
Arise and Shine


From: Michael Donihe
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=I0XNOv81XoQ

In A Pandemic Terror Event, Who Gets to Live?
Eddie NWO Censored
Eddie NWO Censored

Pandemic? Let MARTIAL LAW take care of it!

Associated Press - May 5, 2008 - Doctors Offer Pandemic 'Live And L...

In a Pandemic, Who Gets to Live?

Aftermath of a Pandemic Could Be More Disastrous Than the Pandemic Itself, Researchers Say

ABC News
Nov 12, 2008

http://abcnews. go. com/Technology/ColdandFlu/story?id=6233508&...

As if wars and economic crises and natural disasters weren't enough, here's a challenge for some future president that few people even want to think about: Some day, perhaps soon, a president will have to decide whose lives are the most important to save, and whose lives are "nonessential"

This isn't going to be a doomsday story, because most people will survive the next influenza pandemic, which some public health experts believe is past due.
It's not a question of "if," it's a question of "when," and one study from Harvard University estimates that the pandemic will kill somewhere between 51 million and 81 million people, mostly in developing countries

Hundreds of organizations and institutions around the world are developing plans for dealing with the expected pandemic, and one challenging theme is begging for more public discussion.
Some people will be more important than others in fighting the disease as it spreads quickly around the planet, and many more will be left to pretty much fend for themselves

The top of the list is an easy one. Doctors and nurses will be vital, so they end up in the win column. Others essential to public health and safety will be next, but after that, the going gets tough. A provocative new study argues that the list needs to be broadened.
Some truck drivers, for instance, may be just as important as doctors

"The secondary consequences of severe pandemic influenza could be greater than deaths and illness from influenza itself," according to the study, authored by Nancy E.
Kass, professor of bioethics and public health at Johns Hopkins University, and experts from several government agencies

In a study published in the current journal Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, Kass and her colleagues argue that a pandemic could precipitate societal collapse on many levels, threatening the availability of resources "such as food, water, and gasoline"

What it boils down to is this: Medical professionals won't be very successful if the truck driver doesn't show up with the necessary medications because he couldn't get fuel for his vehicle

So, people who might have been thought of as nonessential are indeed essential if the wheels of society are to keep rolling along. Someone to deliver fuel to the service station. Someone to keep the truck operational.
Someone to drive it

That doesn't mean every truck driver gets to live.
But those who are part of a "minimally functional societal infrastructure" should be near the front of the line

But how does anyone develop plans that will guarantee cultures continue to function, even as millions are dying? It's a huge challenge

The Trickle-Down Effect
And, of course, there's the trickle-down effect.
It would likely require a presidential decree to designate broadly who gets preferential treatment in response to the disaster But who's going to make the decision on a community level? The study notes that for any plan to be successful, it must be perceived as "fair," but is that even possible?

Many citizens would likely be told to stay home from their nonessential jobs because the "hallmark" of a pandemic is the ease and speed that a poorly understood virus can spread from one person to another.
So, isolation reduces the chance of exposure But who's going to pay the bills if there is no paycheck?

And, of course, there's that familiar American concern: Can you really trust the people at the top to make the right decisions? Another study found that 72 percent of Americans thought "wealthy and influential persons" would receive a vaccine first if shortages existed

All of this would be happening during a time of great confusion. Nearly a century after the Spanish flu killed approximately 50 million people around the world, scientists are still trying to answer some fundamental questions about the 1918-20 pandemic.
Researchers are re-examining records of 24,000 mortalities in the United Kingdom to try and answer a basic question

The Most Vulnerable

Young children and older adults are normally the most vulnerable to an influenza pandemic.
But the records show that healthy young adults were most likely to die during three waves of the epidemic

Read The Rest HERE

Eddie NWO Censored

Wired Science checks out Plum Island Animal Disease Center, which for the past 50 years has been the front lines of defense against foreign animal diseases

Plum Island: "Even More Dangerous" - (part 1) VVH-TV News Special Report

October 31, 2008 - Israeli terrorist and head of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff explains future US nuclear biological threat

Bush Administration Considering Moving Dangerous Pathogen Island Laboratory Near Mainland Livestock

Natural News
Sunday, November 09, 2008
by: David Gutierrez

http://www. naturalnews. com/024751. html

The Bush administration is thinking about relocating a high-security pathogen research laboratory from its current remote island location to one of five sites on the U.S.

