EMP Strike Blackout USA part 1
Air Force Seeks (Non Lethal) City Stopper
Source: Information Weekly..
While it won't destroy buildings, or directly kill people, it will shut down everything in its path with a power button
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) bombs have been written about for quite some time, and are supposed to have been used in a number of conflicts in the past 15 years.
These weapons are designed to shut down cities, as well as military communications and weapon systems, not physically destroy them
Well, only the electrical parts
The U.
S military already has EMP capabilities, but it looks like, based on this Air Force solicitation published in the past couple of days, that they're about to get more tactical:
Combatant commanders (COCOMS) have expressed desires for additional military options against the variety of electronic systems that are used in military, industrial, civil, and asymmetrical applications.
To provide viable military options to the COCOMS, the Air Force Research Laboratory Directed Energy Directorate's High Power Microwave Division (AFRL/RDH) is seeking to develop and demonstrate the capability and operational utility of a high power microwave (HPM) aerial demonstrator
The objective of this effort is to develop, test, and demonstrate a multishot and multitarget aerial HPM demonstrator that is capable of degrading, damaging, or destroying electronic systems. For this effort, the contractor shall develop a compact HPM payload for integration into an aerial platform. The contractor shall produce five aerial demonstrators. One aerial platform without the HPM source shall be developed for a flight test to demonstrate delivery, controlability, and fusing.
The remaining four aerial platforms with the integrated HPM source shall be developed for flight testing, demonstration, and HPM effects tests
Want to cause mayhem before an invasion, or perhaps get a bright-white surrender flag waving at you before the first physical bullet is fired? Unleashing one of these over a modern city has the potential to shut down TV and radio broadcasting and receiving, car starters, home and office electronic circuitry, network routers, computers, embedded circuitry
Want to use your cell phone? Forget it. Need an ATM? No cash for you.
Dependent on a life-support system? You have a problem
Sounds like the perfect weapon to use against any modern society.
The more dependent that society is on electronics, the better
Perhaps that's why a number of U.
S commanders believe Iran is working on a similar weapon to be used against the West
I've got to run to Home Depot now, see if they carry gas-powered generators and have the materials to build one of these around my home
They are just gonna blame it on China when mass cannibalism begins to spread across US cities during massive blackouts

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack: A Preventable Homeland Security Catastrophe
by Jena Baker McNeill and Richard Weitz, Ph.
October 20, 2008
A major threat to America has been largely ignored by those who could prevent it. An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack could wreak havoc on the nation's electronic systems—shutting down power grids, sources, and supply mechanisms. An EMP attack on the United States could irreparably cripple the country. It could simultaneously inflict large-scale damage and critically limit our recovery abilities.
Congress and the new Administration must recognize the significance of the EMP threat and take the necessary steps to protect against it
Systems Gone Haywire
An EMP is a high-intensity burst of electromagnetic energy caused by the rapid acceleration of charged particles. In an attack, these particles interact and send electrical systems into chaos in three ways: First, the electromagnetic shock disrupts electronics, such as sensors, communications systems, protective systems, computers, and other similar devices. The second component has a slightly smaller range and is similar in effect to lightning. Although protective measures have long been established for lightning strikes, the potential for damage to critical infrastructure from this component exists because it rapidly follows and compounds the first component. The final component is slower than the previous two, but has a longer duration. It is a pulse that flows through electricity transmission lines—damaging distribution centers and fusing power lines.
The combination of the three components can easily cause irreversible damage to many electronic systems[1]
An EMP attack on the United States could materialize in two forms: nuclear and non-nuclear. The most devastating form, and most difficult to achieve, is an EMP that results from a nuclear weapon. This form destroys any "unhardened" electronic equipment and electric power system— which means virtually any civilian infrastructure in the United States. The pulse occurs when a nuclear weapon explodes above the visual horizon line at an altitude between 40 and 400 kilometers. The detonation of the nuclear warhead releases photons in the form of gamma radiation and x-rays. These energetic particles scatter in every direction away from the blast. Many of the particles descend and interact with the magnetic field lines of the Earth, where they become trapped. The trapped electrons then create an oscillating electric current within the field, which rapidly produces a large electromagnetic field in the form of a pulse. Once the pulse reaches electronic equipment, it negatively interacts with them and either disables, damages, or destroys them. An EMP generated by a nuclear weapon could affect all critical infrastructures that depend on electricity and electronics within the vicinity of the nuclear warhead blast radius.
