
Arise and Shine

Nucle​ar Threa​t Initi​ative​ Repor​t:​ Secur​ing The Bomb 2008,

Navy Lt Cmdr Keith Davids carries the "football," foreground, containing nuclear codes, Monday, April 18, 2005 at the White House

Nov 30, 2008 - Codes for Armageddon: A new president to hold nuclea...

Securing the Bomb 08 .. Publish at Scribd or explore others: Military Technology nuclear ..

Securing the Bomb 2008

http://www. nti. org/e_research/cnwm/overview/cnwm_home. asp

Produced for NTI by the Project on Managing the Atom (MTA), Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Securing the Bomb 2008, commissioned by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, finds that the world still faces a "very real" risk that terrorists could get a nuclear bomb. The Obama Administration must make reducing that risk a top priority of U.
S security policy and diplomacy, according to the report, which is accompanied by a paper offering a specific agenda for the presidential transition and the opening weeks of the new administration

Securing the Bomb 2008, commissioned by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, finds that the world still faces a "very real" risk that terrorists could get a nuclear bomb. The Obama Administration must make reducing that risk a top priority of U.S.
security policy and diplomacy, according to the report, which is accompanied by a paper offering a specific agenda for the presidential transition and the opening weeks of the new administration

Overview provides a summary of the nuclear terrorism problem, a funding summary and legislative updates, and "Blocking the Terrorist Pathway to the Bomb"

Technical background offers a tutorial on nuclear weapons, their design and effects, and the nuclear materials needed to make them

The Threat provides in-depth discussions of the risk of nuclear theft in the former Soviet Union and around the world, the demand for black-market nuclear material, and "Anecdotes of Insecurity" — a list of documented nuclear security incidents. The remaining sections offer detailed information on particular U.
S- funded programs, describing their current status, budget, key issues they face, and recommendations to strengthen them, including programs focused on:

Securing nuclear warheads and materials at their source;

Interdicting nuclear smuggling;

Stabilizing employment for nuclear personnel;

Monitoring nuclear stockpiles and reductions in those stockpiles;

Ending further production of these dangerous materials; and
Reducing these stockpiles to the lowest practicable levels.

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