetness-light. com/archive/obama-ran-acorns-training-sessi...

http://www. usnews. com/blogs/erbe/2008/10/10/obamas-acorn-connecti...

wife, Michelle Obama is hardcore Socialist/Communist:

news video expose' :

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=GMLeamM7Jkk

photo (her in middle) :


are you ready for this kind of "Change"???


http://www. newsmax. com/insidecover/steyn_obama_jong_il/2008/04/13...

Top Palestian Authority official, former Communist Party head, hopes Democrat wins :

http://www. worldnetdaily. com/index. php?fa=PAGE. view&pageId=...

Obama Supports Palestinian State Cutting Israel In Half :

http://www. moriel. org/articles/israel/obama_supports_lpalestinian...

Minister Louis Farrakhan, the controversial leader of the Nation of Islam, has declared Barack Obama to be the Messiah :

http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/1099919/louis_farrakhan_...

video :

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=xT9nYjqTL10

terrorist organization Hamas Endorses Obama :
http://www. newsmax. com/insidecover/Hamas_Endorses_Obama/2008/04/1...

http://archive. redstate. com/blogs/soren_dayton/2008/may/12/obama_...

Obama and his so-called "Christian" church is anti-Israel :

http://www. americanthinker. com/2007/03/barack_obama_and_israel_1....

http://www. worldnetdaily. com/index. php?pageId=57231

http://www. israeltoday. co. il/default. aspx?tabid=178&nid=15528

http://www. wnd. com/index. php?fa=PAGE. view&pageId=79325

http://www. israelnationalnews. com/News/News. aspx/125656

he supports open borders and granting citizenship, driver's licenses, Social Security and universal health care to illegal aliens (at the cost of taxpayer dollars) :

http://www. newsmax. com/insidecover/obama_illegal_citizenship/2008...

http://www. rightmarch. com/pac/obama-immigration. htm

he supports allowing unrestricted abortion-on-demand, forcing taxpayers to pay for embryonic stem cell research (which involves the destruction of human life), gay marriage, higher taxes, reductions of the 2nd Amendment of the right to bear arms, more out-sourcing of jobs, being against Alaskan and offshore oil drilling, redistribution of wealth, etc.

http://www. lifenews. com/nat2927. html

http://www. worldnetdaily. com/index. php?fa=PAGE. view&pageId=...

http://www. lifesitenews. com/ldn/2008/jun/08061010. html

http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2008/05/23/opinion/main4124256. shtml

http://www. keyes2004. com/keyes-obama. php

http://www. nraila. org/obama/

http://www. againstobama. com/2008/10/obama%e2%80%99s-%e2%80%98redi...

http://www. newsminer. com/news/2008/aug/19/obamas-gun-plan/?opinion

http://www. theobamafile. com/ObamaPolitics. htm

his own running mate, Joe Biden, admits Obama not ready to be President :

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=hF7Q0ghdTn4

Biden slip--Says "New World Order" in interview (in relation to new democratic party) :

quote : BIDEN: "First of all, we're no where near there. We have 8 days to go. This is the most important election in the public's life. They are looking at these races very closely. I think this is going to be much closer than everyone thinks it is. Second, with regard to the Democratic Party, this is a new Democratic Party not the party of the 70s and 80s. This is a party that has adjusted to the realities of a new world order.

transcript : http://canadafreepress. com/index. php/article/5870

http://kevinmccullough. townhall. com/blog/g/846adffe-0ab1-4a76-a4f...

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