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Since Jimmy Carter had already signed the Global 2000 depopulation planning, his National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski had founded FEMA now has become the puppetmaster of your next New World Order president, plus globalist elites already mobilized populations to deep underground military bases (DUMBs) and hoarded world seeds to underground vaults like Svalbard Doomsday seed vault, you gotta ask yourself this - ARE YOU GOING TO SURVIVE THE COMING GENOCIDE?
Clip from BARAKA – Overpopulation stress
The First Post By Brendan O'Neill FIRST POSTED NOVEMBER 14, 2008
In the middle of all the hoo-hah over Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand's childish phone calls on a late-night radio show, you may have missed a far more scandalous utterance that was made on BBC radio
On 5 November, the upmarket Nightwaves on BBC Radio 3 aired a discussion about overpopulation between Dr Susan Blackmore (a neuroscientist) and Professor John Gray (of the London School of Economics)
Dr Blackmore said the "fundamental problem" facing the planet today is that "there are too many people". Professor Gray agreed. Then Dr Blackmore declared: "For the planet's sake, I hope we have bird flu or some other thing that will reduce the population, because otherwise we're doomed"
So, it's official: at the Beeb it is unacceptable to make crude jokes about having sex with someone's granddaughter, but it is perfectly OK to wish death upon large swathes of mankind
Make a rude call to Andrew Sachs' answerphone and you will be accused of dragging the BBC's good name through the dirt. Spout misanthropic nonsense about the need for a speedily contagious disease to come and wipe out mankind and nobody will bat an eyelid
At the Beeb it is perfectly OK to wish death upon large swathes of mankind
The disparity between the public reaction to Brandgate (wild) and the public reaction to what I think we should call 'Birdflugate' (non-existent) reveals a great deal about the warped morality of the cultural elite
The reason why Dr Blackmore's remark received no coverage or complaints is because the herbal tea-drinking literati that listens to Radio 3 discussion programmes will secretly share her prejudices about overpopulation
****************************************************************** Earth to carry the burden of over 9 billion people by 2050 ******************************************************************
Pravda Russia News 11-14-2008
The planet’s population will continue to grow every year, whereas the population of Russia will continue to decline, a new report from the United Nations Population Fund said Wednesday. The number of people living on planet Earth will increase 1.5 times by 2050 in comparison with the current year. The Russian population will decrease by 34 million
The report says that there will be 9 billion 191 million 300 thousand people living on planet Earth by 2050. The increase will mostly take place due to African countries, where the population grows by 2.3 percent every year. The Democratic Republic of Congo will become the most populated country of the Black Continent. The nation will have the 186 million-strong population by 2050 (vs. the current 64. 7 million), RIA Novosti reports
The population increase in Asia is going to be a lot less – only 1.1 percent. The population of Asia’s largest country – China – will grow by less than 100 million in 42 years. China currently has the 1.336 billion-strong population, and this number is expected to grow to 1.408 billion by 2050. India will take the leadership over China at this point. By 2050 India will have 1 billion 658 million people living there against the current 1 billion 186 million
One with Nineveh: Politics, Consumption, and the Human Future
***************************************************** The Sixth Species Extinction can Still be Avoided *****************************************************
Monday, November 24, 2008 by: Jo Hartley, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) Human beings, having reached the 6.7 billion mark, have succeeded in modifying our environment to the point of harming the biodiversity of a wide variety of native species. We are even at the point now that our own long-term survival is in question. The earth has endured five major extinctions in the four billion years it has existed. The first occurred 450 million years ago, shortly after the evolution of the first land-based plants. Four more extinctions occurred over the time between then and now and this brings us to the point of the sixth extinction. The sixth extinction is likely occurring RIGHT NOW and we are the root cause of it
The International Union for Conservation of Nature keeps track of over 41,415 species to formulate an annual “red list.” It is estimated that 16,306 of the 41,415 are threatened. What will happen to this species decline when our planet population hits 9. 3 billion (predicted for 2050)? Unless several radical changes are made the decline is likely to intensify
