If Things Keep Going The Same Some Americans Will Soon Be Billionaires, Really!
If you think that the current economic crisis is something that has never happened in history before, you may be wrong! After the collapse of the agriculture sector in Zimbabwe in 2000, the inflation in that country skyrocketed to 231 million percent a year! Just think about it - 231 000 000%! Unemployment went up to 80% and a third of country’s population left it
Zimbabwe’s inflation rate has soared in the past three months and is now at 11. 2 million percent, the highest in the world, according to the country’s Central Statistical Office
“While our case has been aggravated by the illegal sanctions imposed by the Western powers, rising food prices are a world phenomenon because of the use of bio-fuel,” said Samuel Mumbengegwi. “But we will continue to fight inflation by making sure that prices charged are realistic”
In February, the price of a loaf of bread in the country was less than 200,000 Zimbabwe dollars. On Monday, that same loaf of bread cost 1. 6 trillion Zimbabwe dollars”
Let..s now have a look at the photos that you may not be able to see anywhere else in the world
Here is a boy getting change in 200 000 dollar notes
This US $10 dollar note is 10 times worth more than the 10 million dollars Zimbabwe note
case worth 65 billion Zimbabwe dollars which equals to $2000 US dollars
This guy is going to a supermarket The exchange rate is 25 million Zimbabwe dollars for 1 US dollar This mountain of cash is worth $100
What can you buy for it? Well, these 3 eggs for example Thats how people went to restaurants!
**************************************************************************** An American writes: The Transformation of America into Zimbabwe is inevitable... ****************************************************************************
[A Rhodesian found this posting on a website. Whites have been shooting themselves in the back of their heads for ages. Some of the comments about Rhodesia are a little off. Rhodesians did not willingly want to transform into Zimbabwe and we fought it fiercely. We need to thank America, Britain and the West for forcing us down a path we did not believe in. America is most definitely on its way down
The writer is 100% correct that a society is a reflection of the people in it. I've said the same myself. If you get Africans to flee to Europe then their behaviour in Europe is the same as it was in Africa. People do not change. If you leave blacks to dominate enough, you will see America and Europe slowly being transformed into Third World countries and later into copies of African states. People who are losers, take their loser habits with them in the same way that people who are successes, also become successes when they move to another country. If a society or a country or a continent is a mess, it is not the fault of the land or the geography, it is the fault of the people. It is that simple. Africa should actually be the richest continent on Earth but its the people who live in Africa who have turned it into a living hell. And it will probably stay that way Jan]
"There's this hilarious disconnect in the sheeple brain, where they have been progressively brainwashed over a forty year period into believing that once they have committed suicide themselves, an identical civilization will be left behind except with a different demographic makeup They will yank the white tablecloth out from under the dinnerware and the society will remain standing, only melanin-enriched but otherwise the same
It's like white people all over the planet were each taking turns shooting themselves in the head with the same gun, convinced when they have all killed themselves they will leave the perfect society behind I've got bad news for you What you think of as civilization is joined at the hip with the Indo-European gene pool It's not even like oil and water because it's all an unbroken continuum
Culture is gene expression If enough Mexicans inhabit any area on the planet, that area will look exactly like Mexico in short order
There's no piece of land on Earth that has a special gas exuded by the local soil that makes flush toilets, clean running water, air conditioning and the rule of law There's no geographic location that has these properties inherently Irregardless of whether they are bright enough to see it and understand why, whites tend to terraform their surroundings to reflect what is inside them Everything they take for granted as the human standard, is in fact a projection of their own qualities out onto a world that by and large is completely indifferent to them
America has already slipped past the demographic failsafe point There ain't no going back Just like the nation formerly known as Rhodesia, you will hear all sorts of yammering and analysis and whining but nothing can stop Rhodesia from becoming Zimbabwe once all the Rhodesians leave. It's a done deal
There's no legislation. There's no emergency action committee There's no orchestrated government reform program There's no mission statement. There's no declaration of goals or judicial decision Once you change the genetic composition of a country, that country will come to reflect it's demographics, not the other way around I went to high school in Chicago Trust me, thirty years ago it didn't look like the background of that news report That was back when Chicago schools were the best in the country and had some of the highest scholastic scores in the nation Back then, next to nobody dropped out, ever
You can't keep the street lights working with only half a nation of high school graduates You can't find the manpower to keep the ATM machines running, to keep the power plant maintained at the dam, to keep the nuclear reactor running You can't have good medical care with no good doctors You can't have bridges that don't collapse with no engineers
America is just like Rhodesia during desegregation All those Rhodesians who talked about the coming era of rainbow folk dancing and singing hand-in-hand with their African friends playing little ukeleles, where are they now? The wind howls. Tumbleweeds blow past Two rabid wild dogs fight over a human ribcage in the streets where the electricity went off a decade ago and has never come back on Where are all those Rhodesians looking forward to an era of peace and harmony now? Where are they? Answer me. Raped and left for dead They're all wormfood now Their farms burned to the ground, their children strangled, their wives gangraped and forced to run naked screaming with burning tire necklaces
Fools. Dust in the wind Shot in the back of the head and left for the buzzards in some ditch on the veldt long ago
It doesn't matter if I'm the only human being out of six billion on the planet who knows this Irregardless of the forcible consensus, this is the way it will come to pass I will be demonstrated right and they will turn out to have been catastrophically wrong Wishing otherwise never makes anything so
In another ten years, Amerikwa will be utterly unrecognizable I predict that the first thing that will hit you no matter where you get off a plane in that country will be the smell. Watch and see"
Amnesty: Zimbabwe crisis worsening Oct 31 - Human rights abuses and the food crisis is worsening in Zimbabwe, acording to human rights group, Amnesty International, Political tension in the African country is resulting in many Zimbabweans struggling for survival. Severe food shortage are causing many to go without, and the once self sufficient nation must now depend on foreign aid, Mugabe and the leaders of the opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change agreed to share power, But the deal is near collapse,as disagreements on cabinets among the rival parties remain unresolved. The fragile deal is seen as critical to reversing economic meltdown in the country.
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