Game Plan - Get India Pakistan Into War, Box In China
Obama: Pakistan supports terrorism and must be invaded
Obama: I've learned an immense amount from Dr. Brzezinski
Obama's puppetmaster Brzezinski’s map of the Eurasian Chessboard – Get India Pakistan into war, then BOX IN CHINA AND RUSSIA during World War 3
Brzezinski training Mujahadeed warriors in Pakistani uniform during Soviet Afghan wars
SOUTH REGION: “This huge region, torn by volatile hatreds and surrounded by competing powerful neighbors, is likely to be a major battlefield, both for wars among nation-states and, more likely, for protracted ethnic and religious violence. Whether India acts as a restraint or whether it takes advantage of some opportunity to impose its will on Pakistan will greatly affect the regional scope of the likely conflicts. The internal strains within Turkey and Iran are likely not only to get worse but to greatly reduce the stabilizing role these states are capable of playing within this volcanic region. Such developments will in turn make it more difficult to assimilate the new Central Asian states into the international community, while also adversely affecting the American-dominated security of the Persian Gulf region. In any case, both America and the international community may be faced here with a challenge that will dwarf the recent crisis in the former Yugoslavia” The GRAND CHESSBOARD - Brzezinski
***************************************************** Pakistan president warns India not to over-react *****************************************************
Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari on Saturday warned India against any "over-reaction" after the militant attacks in Mumbai and vowed the "strictest" action if Pakistani involvement was proved "Whoever is responsible for the brutal and crude act against the Indian people and India are looking for reaction," Zardari said in an interview with Indian CNN-IBN television
"We have to rise above them and make sure ourselves, yourself and world community guard against over-reaction," he said according to an interview transcript issued by the Press Trust of India
The Indian government has blamed "elements in Pakistan" for the attack by Islamist militants against multiple targets in Mumbai that left nearly 200 people dead
Zardari promised that he would take immediate and strong measures if proof was provided of Pakistani involvement
"Let me assure you that if any evidence points to any individual or any group in this part of the world, I shall take the strictest of action in the light of this evidence and in front of the world," he said
A number of Indian officials have suggested the militants were from the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba -- notorious for a deadly assault on the Indian parliament in 2001 that pushed New Delhi and Islamabad to the edge of war
The two nuclear-armed neighbours have fought three wars since gaining independence from Britain in 1947
Zardari argued that reducing the Mumbai attacks to an India-Pakistan problem was counter-productive
"This is a world threat and all the more reason we have to stand up against this threat together," he said
There is growing public anger among locals in Mumbai
*********************************** India Blames Pakistan Militants ***********************************
Sky News November 30, 2008
A Pakistani militant group is behind the Mumbai terror attacks, Indian police have said
Joint Crime Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria said the attackers were from "a hardcore group" within Lashkar-e-Taiba
The group is understood to be a Pakistan-based movement that has fought Indian forces in the disputed Kashmir region
They were blamed for an attack on India's parliament building in 2001
Indian officials have also claimed the sole survivor of the militants - Mohammad Ajmal Qasam - is from Pakistan
They have threatened to suspend the peace process with Pakistan in the wake of the Mumbai massacre that left 174 people dead, the Press Trust of India reported
But Pakistan, which has fought two wars with India over Kashmir, has "categorically denied" any involvement in the bloodshed in India's financial centre
Wajid Hasan, Pakistan's high commissioner to London, told Sky News it was a "very confusing situation" and stressed it was important not to get involved in the "blame game"
Asked whether Pakistan feared the Indian reaction to the massacre, he said "we have got to get ready and prepare for any eventuality" and his country would not "take it lying down"
Pakistan has warned it would move troops to the Indian border if tensions rose between the nuclear-armed rivals
An official in Islamabad said the next one to two days would be crucial for their relations
A group calling itself the "Deccan Mujahideen" had previously claimed responsibility for the attacks
Although the group was unknown, their methods are in keeping with Islamist terrorist organisations and it is possible they are a splinter group of Lashkar-e-Taiba
The announcement follows mounting anger among the Indian public over the attacks
They have been highly critical of their political leaders, saying their bickering and ineptness was at least partly responsible for the massacre
Indian home minister Shivraj Patil has already resigned and local reports claim National Security Advisor M K Narayanan has also stepped down
****************************************************** Mumbai attack: British men 'among the terrorists' ******************************************************
British men were among the terrorists who killed 140 in the attacks in Mumbai, Indian authorities have claimed
Two British-born Pakistanis were among eight gunmen seized by Indian commandos who stormed buildings to free hostages, Vilasrao Deshmukh, the chief minister of Mumbai, reportedly said
The Foreign Office earlier said it was investigating reports on NDTV, a local television news channel, that the terrorists - who swarmed luxury hotels and other tourist sites in the city - included "British citizens of Pakistani origin"
The development came as Gordon Brown called for international co-ordination to combat terrorism in the wake of the attacks. He said: "We have got to look at how international action against terrorism can be improved"
On the claim that Britons could have been among the perpetrators, he said: "I would not want to be drawn into early conclusions about this
"Obviously when you have terrorists operating in one country, they may be getting support from another country or coming from another country, and it is very important that we strengthen the co-operation between India and Britain in dealing with these instances of terrorist attacks"
Describing events as "atrocious", the Prime Minister told Sky News: "It is clear that we have got to help the Indian government deal with this terrorist incident and we have sent people from the Metropolitan Police to help"
Mr Brown, who is to talk to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh later on Friday, said he did not believe there were any further Britons among hostages
One Briton, Andreas Liveras, the founder of a luxury yacht business who was in his 70s, has been confirmed among the dead, while at least seven are known to have been injured
Mr Brown said: "Of course, we are mourning the death of a British citizen who has died and as the high commissioner visits hospitals in the Mumbai area, we are hoping to discover more in terms of the number of people injured"
The Prime Minister's comments came as Indian commando troops cleared the last terrorists from buildings across Mumbai
At the Oberoi Hotel, at least 25 captives - including two Britons and another clutching a baby - were rushed out and loaded into waiting cars, buses and ambulances
Mark Abell, a British lawyer, who on Thursday spoke to The Daily Telegraph while barricaded into his hotel room, was among those released. He said: "I'm going home, I'm going to see my wife"
He added: "These people here have been fantastic, the Indian authorities, the hotel staff. I think they are a great advertisement for their country"
Another man, who said he was British but would not give his name, said: "I didn't see anything. I just heard loud blasts. I was in my room. I didn't get out until an hour ago"
Nicole Griffen, another Briton, said she had been rescued by Indian special forces from the Taj Mahal
She told BBC Radio 5 Live: "They entered and looked through our passports and scouted around to see if there was (anyone) harbouring terrorists or attackers
"And then we were promptly told where to go by the central stairway and again we were asked to wait with other guests while they checked other floors and checked other rooms and we all congregated into one space where they could protect us centrally"
Heavy gunfire was heard early on Friday as commandos were dropped by helicopter on to the roof of a Jewish centre where at least 10 hostages were believed to be held
A group calling itself Deccan Mujahideen has claimed responsibility for the attacks
However, Mr Singh blamed "external forces" for the violence - a phrase sometimes used to refer to Pakistani militants, whom Indian authorities often blame for attacks
The country's foreign minister was more explicit
"According to preliminary information, some elements in Pakistan are responsible," Pranab Mukherjee said.
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