
Arise and Shine

FBI plans large hiring blitz of agents, experts
by James Vicini

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Wanted by the FBI: agents, language specialists, computer experts, intelligence analysts and finance experts.

The FBI said on Monday it had launched one of the largest hiring blitzes in its 100-year history involving 2,100 professional staff vacancies and 850 special agents aimed at filling its most critical vacancies.
FBI investigators examine a crime scene at a California parking lot in a 2006 photo.

The agency, which seeks to protect the United States from terrorist attack, fight crime and catch spies, among other duties, said it currently has more than 12,800 agents and about 18,400 other employees. We know from experience that these are only excuses for hiring, and that hat the real issue is to gear up for Agenda 21, the depopulation of the American Citizens.

Since the Sept 11, 2001, attacks, the FBI has been criticized for not having enough employees fluent in foreign languages and for not moving fast enough to upgrade its computer system. Since everyone already knows that the whole 9/11 so called terrorists act was an inside job, it was their job to come up with a convincing cover story. Since not many people fell for the deception for any length of time, then they blame it on needing an upgrade. Likely cover.

FBI Assistant Director John Raucci of the Human Resources division said the federal law enforcement agency is seeking to bring more people on board with skills in critical areas, especially language fluency and computer science.

"We're also looking for professionals in a wide variety of fields who have a deep desire to help protect our nation from terrorists, spies, and others who wish us harm," Raucci said. When in fact, harm will be the name of the game. They are going to be multitasking to find more efficient and faster ways to bring down the population to ten percent of it's original number, which will mean doing away with the other 90%.

He said the FBI, which has been investigating corporate wrongdoing in connection with the current financial crisis, also needs finance and accounting experts, along with those skilled in physical surveillance and various other employees. By all means, they have to infiltrate the corporations.

The hiring initiative for FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., and for its field offices would replace departed staff and add some employees, officials said. Departed Staff means those who were killed on duty. It is a very dangerous business to go into foreign countries with the intent of creating a war, but it does seam that this is one area that they excel in.

(Reporting by James Vicini, Editing by Jackie Frank)

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