A nuclear weapon with a burst height of approximately 100 kilometers could expose objects located within an area 725 miles in diameter to the effects of EMP[2]
A non-nuclear, or improvised, EMP is a radio-frequency (rather than gamma or x-ray frequency) weapon. While easier to conceal and not requiring a missile, a non-nuclear EMP must be detonated close to the target and does not produce as much damage as the nuclear version, affecting largely localized areas.[3] But such a weapon could be harnessed as an "E-Bomb" (electromagnetic bomb), a stand-alone weapon that is easier to hide and maneuver. It is difficult to estimate the exact damage of an improvised attack, but in 1993 EMP testing by the U.S. military shut down engine controls 300 meters away at a contractor site.
[4] Not large-scale by any means, but damaging enough to cause concern
It was not until the United States began high-altitude testing of nuclear weapons over the Pacific in the early 1960s that the potentially devastating effects of EMP on even distant ground targets attracted widespread attention within the U.S. defense community. In the 1962 Starfish Prime test, during which a nuclear weapon was detonated 400 kilometers (250 miles) above Johnston Island in the Pacific, electrical equipment more than 1,400 kilometers (870 miles) away in Hawaii was affected.
Street lights, alarms, circuit breakers, and communications equipment all showed signs of distortions and damage[5]
In 1997 and 1999, the House National Security Committee and the House Military Research and Development Subcommittee held hearings on the potential threats to civilian systems in America from an EMP attack. Congress subsequently established the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, also known as the Graham Commission after its chairman, William Graham (former science advisor to President Ronald Reagan). The Commission issued a report in 2004 that evaluated the threat to the U.S. from an EMP attack, assessed vulnerabilities in both military and civilian systems, and offered recommendations for overcoming these weaknesses. The Commission recommended hardening key power nodes as well as storing spares of essential but hard-to-build components of the U.S. electric grid and other critical infrastructure for communications, finance, and emergency public services.[6] Congress held hearings the same year to evaluate the Commission's recommendations, but little tangible progress followed.
[7] The Commission was re-established in 2006 to continue monitoring the EMP threat
A few select sites have been hardened against an EMP attack since the threat was identified. Air Force One, the airplane that carries the U.S. President, is designed to withstand an EMP attack. During the Cold War, the U.S. military hardened its most important military systems, such as U.S. nuclear weapons systems, against EMP threats. These efforts have decreased since the end of the Cold War, despite the continued vulnerability of these systems. Presently, most efforts to counter the EMP threat are focused on initiatives to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.
These efforts include programs like the Proliferation Security Initiative, the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism
Comprehensive threat assessment and scenario planning for EMP attacks remain underdeveloped. This inaction is in the face of warnings, such as the one in the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review(QDR)which stated clearly that the "expanded reliance on sophisticated electronic technologies by the United States, its allies and partners increases their vulnerability to the destructive effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP)."[8] Yet, the Department of Defense has not implemented the QDR's proposed EMP Action Plan.[9] Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has focused on other urgent threats, such as from conventional explosive devices or chlorine bombs, concluding that EMP is simply not a large enough threat for its attention. Even the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), the plan dedicated to ensuring that U.S. critical infrastructure is protected from terrorist attack, does not directly address the EMP threat.