American biologists Paul Ehrlich and Robert Pringle present their opinion in the August 12th Proceedings in the National Academy of Sciences. A special section is devoted to the sixth extinction. These two researchers state that, "The fate of biodiversity for next ten million years will almost certainly be determined in the next fifty to one hundred years by the activity of a single species. That species, Homo sapiens, is about 200,000 years old. " They continue on to compare humans to a "spoiled teenager," who is mistreating the ecosystems that “produced us and support us, mindless of the consequences"
MOSCOW. (Andrei Kislyakov, scientific commentator, for RIA Novosti) - This year will be remembered for the Russian-Georgian conflict over South Ossetia and the protracted economic crisis. Moreover, it turns out that, if humankind wants to survive, it will soon have to colonize some other planet
A new report issued by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) warns of the danger to future prosperity if the reckless over-consumption of the Earth's natural resources is left unchecked
WWF's Living Planet Report 2008, produced with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and the Global Footprint Network (GFN), shows more than three quarters of the world's population are now living in nations that are ecological debtors, where national consumption has outstripped their country's biological capacity
Presently, human demand on the world's natural resources measure nearly a third more than earth can sustain. In addition, global natural wealth and diversity continue to decline
In the next 30 years, the world will face shortages of the most essential resources and an imminent political and economic disaster. Consequently, humankind must either drastically change its way of life or settle on another planet somewhere out in space
The second option no longer lies just in the realm of science fiction. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world are telling specialized UN commissions and committees that life here is becoming more difficult, and that space colonies must be established as soon as possible
National governments would have to forcibly distribute increasingly scarce resources if humankind decides to stay on Earth and refuses to accept some kind of an austerity plan. This would inevitably sow discord among nations
Since 1975, scientists, engineers, sociologists and economists from 29 countries have been working on space-colony concepts that could help solve the over-population problem
Valentin Glushko (1908 - 1989), one of the three principal Soviet "Chief Designers" (along with Vladimir Chelomei and Sergei Korolev) of spacecraft and rockets during the Soviet/American Space Race, also designed a space colony
Analysts say a wheel-shaped orbital station measuring 1,600 meters (one mile) in diameter and utilizing the rich experience of Soviet-Russian Salyut and Mir spacecraft is now feasible
The entire toroidal (Torus shape) station would rotate around its central axis and create artificial gravity. It would accommodate 10,000 people and the required infrastructure, including stores, schools and closed-loop cycle industrial facilities and agricultural farms
A gigantic ring-shaped mirror floating above the station would focus sunlight into another ring-shaped mirror, which, in turn, will reflect the light into ring-shaped windows for agricultural plantations. A rod mounted on the station axis would house an automated industrial plant for processing natural resources, such as lunar ore. The entire facility would get its energy from solar batteries
Scientists propose simulating the terrestrial environment aboard the space colony whose atmosphere would contain the same amount of oxygen as the Earth's atmosphere and about 50% of its nitrogen. Consequently, atmospheric pressure inside the station would be half of that at sea level on Earth. This would minimize station weight and simplify construction-assembly works
The station could be assembled by specialized smart robots/manipulators like a mechanical arm, developed in 2001 by cybernetics experts from St Petersburg for servicing the International Space Station (ISS). Such robots feature special software, do not require human operators, can see and feel objects and also have ultrasonic and gamma-ray radar
As any self-contained economy prioritizes food production, space colonies could utilize intensive plant-growing methods for harvesting grain and other crops at large plantations illuminated by sunlight round the clock
Professor Gerard Kitchen "Gerry" O'Neill of Princeton University (1927-1992) predicted optimistically that the first space colony would be built after the establishment of the first lunar ore-mining base in the first quarter of the 21st century. By 2100, an entire cluster of ring-shaped space colonies accommodating hundreds of thousands of people could be created
Unlike the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the innovative space-colonization concept requires new-generation technology enabling humankind to take another step forward but without upsetting the Earth's fragile environmental balance. What really captures the imagination is that space colonies would facilitate the creation of new public institutions based on genuine inter-dependence and concern for the preservation of natural resources and the environment
