
Arise and Shine

It's time for Barack Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel, to resign, and you can sign the petition calling for Rahm Emmanuel to resign - HERE. The Obama administration has told lie after lie about their involvement in the corruption scandal concerning Illinois Democrat Governor Rod Blagojevich's alleged efforts to sell off the U.S. Senate seat held by Obama.

Days after the November election, Obama's campaign manager, David Axelrod, admitted that Obama and Blagojevich had discussions about who Blagojevich should appoint to replace him. You can see the video with this admission here:

But as soon as the announcement came that federal prosecutors had been investigating Blagojevich over allegations of corruption in selling the U.S. Senate seat to the highest bidder, Obama's camp suddenly claimed that Axelrod had gotten his facts wrong about whether Obama and Blagojevich had schemed about who should be selected.

Yet, Barack Obama and his aides were telling the media that he and his administration would have a "hands off" approach towards the selection of Obama's successor.

And Rahm Emmanuel specifically denied he engaged in negotiations with Governor Blagojevich about Obama's Senate seat.

But again, Obama's camp was caught lying about their involvement, because wiretaps reveal, and have forced Obama to now admit, that his chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel has discussed not just once but on several occassions who should get the Senate.

Emmanuel not only originally told Blagojevich he should pick Obama's first-choice, Valerie Jarrett, but then later gave Blagojevich a list of names of individuals who would be acceptable for Blagojevich to pick.

In fact, Emmanuel began negotiating with Blagojevich about Obama's successor in the U.S. Senate during the weekend before the 2008 election had even taken place. The seat was not even yet open, Obama had not yet even won, and Rahm Emmanuel and Rod Blagojevich were already engaged in a powerplay to determine who would be given this Senate seat, and what might be paid/delivered/given for getting this seat.

This is not how our government should work. Our representatives are elected by the people, work for the people, and answer to the people. We expect that when a vacancy occurs that our elected representatives will select the best person to represent the people, not that Democrats will engage in horsetrading to cement their fixation for political power.

It's time for Rahm Emmanuel to resign - immediately. He is a disgrace and has no business serving as Chief of Staff in the White House.

Join the campaign by the Our Country Deserves Better Committee to demand Rahm Emmanuel's resignation by signing the "Rahm Emmanuel Must Resign Petition" here:

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thank for this inlighting video on u tube...this world is just doing the things which were planned ages ago...leading up to the coming of our King!


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