Congress has recently reassumed its leadership role on EMP by holding hearings on the issue in July 2008, but its ability to compel executive branch action in this area is limited
While many non-federal homeland security authorities in many U.S. states express concern about an EMP attack, a comprehensive survey found that state-based emergency responders and National Guard units have done little to prepare for such an incident.[10] Alaska, perhaps because of its relative isolation from most federal emergency response assets and the state's vulnerability due to its reliance on satellite-based communications, is a notable exception. In May 2007, the Alaskan state government announced it would include EMP when it next revises its emergency response plan. The state's homeland security officials plan to address the vulnerability of the state's electric and telecommunications infrastructures as well as related integration, implementation, and survivability issues.[11] Alaska's efforts are considerable in comparison to other states; most have not even touched the issue. Limited state preparedness for an EMP attack is especially dangerous given the inability of the U.S.
government, itself mostly unprepared for an EMP strike, to render much if any immediate assistance
Americans remain gravely ill prepared for an EMP attack. In fact, the average U.S. city has only three days worth of food and health care provisions.[12] Most Americans do not have enough batteries to keep flashlights working for any period of time, much less generator capabilities. And many of the country's most vulnerable citizens rely on the electricity grid for medical equipment, such as dialysis machines.
Even standard medication will be difficult or impossible to come by if EMP disables pharmacies and transportation networks
A Weapon of Mass Disruption
EMP has been dubbed a "weapon of mass disruption" because of its ability to devastate its target by disrupting electronic infrastructure. The August 2003 Northeast Blackout that affected Ohio, New York, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and parts of Canada demonstrated the potential effects of a wide-area EMP attack. During that incident, more than 200 power plants, including several nuclear plants, were shut down as a result of the electricity cutoff. Loss of water pressure led local authorities to advise affected communities to boil water before drinking due to contamination from the failure of sewage systems.
Many backup generators proved unable to manage the crisis
The day of the blackout brought massive traffic jams and gridlock when people tried to drive home without the aid of traffic lights. Additional transportation problems arose when railways, airlines, gas stations, and oil refineries also halted operations. Phone lines were overwhelmed due to the high volume of calls, while many radio and television stations went off the air. Overall, the blackout—which lasted only one day—cost $7 billion to $10 billion in spoiled food, lost production, overtime wages, and other related expenses inflicted on more than one-seventh of the U.S.
In the case of an EMP attack, depending on whether it is nuclear or improvised, the damage could easily prove more severe. An EMP detonation could affect car and truck engines, aircraft ignition systems, hospital equipment, pacemakers, communications systems, and electrical appliances. Road and rail signaling, industrial control applications, and other electronic systems are all susceptible to EMP.
Electromagnetic energy on a radio frequency will travel through any conductive matter with which it comes into contact—from electrical wires to telephone wires, even water mains—which can spread the effects to areas far beyond ground zero.

The Power Failure From Hell
By Ted Twietmeyer
http://www. rense. com/general80/pwrff. htmThere you are, sitting fat and happy watching your favorite ball game It's the bottom of the ninth when WHAMO! A blackout hits and off goes everything powered by AC The first thing you do instinctively is to look outside for bad weather But as the sun sets, it's quite clear that it's still the same blue sky you saw all day today We'll just wait a while and it the power will come back on It always does
You call your friend on the other side of town using your cell phone. His power is out too.
But you are alerted that your battery is running low, and decide to hang up to conserve it You ask your family where the flashlight is and put it to work as it begins to get dark A quick call to the power company yields a soft, melodic voice telling you "Crews are working on the problem No estimated time of repair is given Thank you for your patience" Your past experience tells you to forbid anyone to open the fridge, because you want it to retain all the cold you can and keep food in the freezer from melting
It's getting near midnight and still there is no power. Six hours have passed since it went off. When you try your friend across town, your cell phone shows no signal.
