
Arise and Shine

Now we get a clue to what that Jan. 21 national crisis will be about. Russia Testing Obama.

Russi​a Tests​ Obama​ Alrea​dy.
Zbign​iew Brzez​inski​,​ senio​r polic​y(​Membe​r Of The Couci​l On Forei​gn Relat​ions)​ advis​er for Obama​ is looki​ng to go to war with Russi​a.​ And we are heari​ng warni​ngs from insid​ers of a crisi​s at the end of Janua​ry.​ This is all a staged process called the Policy of FEAR ! Now you are suppose to be so afraid that you will willingly put yourselves into the hands of your government for protection, so that they can peacefully lead you as lambs to the slaughter for the depopulation agenda. Cute trick! That is not the only thing that they have up their sleeves.

Veter​an Adam Kokes​h on Russi​a TV: Subje​ct:​ OBAMA​
Obama​ endor​ses Ameri​can imper​ialis​m
Obama's puppeteers have got their jobs cut out for them now. The world is in the worse mess than it has ever been in. There are wars everywhere and all the mess that they have caused. There are new wars springing up. The finances are completely broken. But isn't that the job of the antichrist? Isn't he suppose to arise to fix all of the worlds problems, and everyone will be so grateful to him? But then he will start demanding worship. If Obama is not the antichrist, then he surely is a cohort.

This video is banned in the USA. It will not embed into any embedded areas for public viewing. Basically, it reveals that on the day of elections, flu shot were being given at the polling stations. The flu shots have DNA receptors in them to receive infection from the H5N1 deadly flu virus which will be released in early 2009. Without these DNA receptors, it would make it more difficult to be infected by the flu virus. The US has released many flu viruses in the past. But now with this vaccination being pushed so hard, many more will get the virus than ever before. It completely depletes the body of vitamin C. The lungs literally become heavy wet sponges with no breathing passages what so ever, and death can occur within one hour of contracting it. The only cure is massive doses of stabilized vitamin C. IV vitamin C is the best because it gets directly into the blood stream, but go with whatever is available. It must be continued for at least 3 days. I cannot show you the video because it is banned by the US so that the leak will not get out what is really going on behind this massive push for flu vaccines. But I can give you the link. And here it is:

This is not coming out right in the imbedded areas either, so try to copy and paste this next link:

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Well~~~~Now what Mr "O"
you got any HOPE' speeches left for us we the people who did not fall for the Martin Luther King speeches will again have to pay the price for political arrogance


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