
Arise and Shine

Obama​ and Biden​ Visit​ Supre​me Court​?​

My worst​ night​mare for Ameri​cans,​ is if they had DELIB​ERATE​LY set up this fake elect​ion.​.​.​ to trigg​er a massi​ve CIVIL​ DISOR​DER when the supre​me court​ rules​ Obama​ a Kenya​ born.​.​.​ the evide​nce is overw​helmi​ng,​ and the resul​ts could​ be devas​tatin​g enoug​h to trigg​er a marti​al law respo​nse (not like the BART shoot​ing incid​ent was not bad enoug​h for a natio​n alrea​dy in deep econo​mic crisi​s)​

The New Your Times Political Blog
January 14, 2009, 6:22 pm
Obama and Biden Visit the Supreme Court
By Helene Cooper
For the first time 16 years, a President-elect and Vice President-elect paid a pre-inaugural visit to the Supreme Court.

For President-elect Barack Obama, who dropped by the court Wednesday afternoon with Vice President-elect Joseph Biden, it was a chance to shake hands and chat with Chief Justice John Roberts—the same man who Mr. Obama voted against confirming back in 2005.

Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden also met with the other Supreme Court members, in the Court’s ceremonial West Conference Room.

Another Report listed here: http://blogs. reuters. com/frontrow/2009/01/14/obama-visits-supreme...

The only absent justice was Justice Samuel Alito, a spokeswoman said. She did not know why he did not attend, even though he had had been at the court for the morning arguments.

Obama and Biden entered the building through the garage, a decision made for security reasons.

Remember this from 2000
Court staffers were kept well away from Obama and Biden, who spent about an hour at the court. When employees glimpsed Obama on his way out, a loud cheer went up in a building that exudes decorum.

Eight years ago, President George W. Bush did not visit the court before he took office, but the circumstances were — to put it mildly — unusual.

In December 2000, the court decided the case of Bush v. Gore by a 5-4 vote, ending the legal battle over the contested Florida election and effectively sealing the presidency for Bush.

Obama and Biden entered the building through the garage, a decision made for security reasons.

The Supreme Court has received urgent requests to determine whether Barack Obama meets natural-born citizenship requirements under the U.S. Constitution – in the form of more 60,138 letters.

The shipment included 6,682 FedEx packages of nine letters each that will be delivered before the court reviews a case Friday challenging the eligibility of Barack Obama under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution, which stipulates the position can only be filled by "a natural born citizen.

As far as I am concerned, this what not a lovey, lovey visit by Obama and Biden!!! SELL OUT??...COLLUSION???...this just stinks to high heaven!!

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