
Arise and Shine

Ex-ISI Chief Gul Exposes 9/11 Inside Job

Alex Jones

Ex-ISI Chief Gul Exposes 9/11 Inside Job

Former Pakistani ISI chief Hamid Gul appeared on the Alex Jones Show yesterday and shared his contention that the 9/11 attack was an inside job, laying out details that were censored during a CNN interview on the same subject last weekend.

http://www. prisonplanet. com/ex-isi-chief-gul-exposes-911-inside-j...

Ex-ISI Chief Gul Exposes 9/11 Inside Job

Pakistani General Goes In-Depth On Details CNN Refused to Broadcast

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet. com
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Former Pakistani ISI chief Hamid Gul appeared on the Alex Jones Show yesterday and shared his contention that the 9/11 attack was an inside job, laying out details that were censored during a CNN interview on the same subject last weekend.

Gul served as the director general of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence during 1987-89 and worked with the CIA in the covert war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, helping to train the U.S.-backed mujahideen.

During the CNN interview on Sunday, host Fareed Zakaria attacked Gul and claimed his opinions on 9/11 were “thoroughly discredited,” but the majority of the evidence he presented for 9/11 being a false flag attack was edited out by CNN bosses.

No such censorship took place during the interview yesterday as Gul got in depth on why he considered 9/11 to be a staged event.

Gul said that he first went public on who he thought was behind 9/11 UPI two weeks after the attacks, but that the report was blocked by the western news media.

The UPI interview with Gul remains online and in it he questions the delayed response to the hijackings by the U.S. Air Force.

“9/11 took place on American soil, not a single person has been caught inside America even though for doing such a job I think a huge amount of logistic support is required in the area where such an operation is carried out,” Gul told the Alex Jones Show, adding that fighter jets were scrambled in the opposite direction to where the hijacked planes were heading as the attack unfolded.

“It is quite amazing that for a very long period of time the air traffic control did not report this nor did the U.S. Air Force act in time,” said Gul, noting that fighters were scrambled from bases further away than where the hijacked planes were.

“The time that it took was enormous, it was 120 minutes, a very long time in which to act - was the U.S. Air Force sleeping and if it was sleeping which heads were rolled?” asked Gul, adding that if the botched response was a mere intelligence failure then why was nobody disciplined or taken to task and why had nobody resigned.

“The air traffic control should have been re-hashed, it should have been turned inside out, but nothing of the sort happened,” said Gul.

Gul then questioned why standard operating procedure was not followed, stating, “In the past within minutes the U.S. aircraft has been on the wing of the hijacked aircraft, in this case it did not happen, the U.S. alert system is so high and it is so sophisticated that if a missile was to take off from Moscow and was to head towards New York, the U.S. Air Force and the missile system is supposed to intercept it within nine minutes….the system is in place but it did not work and nobody tried to question this.

Gul then highlighted the implausible proficiency of alleged Flight 77 lead hijacker Hani Hanjour, who according to his flight instructors could barely fly a Cessna yet supposedly pulled off maneuvers that crack military pilots would have difficulty achieving in order to hit the Pentagon.

“The height (of the plane) was 9,000 (feet) and it came within seconds to a height of 1,000 and then went straight into its target, this is not possible for a person who has been trained on a light aircraft to be able to do this,” said Gul.

Gul said that he routinely confronts American journalists about why they do not probe into 9/11, and that they respond by telling Gul that the Patriot Act gets in the way and they are “not supposed to ask such questions”.

Gul said that as a result of 9/11 “everything has gone wrong with the world” and the motive behind the events being staged were largely geopolitical, and were used to exploit a window of opportunity for the U.S. to go into strategic areas where there was no U.S. presence before, as well as beating China in dominating the energy tap of the world, the middle east and south Asia.

Gul joins a raft of former government officials and intelligence heads in questioning 9/11, the most recent of which was former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who last December said that the attacks were carried out by elements of the CIA and Mossad.

Views: 3

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