That's because the mandatory four hours of backup for the cell tower has long expired You toss your cell phone down in disgust Groping around with your flashlight you help your family get to bed Computers, phones and everything AC powered just isn't working Everyone might as well go to bed, and so everyone does just that Things will be better in the morning
In the morning, you unplug the wireless phone from the wall and plug in your old 70's old faithful telephone from the closet that doesn't need power to work When you pick it up, there still isn't any dial tone Then it hits you you and your family are cut off from the world! Out to your vehicle you wander half-dressed, thinking about the food in the fridge starting to melt away into slop Turning on the car radio yields something you never, ever thought you'd ever hear "There was an attack or something happened to the power grid, it's still unclear Power will not be restored for at least several MONTHS Stay tuned for more on this emergency radio station for as long as we can still transmit"
Panic starts to set in Missing last night's ball game suddenly becomes totally irrelevant to you and your family Your wife hears the broadcast and instinctively looks to you for answers Her tough, modern-independent-woman persona has suddenly vanished and now she says, "Honey, I'm scared to death - what are we going to do?" The children begin to cry because they too, know this is all bad
You quickly assess the situation. Fuel is needed to run the generator which you bought right after the last power failure.
But five gallons of gas only runs it about 12 hours, so you decide to head up to the gas station with all the empty containers you have At least you'll be able to bring home enough fuel to run it for a couple days You begin to drive around, only to find gas stations are closed everywhere Then you find one, which is apparently still open by the line of cars you see a half-mile long You look down at your gas gauge as you get in line you've got a half tank of gas There's no way to tell your wife where you are and that you won't be home for hours
As you sit in that painful line waiting for your turn, you find that at least you have enough cash to fill the cans and jugs you brought along. While you're waiting, you start seeing National Guard vehicles going by and other vehicles with Canadian flags. "What are they doing here?" you ask yourself.
And then there are the super-mad people, who waited in line only to find out they cannot use their bank cards to buy gasoline because the banking networks are down These people storm off like angry hornets Finally, two hours later it's your turn to fill up everything you have including your car And you realize the price has been jacked up to scalp you by more than a dollar a gallon This simple fuel stop has cost you more than $10000 - in fact all the cash you had except for the fifty cents left
Driving back home you turn up the radio again.
Why are they talking about condition red? What's that all about? Two hours left to get off the streets? Here and there on major highways you see soldiers starting to set up what look like road blocks, with nearby areas surrounded by Concertina wire These look like they are for detaining people Why would they be doing this? "Do they know something I don't?" you ask yourself You spot a big grocery store, but the sign says "Closed sold out" And there's an army vehicle nearby with two men openly brandishing machine guns and red Maple-leaf flags on their arms, staring right at you Guess it's time to head home
As you pull into your driveway you see military Hum-Vs driving around your neighborhood warning everyone that "Martial law has been declared and you are to stay inside your home - or you will be arrested or shot on sight" And they aren't American either! Oh God, they just MIGHT shoot if I go out again! Now it's REALLY getting scary Your mind races with questions "What about my wife's medications she must take every day to prevent stroke, and my son's Asthma medicine? They can die without these medicines! What about food?"
Suddenly, you feel a terror like you never felt before How could this happen in America of all places?
Unfortunately, the above scenario is just the beginning of what will happen No gasoline can be pumped out of storage tanks at gas stations without power, no bank cards will work anymore and very few gas stations have backup generators Public water will stop working, as generators for the water supply plants, pumping stations and wells run out of fuel
Los Angeles alone has several giant one thousand horsepower pumps that pump water from the Colorado River over a mountain to LA This IS their main water supply, and these pumps require so much power to run the facility that it has its own high voltage substation connected to cross-country high tension lines Food and fuel cannot be delivered to gas stations anywhere because martial law will prohibit the truckers from driving If a fire breaks out, an entire city or neighborhood can burn to the ground because there will no way to put out the fire without water from the public water supply
Natural gas pipelines use compressors along their routes, which are actually fueled by the very natural gas they are pumping.