The National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility on Plum Island, N.Y., conducts research into foot-and-mouth disease, African swine fever, Japanese encephalitis, Rift Valley fever and the Hendra and Nipah viruses. All are diseases that affect primarily livestock, but most of them have been known to spread to humans in rare cases.
Concerns have been raised that if the laboratory is moved from its current location, the risk in case of disease release due to accident or sabotage would be much greater

In a recent 1,005-page study assessing the various proposed new sites, the Department of Homeland Security concluded that "should a large release [of foot-and-mouth disease] occur, there is considerable opportunity for the virus to cause infections and become established in the environment beyond the facility boundary"

If the facility were moved to proposed locations in either Manhattan, Kan. or San Antonio, Texas, the costs of such an outbreak to local livestock herds would be more than $4 billion, the report said. The cost would be less in the proposed locations of Athens, Ga., Flora, Miss., or Butner, N.C., but would still total more than $3.
3 billion

An earlier government simulation of a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in Kansas involved National Guardsmen being ordered to attempt to contain the epidemic by shooting tens of millions of farm animals.
The Guardsmen ran out of bullets, and people rioted in the streets

The government estimated that in an outbreak like that in the simulation, a 25-mile long ditch would be needed to bury all the bodies

The Bush administration has sought to move the laboratory due to the age of the current lab and the cost of getting to and from the island location.
It is expected to decide on a new location by late fall

Sources for this story include: www. washingtonpost. com


http://www. dhs. gov/xnews/releases/press_release_0627. shtm

http://www. bnbi. org/

AIDS Virus Made in a Lab in Fredrick, MD?

Homeland Security lab like biodefense battleship

Associated Press
Oct 22, 2008

http://www. examiner. com/a-1650641~Homeland_Security_lab_like_biod...

(Map, News) - The Department of Homeland Security's new laboratory building in Frederick resembles a battleship being readied for war against biological weapons

With its curved glass exterior, 10-inch-thick walls and high-security labs, the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center gives the government a state-of-the art tool for predicting biological attacks and identifying perpetrators of what the FBI calls "bio-crimes"

Agency officials dedicated the $128 million building Wednesday at Fort Detrick, where it is part of a biodefense campus that will also include new labs run by the Army and the National Institutes of Health

Agency officials say they hope to begin occupying the building in March

Fact Sheet: National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center

Release Date: 02/24/05 00:00:00

General Overview
The Department of Homeland Security’s National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) will provide the nation with essential biocontainment laboratory space for biological threat characterization and bioforensic research

The NBACC facility, managed by Homeland Security’s Science & Technology directorate in accordance with the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and the Homeland Security Presidential Directive entitled “Biodefense for the 21st Century,” will be located within the National Interagency Biodefense Campus at Fort Detrick, Maryland

The programs conducted at NBACC will provide knowledge of infectious properties of biological agents, effectiveness of countermeasures, decontamination procedures, and forensics analyses to support policy makers and responders’ development of policies, programs, and technologies

NBACC is part of a nationwide group of institutions that collectively are referred to as the Homeland Security Biodefense Complex.
The Complex includes the Plum Island Animal Disease Control Center, the Biodefense Knowledge Center, the national laboratories, and the university-based Homeland Security Centers of Excellence

Composition of NBACC
NBACC will be comprised of:

The National Bioforensic Analysis Center (NBFAC), is designated in Presidential Directive “Biodefense for the 21st Century, to be the lead federal facility to conduct and facilitate the technical forensic analysis and interpretation of materials recovered following a biological attack in support of the appropriate lead federal agency.
NBFAC conducts bioforensic analysis of evidence from a bio-crime or terrorist attack to attain a “biological fingerprint” to identify perpetrators and determine the origin and method of attack

The Biological Threat Characterization Center (BTCC) will conduct studies and laboratory experiments to fill in information gaps to better understand current and future biological threats, assess vulnerabilities, conduct risk assessments, and determine potential impacts in order to guide the development of countermeasures such as detectors, drugs, vaccines, and decontamination technologies to protect the U.S.
against these threats

Facility Status
DHS completed the environmental planning and public review process for the construction of the NBACC facility with a Record of Decision on January 26, 2005.
It is anticipated that an architectural and engineering (A&E) contract will be awarded late March 2005 to allow groundbreaking to take place in the summer of 2006 and completion of the project in 2008

A contract is scheduled to be awarded in March to begin design of the NBACC facility

The gross space, or entire footprint, is expected to be about 160,000 square feet.
This includes administration areas, BSL- 2, 3 and 4 laboratory space, air handling equipment space, security controls, and other supporting features

The anticipated number of researchers and support staff is approximately 120

An interim capability for the NBFAC has been established in partnership with the FBI and the U.S. Army at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick.
Also, some threat characterization research and studies are being conducted in other established private and government laboratories, including USAMRIID

The National Interagency Biodefense Campus

NBACC will be located on the new National Interagency Biodefense Campus at Fort Detrick.
The other agencies sharing the Ft Detrick National Interagency Biodefense Campus are:

• Health and Human Services’ National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NIH
• Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service and Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research Unit (FDWSRU), and the
• Department of Defense’s U.
S Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), USMRMC

Collectively, these laboratories have complementary scientific goals and will collaborate on developing a comprehensive understanding of biological agent characteristics (NBACC), elucidating the disease process (NIAID Integrated Research Facility) and developing products to reduce risks to human health and agricultural productivity (USAMRIID, USDA- ARS)

The unique missions of forensics analyses and threat characterization will complement the mission responsibilities of the other agencies.
Coordination of these proposed activities takes place through an established Fort Detrick interagency committee


The Bush Administration's Secret Biowarfare Agenda

Global Research
by Stephen Lendman
July 28, 2008

http://globalresearch. ca/index. php?context=va&aid=9685&id...

When it comes to observing US and international laws, treaties and norms, the Bush administration is a serial offender Since 2001, it's:

-- spurned efforts for nuclear disarmament to advance its weapons program and retain current stockpiles;

-- renounced the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and asserted the right to develop and test new weapons;

-- abandoned the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) because it expressly forbids the development, testing and deployment of missile defenses like its Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) and other programs;

-- refuses to adopt a proposed Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) that would prohibit further weapons-grade uranium and plutonium production and prevent new nuclear weapons to be added to present stockpiles - already dangerously too high;

-- spends more on the military than the rest of the world combined plus multi-billions off-the-books, for secret programs, and for agencies like the CIA;

-- advocates preventive, preemptive and "proactive" wars globally with first-strike nuclear and other weapons under the nihilistic doctrines of "anticipatory self-defense" and remaking the world to be like America;

-- rescinded and subverted the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) to illegally develop new biowarfare weapons; in November 1969 and February 1970, Richard Nixon issued National Security Decision Memoranda (NSDM) 35 and 44; they renounced the use of lethal and other types of biological warfare and ordered existing weapons stockpiles destroyed, save for small amounts for research - a huge exploitable loophole; the Reagan and Clinton administrations took advantage; GHW Bush to a lesser degree;

-- GW Bush went further by renouncing the US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 that prohibits "the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons....;" on May 22, 1990, GHW Bush signed it into law to complete the 1972 Convention's implementation; what the father and Nixon established, GW Bush rendered null and void; "Rebuilding America's Defenses" is his central policy document for unchallengeable US hegemony; among other provisions, it illegally advocates advanced forms of biowarfare that can target specific genotypes - the genetic constitution of individual organisms

A Brief Modern History of Biowarfare

Read The Rest HERE

Why support the dangerous bio-lab to be placed in North Carolina when the people of the state are against it? Sept 2008

HOMELAND SECURITY TERRORISTS want to move Virus Research lab INLAND North Carolina June 20, 2008

Homeland Security plans to move dangerous virus research lab to inl...

