
Arise and Shine

Domestic Torture via Radiation Weaponry: America’s Horrific Shame

Vic Livingston
December 30, 2008

The reality of domestic torture delivered by ideologically-driven, cold-hearted agents of government and their vigilante citizen operatives is finally gaining public exposure by way of first-hand accounts — including that of this correspondent, a mainstream journalist who who has been "community stalked" and tortured by means of silent, potentially deadly radiation weaponry for nearly five years.

In a matter of weeks, this correspondent believes, operatives who have been involved in the purposeful "dosing" of American citizens with various forms of pulsed radiation emitted from so-called "directed energy weapons" and devices will begin to come forward, confirming reports of what’s been euphemistically labeled as "electronic harassment" by victims of so-called "community stalking" or "gang stalking.

The "gang stalking" moniker trivializes what is an extensive, multi-level government campaign of extrajudicial targeting and punishment that victims say extends into Canada, the United Kingdom and other industrialized nations.

The "targets" are not limited to "terrorists" or drug traffickers. They include individuals who have been labeled by persons in positions of authority as "dissidents," "radicals," "whistle-blowers" or undesirables, perhaps due to their lifestyles, their ethnic heritage, or their religious or political beliefs. Many find themselves slandered and unjustly accused of wrongdoing (but, notably, not charged with any violation of the law). Journalists are among targeted classes; but many don’t realize they are subject to pervasive surveillance, physical harassment and career sabotage until they are already ruined, professionally and personally.

These targeted persons — and their families — are subject to relentless harassment, including surreptitious entry into their homes and vandalism of their property, with surveillance data about their whereabouts and personal daily routines funneled to "community stalkers" who are recruited under the cover of government-funded community policing, town watch, and business-related anti-terrorism programs. The operations of these civilian vigilantes are supervised by agents of government, ranging from local police personnel to federal intelligence and security agents under whose direction these programs have been institutionalized.

Under the guise of performing "surveillance," the "targets" are subject to electromagnetic radiation of various forms — ranging from microwave energy, sound waves, even X-rays and gamma rays. The government publicly claims that these "directed energy weapons," or "D.E.W.", are still in the experimental stage, or that working equipment is large and bulky, such as the Army’s recent demonstration of a microwave weapon tagged with an innocuous-sounding sobriquet, the "Active Denial System." The government describes these radiation weapons as "non-lethal" — when in fact, depending on the dosage of radiated energy delivered, they can stun, maim, burn, cause strokes or aneurysms, induce illness such as cancer, or kill.

These D.E.W. have are being widely deployed, as noted in an article in the April 2008 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. The article discusses the potential adverse health effects of D.E.W. fire. The article also states that law enforcement personnel themselves may fall victim to these adverse effects, should criminals or terrorists obtain D.E.W.

www. fbi. gov/publications/leb/2008/april08leb. pdf

What the article does not state is that victims of "community stalking" have complained for several years that they are being tortured by painful D.E.W. radiation attacks, and that their health has been degraded by the cumulative effects of exposure to silent and potentially lethal beams of radiated energy.

These weapons share a characteristic that explains why few people outside of law enforcement are aware of their widespread deployment and usage: The radiation energy the weapons emit is silent and invisible, making possible "the perfect crime" — the covert application of potentially lethal force.

Victims of D.E.W. attack have tried to appeal to law enforcement for justice, but to no avail. Indeed, that’s part of the "M.O." — when victims complain, they are routinely written off as delusional or mentally ill. Victims say that health care workers also cooperate in this persecution. Targeted persons may even be subject to attempts to commit them to psychiatric facilities, a means of accomplishing the underlying goal of extrajudicial targeting and punishment — the removal of "targeted individuals" (and by extension, their families) from mainstream society.

Victims of extrajudicial targeting also charge that their family finances are sabotaged and ultimately expropriated by secret government programs ostensibly implemented to disrupt the financial dealings of terrorists and drug traffickers. In effect, they say, they are victimized by a parallel system of transaction processing sold to lawmakers as necessary components of the "war on terror" — not as an ideologically-motivated tool of social control and political repression.

There is no rational or moral defense for this horrific domestic torture — what could be termed a campaign of "slow genocide" — which is happening right now in cities and towns across America. The "targets" typically pose no danger to society. They are victims of a political system that has institutionalized — and has attempted to legalize — extrajudicial punishment. The "war on terror" is the pretext that has been employed to effect a wholesale bypass of the judicial system, and of constitutionally protected rights.

This is the transformation of American democracy into a fascist police state — an American Gestapo, a frontal assault on our constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and liberties.

When the pervasiveness of this officially sanctioned and funded domestic terrorism and torture is confirmed by "official sources" — in recent times, the only sources that much of the mainstream media consider sufficiently credible — any excuses for the excesses that heretofore have come to light will be exposed as evil sophistry.

That day is coming, and very soon.
In the meantime, please read related articles at http://members. NowPublic. com/scrivener and help secure the legal assistance of the American Civil Liberties Union (www,ACLU. org) or any other organization capable of bringing justice to the untold thousands of victims of extrajudicial targeting, punishment, and TORTURE in America 2008.


http://www. nowpublic. com/world/american-gestapo-state-supported-t...

http://www. nowpublic. com/world/targeting-u-s-citizens-govt-agenci...
http://www. infowars. com/?p=6877

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