These require no AC power to pump natural gas However, loss of AC power will cause instrumentation to shut down as a needed safety measure, and this could shut down the entire gas pipeline High pressures are involved, and without instrumentation, metering and computers pipeline operators would be running blind which is too dangerous No more natural gas for cooking, hot water or heating And the operators will immediately return home to their families After all, what do they have to gain by staying at their jobs? There will not be any further paychecks
Water treatment plants require massive pumps to filter and pressurize water mains When AC power fails so will the water supply fail, when generators run out of diesel fuel Water company workers will also head straight home to be with their families when condition red takes place rather than have to live for years at a water treatment plant, eventually starving to death
Sewer systems today all require massive pumps to process sewage, grind up solids, power rakes that constantly skim and scrape tanks to clear debris and filter the effluent. Gravity filtered sewage treatment plants are a thing of the past. Many neighborhoods in cities across America have pumping stations installed deep below street level.
These pumps grind up and pump sewage under pressure up to a sewer line This is required because the "lay of the land" puts people's basements below the level of the gravity-powered main sewer line When these pumps go down from lack of power, entire neighborhoods will have toilets back up Sinks, showers, bathtubs etc will no longer work, and will become serious health hazards It was sewage material carried by rats that started the Plague of Europe Cholera is yet another serious hazard, and so is Staphylococcus among others
Though newer homes have sewer and water main check valves, there is no guaranty they will always work properly when needed Imagine sewage backing up into your home, and you can't even go outside to get away from it without being shot or arrested And even worse, there won't be any running water available to flush the filth out of your home You'll either have to live with it - along with the flies and disease that go with it, or go outside and be arrested or shot
Now, you think this is as bad as it gets? No it isn't Without food, tens or even hundreds of millions of people will literally starve to death Some will resort to cannibalism, as the pain of hunger is beyond comprehension to ordinary people This is what happened when a group of people in a plane crashed high in the Andes mountains many years ago - they survived by resorting to cannibalism That is, if you don't literally die of thirst before hand
Though the water no longer flows from the tap in an extended power failure and toilets no longer can flush, human beings will continue to create excrement of two kinds, as well material from women who menstruate All this waste must be put somewhere
Is this the end of it? No, because winter will come sooner or later That brings on an entire new set of problems if you live in cold areas of America, including the added risk of hypothermia and pneumonia And through all this you remember some of the last words you heard on your car radio in the garage before it finally stopped working as the result of a dead car battery and no gasoline "Those who can't deal with the stress are to go out to the curb, lay face down with their hands over their head and wait for a patrol to pick them up They will be taken to a government camp where their needs will be taken care of"
Other final words informed you that "All bank funds and stocks have been confiscated during martial law to pay for the tremendous costs the government incurred enforcing martial law This was necessary because revenue from all forms of taxes had ceased during martial law" You suddenly realize that you're penniless and without a job
But then, what good would your money do you? Without the banking network operational you will have no way to access that money anyway And even if you had all that cash with you now, what could you buy with it and where would you buy it? Finally you understand the horror you and your family are prisoners in your own home
The above scenario is an attempt to detail the implications of simply losing AC power in America Most likely all these same horrors would happen anywhere else in the world this happens, too Just as the people of Iraq what it's like without power
Could this be what the future holds under our "New Freedom?" Are we to sit around and simply wait for this nightmare-from-hell scenario to unfold? I'll let the reader fill in the blanks here.
Ted Twietmeyer
Not even a single nuclear weapon launched - If US electrical grid gets shut down by EMP weaponry, within 30 days half of US population will begin to perish from starvation
China and Russia helping the NWO FEMA Martial Law scenario? Since they are at the helm of the UN security council which wants to dismantle USA anyway? Something to ponder when and if shit hits the fan

Electromagnetic Pulse affected area according to blast altitude
The weapons of World War III
It will 'be fought in the electromagnetic spectrum'
July 08, 2008
11:20 pm Eastern
http://www. worldnetdaily. com/index. php?fa=PAGE. view&pageId=...Editor's Note: The following report is excerpted from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium online newsletter published by the founder of WND. Subscriptions are $99 a year or, for monthly trials, just $9.95 per month for credit card users, and provide instant access for the complete reports.
