
Arise and Shine

Nutri​tion to Becom​e Illeg​al ** Actio​n neede​d ASAP

Fortunately it's very easy to help! You just have to sign one petition, then the other petitions are automatically filled out for you when you go to sign them. Please be aware and spread the word. Thank you and God bless.


Last time the FDA tried something this awful, through the 2007 "Draft CAM Guidance", the Natural Solutions Foundation alerted health freedom lovers. Time was very short then, too but as a result, 588,000+ people came to our site to tell the FDA not to continue with its plan to turn nutrients into "untested drugs" and therefore make them all illegal. The FDA system "accidentally' crashed so "only" 198,000+ people got their comments in but FDA got the message and backed off.

We said at that time we counted their backing off as a triumph but that they would be back. Well, they are back and they are sneakier and meaner than ever.

We have enormous power in the aggregate. Now it is time to use it. Again.

Click the link below to use our power and back off the forces that are dedicated to taking away your right to use natural health options prevent and deal with illness - or even know what they can do for you - instead of high-profit drugs.

http://salsa. democracyinaction. org/o/568/campaign. jsp?campaign_K...

It is imperative that you tell your friends about his and have them take action, too. Forward this email NOW to your entire list with a little note at the top telling them that taking action now is vitally important to their health and to their freedom.

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...The failed and corrupt FDA, however, in its relentless crusade to eliminate the rights of Americans to learn about or use the most significant economic competitor to pharmaceutical drugs has no respect for the law and no interest in either your freedom or your health. They are currently promulgating regulations which would make it illegal to ship supplements across state lines.
This would accomplish both definitions of "Nutricide" as I have lectured and written about for years:

Nu tri cide (3 syllables):

The death of the body of knowledge about the relationship between health and nutrition

2. The death of large populations through the manipulation of the food [and supplement] supply.



Comments close on November 25, 2008 on a new regulatory sneak attack against supplements. FDA regulations will, if the FDA succeeds, make the shipment of supplements across state lines illegal - get this - IF THE SUPPLEMENT HAS BEEN THE SUBJECT OF A CLINICAL STUDY.


If you value

* Your access to supplements and nutrients
* Your health
* Your freedom to determine what goes into your body
* Your First Amendment Rights

then I urge you in the strongest terms to click below NOW to help make sure that the FDA, at least this once, obeys the law of the land.

http://salsa. democracyinaction. org/o/568/campaign. jsp?campaign_K...


Coming Right Up, Courtesy of the Lame Duck Administration..

Make no mistake - as the days of the Bush Administration draw to a close, Industry shills inside the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are ramming through regulations (which acquire the force of law once finalized) which weaken protection for human and environmental health to a degree which leaves the observer nearly speechless.

The USDA is following the lead of the FDA by opening new loopholes which make consumer and environmental protection meaningless. The new rule will be of great benefit to Biotech companies who already have more than free reign to contaminate and then own the entire food stock of the US and beyond.


If you are not content to be exposed to more, and more dangerous, GMO "foods", drugs and industrial chemicals in your "food" then I urge you to click below to tell the USDA in no uncertain terms that this is unacceptable to you and to millions more just like you.

http://salsa. democracyinaction. org/o/568/campaign. jsp?campaign_K...

To get that message across right away, I urge you to also send this to your entire email list with a short note asking each person to take the actions here and forward the mails as well. Nothing short of your health and that of the planet is at stake.

Then click below to urge your members of Congress to support the protective legislation which Rep. Denis Kucinich (D-OH) has introduced which would take the FDA and the USDA in exactly the opposit direction - safety testing, stronger regulation and more oversight by both agencies, plus mandatory labeling.

Click Here or paste the following:

http://salsa. democracyinaction. org/o/568/t/1128/campaign. jsp?cam...


Neither the USDA nor the FDA are your friends. They do share a great deal, however: Both care a lot about keeping industry happy and nothing at all about keeping you healthy.

Whether you get sick or not is of literally no concern to them.

Americans are over medicated and under 'healthed' according to study after study. Click below to read the two latest studies which, like the many others published around the world, show that the US has the poorest health, and gets the worst health service, in the developed world - often worse than many countries in the developing world.

http://www. healthfreedomusa. org/index. php?p=1440

Then ask yourself whether that is related to the fact that the number of filled drug prescriptions has gone up 72% in 10 years and vaccinations have gone up by an astonishing - and wildly profitable - 12800 percent during the same period.

The number of childhood vaccinations in that time has gone from 11 recommended doses to 78 for girls (75 for boys unless they, too, are vaccinated "against" HPV to "protect" a cervix they do not have) in that time. Starting at age 18, if people follow the recommendations and receive an annual flu sho (and we sincerely hope that they will not), that will add another 63 shots if you live to the expected age of 81 for a woman or 60 if you are a man and die at 78 as predicted. That's right: a lifetime average of 141 shots for women and 135 for men IF you do not accept any other vaccinations.

God blessing Pictures, Images and Photos




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