The American Economy is built on an upside down pyramid. It is teetering on this tiny little point, with mountains of debt being funneled into the lopsided top that is suppose to be the base. It has to topple over soon, because it will not be able to hold any more debt. We are suppose to have this huge amount of savings on which to build. There is not enough gold in Fort Knox to back our dollars to make them worth anything for as much as we have printed. Not only do we not have enough money to back the dollar, we have so much debt that there would be no way to cover it in a million years of making payments. Our interest rate on the debt that we have is far greater per day than the revenue that we have coming into the treasury for many years, and the interest keeps piling up, making the mountain of debt even more overloaded. There is no way that our country could ever pay back the debt that we now have, and it keeps getting greater with these bail outs which we had to borrow from China. Our government is not only broke, but we owe our entire country to China, and if we had dozens of countries to trade for our debt, it would still not cover what we owe. Big shot America threatening to cut off funding to foreign countries in order to force them to do our bidding on money that is borrowed in the first place. The whole entire system of the central bank making us borrow money to pay back 3 or 4 times the original amount borrowed is pure greed and insanity. Now all of this insanity has ruined the economy of the entire nation with debt that we will never be able to recover from. Along with the depopulation agenda, it is like killing your children because you cannot afford them. Once the people are dead, what is going to happen with the debt or the country? There is no reasoning behind any of these actions, and this country is a sham. America has lost all power and clout, and now we cannot even afford a government, but instead of getting rid of the government, the government want to get rid of the people which is the only cash cow that it has. We do not need all of these decadent luxuries. But we do need good nutritious food, which was also traded by GMO foods and literal garbage instead of food. Health care makes us sicker also. The whole country needs to be trashed and restarted from the ground up based on sound systems. This one has failed. Every democracy in the recorded history of man has failed. That is why we originally had a republic, because everyone already new the track records for democracies, and yet we force democracy on every county that we conquer. How can we get out of this mess? If we are to survive, we cannot leave this country under the same systems for same government. They want to exterminate us anyway. We have to get back to basics, and stop buying into the greed mentality. Neighbors should still be helping neighbors. Power mongers should be shot. For everyone that reads this message, we should get out heads together and brainstorm about solutions, and ways to keep alive when the nations tries to come after us to send us off to death camps. Pray and seek God. If He gives you any revelation, bring the here for others to see. One revelation on top of the other could save lives. So, lets all get busy, and seek God with everything that is in us. We need to survive.
(CBS) This story was written by CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller
It’s the surge you won’t hear anyone boast about
Never before in U.S. history has the national debt increased as much and as rapidly as it has over the past month
Since September 30, the day the national debt hit the $10-trillion mark for the first time, the government has run up over $500 billion in new debt
That’s more than the federal deficit for the entire 2008 fiscal year, which ended September 30. And it’s the most rapid increase in the national debt ever: over half a trillion dollars in less than a month - 23 days to be exact
The government’s latest calculation of the national debt stands at $10,530,893,033,778.21 - that’s $10.5-trillion for short. It took less than four months for it to rocket to that level from $9. 5 trillion on July 21
Less than four months! To put it in perspective, consider this: it took the U.S. government over four decades, from 1940 to 1982, to run up its first trillion dollars of debt
The second and third trillions were racked up much more quickly - each in just four years. And it only took from 1990 to 1992 for the national debt to hit $4 trillion
On the day President Bush was sworn in, the debt stood at $5.7 trillion. Less than eight years later, the it’s within days of having swelled $5 trillion dollars on his watch - an embarrassing milestone for a president who considers himself a conservative and an advocate of fiscal discipline
What’s to blame for the most recent surge in the debt? Above all else, it’s the federal government's response to the financial crisis
“It’s the Supplementary Financing Program being run by Treasury to provide cash for the Federal Reserve,” says Corrine Hirsh, spokeswoman for the White House Office of Management and Budget
