
Arise and Shine

Iranian source: "Quake" Saturday was nuclear bomb test

Posted by Israel Insider on October 28, 2008 at 11:00am
View Israel Insider's blog*p1NfG9OKLdp7nfplilGOL7-BK0ESlgcr54t0pBS3IfWHJy-T88LIz9OAFu68pDmEwfzt/mapoftest.jpg__srael Insider exclusively reports that a seismic event this weekend in southern Iran may in fact have been a massive underground nuclear bomb test. According to the USGS, the tremor measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale took place Saturday night, October 25 just before midnight Iran time, with its epicenter at 26.70°N, 55.02°E, just north of the strategic straits of Hormuz, opposite Abu Dhabi._Zoomable map source: Google Maps.__The claim that the tremor was in fact a nuclear test came from an Iranian nuclear scientist who claims to be working in uranium enrichment for the project. A report published by Israel Insider on Friday, October 24 included a captionless map that portrayed the area of the seismic event that occurred the following night, based on location information previously provided by the Iranian source.__Israel Insider's source reports that the test is in fact the second in a series. A 4.8 Richter scale event occurred on October 21 with an epicenter (26.70N, 54.96E) within 5 km (3 miles) of the October 25 tremor.

Israeli and foreign sources have long speculated that Iran has been in possession of ready nuclear bombs but would only begin testing them when a full production line for nuclear weapons is in place.

The source indicated that Iran is being assisted by China and North Korea. Israel Insider's Iranian source reports that two "nuclear rockets" have been completed and are intended for use against the Jewish State in the coming months.

The site of the test and the development facility are believed to be in close proximity. The location appears to have been carefully selected. The area is exposed to significant seismic activity, which could serve to mask nuclear tests, although the recent spike in activity in that specific area significantly deviates from historical trends. A tremor measuring 6.2 struck the area on September 10, 2008 (its epicenter was 80km or 50 miles due west), the largest seismic event in the area in more than 33 years.*Wgcoe0PrhKdUcKHQO2OzobRT3nFzWACVkgMZ7*14aSnIDEgtkwfatSSejUvUOsjHksn06QD6Y-AtQ8q1h*fyEo/USGSdata.jpg__Source and additional data:USGS__The location on the Persian Gulf near the straits of Hormuz would also facilitate delivery and transport of material and personnel. the strategic importance of the immediate area may also be intended to deter potential strikes against the facilities, which could close down the flow of a substantial percentage of the world's oil.

Further information on this story is available to qualified sources.

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