Did the Chinese military cause the largest blackout in the history of North America?
That is the assertion of Tim Bennett, the former president of the Cyber Security Industry Alliance, who says U.S. intelligence officials confirmed to him the People's Liberation Army gained access to a network that controlled electric power systems serving the northeastern U.S. in 2003, according to a report in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.
Some 50 million people were affected by the 9,300-square-mile blackout that hit parts of New York, Canada, Michigan and Ohio.
The official explanation for the power outage was that overgrown trees came into contact with strained high-voltage lines in Ohio. But the story of this possible skirmish in the "electromagnetic spectrum" is widely whispered about in defense and intelligence circles. It is referred to by some as the first battle of World War III – a conflict to be fought asymmetrically in cyberspace and with weapons that might seem like science fiction.
The Moscow newspaper Zavtra reported only a week ago that Russia has developed "special powerful electromagnetic impulse generators that may be used in design of new type radars and as a basis of electromagnetic weapons that will render enemy electronics inoperable.
"The U.S. Army is convinced meanwhile that the Russians have already designed 'kinetic weapons' and 'directed energy weapons' (apparently lasers) for ASAT warfare," the article continued. "In any event, the Americans suspect that the recent episode with the Chinese laser that damaged an American spysat became possible precisely because Moscow had made this technology available to China.
The superweapons being developed for the next global conflict began coming into sharper focus last winter when China destroyed one of its own aging, low-Earth-orbit weather satellites while it was circling at an altitude of 500 miles, using a ground-based, direct ascent anti-satellite weapon.
This year, the U.S., using its sea-based Aegis missile defense system, shot down a disabled American intelligence satellite at 100 or so miles altitude as it tumbled uncontrollably toward the planet.
The Defense Department says China is developing non-kinetic means of attacking satellites, such as jamming and blinding, and using lasers, microwave, particle beam and electromagnetic pulse weapons.
Cyber-warfare, one of the proven strengths of the Chinese military, can also be used as an anti-satellite capability. In congressional testimony this year, the director of national intelligence stated, "Counter-command, control and sensor systems, to include communications satellite jammers and ASAT weapons, are among Beijing's highest military priorities.
Bennett, meanwhile, told the National Journal he believes Chinese cyber-hackers were also responsible for another U.S. blackout last February in Florida – one that affected 3 million customers.
Bennett told the National Journal he decided to speak publicly about the incidents to point out that security for the nation's critical electronic infrastructures is weak and to emphasize that government and company officials haven't sufficiently acknowledged these vulnerabilities.
Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin is the premium, online intelligence news source edited and published by the founder of WND.
'Invisible Wars' of the Future: E-Bombs, Laser Guns and Acoustic Weapons
Global Research
July 6, 2008
This important article on new weapons systems was originally publisehd in Russian in Nezavisimaya Gazeta, translated by Guerman Grachev for Pravda Russia News
Speaking at the Moscow Institute of Foreign Relations on September 1st, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: “An arms race is entering its new stage.
There is a threat of new weaponry looming on the horizon” What exactly did he mean by saying that?
From hypothesis to reality
The pace of continuous progress made by science and technology keeps growing faster. Scientists and military analysts point out the emergence of fundamentally new types of weapons including those of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the new future.
In the late 1990s, the then Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev sounded a note of warning as he spoke about “the use of new physical principles for building weaponry with new applications in both strategic and tactical levels, is yet another qualitative leap in the change and development of ways and methods of warfare”.
In the 1960's long before any one ever heard of EMP strikes, the US Air Force flew over San Antonio, Texas and shut down the entire city of unsuspecting citizens when they were just beginning to test this weapon. It was unheard of in those days and no one knew what had happened. They heard a load noise and everything turned off in the middle of the day with clear skies. The Air Force never bothered to tell the public what had happened, and smugly declared the test a success. They also will not admit that they have been working on this weapon for that many years.