Understanding Biodefense & Bioweapons Research with Ed Hammond

Southwest Foundation for Biochemical Research President and CEO Kenneth P Trevett at the Southwest Foundation Medical Research campus in San Antonio, Wednesday, Oct 14, 2008

High-security research labs not so high security

Associated Press
Oct 16, 2008

http://ap. google. com/article/ALeqM5inmo513Cwv9jGHRulik62fProDpwD9...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Intruders could easily break into two U.S. laboratories where researchers handle some of the world's deadliest germs, according to congressional investigators.
The Associated Press identified the vulnerable lab locations as Atlanta and San Antonio

The serious security problems at the two labs were described by the Government Accountability Office in a report expected to be released publicly as early as Thursday. The GAO, Congress' investigative and auditing arm, did not identify the labs except to say they were classified as Biosafety Level 4 facilities, but the report included enough details for the AP — and others knowledgeable about such labs — to determine their locations.
Biosafety Level 4 labs do research on deadly germs and toxins

In Texas, the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research features an outside window that looks directly into the room where the deadly germs are handled. The lab, which is privately run, also lacks many security cameras, intrusion detection alarms or visible armed guards at its public entrances.
Officials there said they will tighten security

"We already have an initiative under way to look at perimeter security," said Kenneth Trevett, president of the lab in San Antonio. "We're waiting for additional input but we're not waiting long. The GAO would like us to do some fairly significant things.
They would like us to do it sooner rather than later"

The other lab described with weak security in the report is operated by Georgia State University in Atlanta. That lab lacked complete security barriers and any integrated security system, including any live monitoring by security cameras.
During their review, investigators said they watched an unidentified pedestrian enter the building through an unguarded loading dock

"Georgia State clearly wants its BSL-4 to be as safe as possible," said DeAnna Hines, assistant vice president for university relations. "We are already taking steps that will enhance the lab's safety and security standards.
" Hines did not confirm the school's research lab was the one mentioned in the congressional report as lacking proper security

Investigators said the lab in San Antonio used unarmed guards inside antiquated guardhouses with a gate across the access road. An outside company monitors alarms at the lab and calls police in emergencies, which investigators said could delay a quick response in a crisis.
They called the San Antonio lab the most vulnerable of all the labs they studied

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approved the labs in San Antonio and Atlanta to handle the deadly organisms despite the security weaknesses. The three other BSL-4 labs in the U.S. feature impressive security, the report said. Those include the CDC's own facility, also in Atlanta; the Army's lab at Fort Detrick, Md.
; and the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston

Fort Detrick is on a secure military base, but it is known for a recent internal problem.
Bruce Ivins, a scientist at the Army's biodefense lab at Fort Detrick, killed himself in July as prosecutors prepared to indict him for murder in the anthrax letter attacks, which killed five people

The CDC lab is on the agency's high-security campus

The viruses researched in the highest security labs include ebola, marburg, junin and lassa.
All can cause incurable illnesses

The chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., urged the CDC to quickly identify all security weaknesses at the high-containment research labs and fix any problems. Dingell has been investigating security problems associated with such labs around the country.
He said at least six additional high-containment labs are under construction

The Associated Press reported in October 2007 that U.S.
laboratories working with deadly organisms have experienced more than 100 accidents and missing shipments since 2003 — and the number is increasing as more labs do the work

A CDC spokesman, Von Roebuck, said each of the five labs described in the new report has its own security plan designed to fit the lab's particular security assessments

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