By that, she means the billions of dollars disbursed by the Fed to keep the financial markets at home and abroad from collapsing. It includes the $124 billion used to keep insurance industry giant American International Group from going bust
And this week, the Treasury Department started to spend the $700 billion dollars in the congressionally authorized bailout program, so the national debt can be expected to soar even more rapidly in the coming months
But on January 20, it becomes another president’s problem. And unless he slashes federal spending or enacts major tax hikes, the ballooning deficit and debt leave no money for any of the big ticket programs he's promised to deliver
Instead, the 44th president will have to deal with the problem of how to pay the interest on the expanding debt. If past practice holds, it’s a good bet the government will just borrow the money
The current amount of the U.S. national debt is shown on the National Debt Clock in New York, Thursday, Oct. 9, 2008. In a sign of the times, the National Debt Clock has run out of digits to record the growing figure. As a short-term fix, the digital dollar sign on the billboard-style clock near Times Square has been switched to a figure _ the "1" in $10 trillion. It's marking the federal government's current debt at about $102 trillion - updated October 12, 2008
********************************************* National Debt Clock runs out of numbers *********************************************
Figure has ballooned to about $102 trillion; new clock will go up in 2009
Oct 12, 2008 NEW YORK - A watched clock never moves — unless it's the National Debt Clock
In fact, the digital counter has been moving so much that it recently ran out of digits to display the ballooning figure: $10,150,603,734,720, or roughly $10. 2 trillion, as of Saturday afternoon
The clock was put up by the late real estate mogul Seymour Durst in 1989 when the U.S. government's debt was a mere $2. 7 trillion, and was even turned off during the 1990s when the debt decreased
It will be replaced in 2009 with a new clock, said Jordan Barowitz, a spokesman for the Durst Organization. The new clock will be able to track debt up to a quadrillion dollars, which is a '1' followed by 15 zeros
In the meantime, the '1' from "$10.2" has been moved left to the LCD square once occupied solely by the digital dollar sign. A non-digital, improvised dollar sign has been pasted next to the '1'
The current clock had enough digits to measure the amount of money owed by the U.S. government until debt recently hit $10 trillion. Since then, more eyes have been on the fixture near touristy Times Square
When Nancy Gurzo spotted the sign one recent afternoon, she came to a halt. Standing in the middle of the sidewalk, Gurzo pointed up at the sign, gesturing for her daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren, all of whom had left her behind, to walk back and see
"It's a shame," the 60-year-old Manasquan, N.J., restaurant manager said, anger and disbelief in her face. "It's an absolute outrage. It may be the end of the United States as we know it today. We haven't seen the worst of it. Everybody should stop and look at this clock. It affects all of us. I'm worried"
That afternoon, others glanced at the clock, some of their faces wrinkling with confusion. But most pedestrians seemed not to even notice the clock, which is tucked several stories high on the side of a brick parking garage-office building. The counter, on West 44th Street near Sixth Avenue, is more visible to those walking west; for those walking east, the sign is already behind them once they walk by the building
On a shaded block of Broadway theaters, restaurants, and high-end retailers, the clock isn't the most striking sight. Below the clock is a midtown office for the Internal Revenue Service, and at the nearby intersection stands an Ameritrade investment office and a Chase bank branch
Svet Stauber paused in front of the sign and held his camera up to snap a picture
"It's symbolic," Stauber, a 40-year-old pilot from Switzerland, said of the counter's lack of space. "It's a very big symbol. It's a complete failure of the system. It's the most powerful country in the world with a conservative government for the last eight years, and it's running the biggest debt ever"
The reaction of Stauber's wife, Roberta, to the escalating debt was more pointed: "It's good for the United States," the doctor said, adding that maybe the country's current predicament would deflate its "ego" and "arrogance"
"You think you are the best country in the world," she continued. "I hope America reflects about this"
Kary Perez, an 18-year-old freshman at Rutgers University, said, "I think it's sad how bad we've fallen as a nation," as she watched the clock, which features images of $1 bills in the background
Below the amount of the national debt on the clock is another row of figures: "YOUR Family share. " As of Saturday afternoon, the $86,023 fit properly into the respective LCD squares
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