One could also suppose that people with different cultural and religious backgrounds could live in different space colonies and create their own future. Some might want to build an English Rural Scene, while others would create a Tirol-style landscape or a tropical paradise
Although Professor O'Neill's optimism and the entire project seem a bit far-fetched, modern airplanes, including the Antonov An-124 Ruslan strategic airlifter and the Boeing B-747 jumbo jet, would have surely stunned the Wright brothers -Wilbur (1871-1948) and Orville (1867-1912) who invented the airplane and made the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight on December 17, 1903
The opinions expressed in this article are the author's and do not necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti
************************************************** Humans Will Need a Second Planet by 2030 **************************************************
One Earth just doesn't cut it anymore. As our population grows and we continue to consume resources at an alarming rate, we’ll need the equivalent of a second Earth by 2030 to maintain our current lifestyle. That’s the finding of the latest report from the World Wildlife Fund. And since we don’t have a spare lying around, it’s time to make a drastic change
The WWF, in conjunction with the Zoological Society of London and the Global Footprint Network, released The Living Planet Report 2008, which projects humanity’s ecological footprint relative to the Earth’s biocapacity And, after looking at factors such as deforestation, water consumption, pollution, climate change, and overexploitation of wildlife, the findings are dire:
Our global footprint now exceeds the world’s capacity to regenerate by about 30 per cent. If our demands on the planet continue at the same rate, by the mid-2030s we will need the equivalent of two planets to maintain our lifestyles. And this year’s report captures, for the first time, the impact of our consumption on the Earth’s water resources and our vulnerability to water scarcity in many areas
But the report isn’t entirely pessimistic The WWF believes that humanity can alter the path of overconsumption and, by turning toward sustainable practices, close the gap between mankind’s ecological footprint and the Earth’s biocapacity:
The good news is that we have the means to reverse the ecological credit crunch – it is not too late to prevent an irreversible ecological recession setting in. This report identifies the key areas where we need to transform our lifestyles and economies to put us on a more sustainable trajectory
It’s either that or get on that space colonization thing ASAP
********************************************************************** EPA DEA FDA AMA USDA They are all carrying out the UN Agenda 21 UNCED Global 2000 DEPOPULATION agenda - They wont stop until billions of you wasteful eaters are DEAD!
****************************************************** Bush EPA Plans For Dramatically Relaxing Radiation Protection Before Leaving Office ******************************************************
Oct, 30 2008– Plans to greatly increase permissible public exposures from a wide range of events resulting in release of radioactivity were condemned today by scores of organizations and individuals in a letter to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson. http://www. committeetobridgethegap. org/pdf/EPAAdministratorJohnso... A detailed report by Committee to Bridge the Gap reveals, radionuclide by radionuclide, the astronomical concentrations of radioactive contamination in drinking water proposed, which are orders of magnitude higher than EPA's longstanding drinking water limits
The internal confidential EPA draft can be read here. Previous correspondence criticizing the Dept. of Homeland Security's "Dirty Bomb" Protective Action Guides - Relaxed Cleanup Standards can be viewed here and here
For more information, contact Dan Hirsch at 831-336-8003 or email: contact.cbg@gmail.com
Mike Malloy - Your Tap Water Goes Boom - Another Bush bastard at the EPA has allowed something nasty to creep into your tap water www. novamradio. com
Aug 5, 2008 An earlier 12 News report focused on a chemical called perchlorate, a main ingredient in rocket fuel, which has seeped into the food and water supply in some places
************************************************* EPA Won't Remove Rocket Fuel From Water *************************************************
Agency Says Health Risks Are Low, Critics Say EPA Is Protecting The Pentagon From Liability
CBS WASHINGTON, Sept 22, 2008
(CBS/AP) The Environmental Protection Agency has decided there is no need to rid drinking water of a toxic rocket fuel ingredient that has fouled public water supplies around the United States
EPA reached the conclusion in a draft regulatory document not yet made public but reviewed Monday by The Associated Press
The ingredient, perchlorate, has been found in at least 395 sites in 35 states at levels some scientists say could interfere with thyroid function and pose developmental health risks, particularly for babies and fetuses
The EPA document says that mandating a cleanup level for perchlorate would not result in a "meaningful opportunity for health risk reduction for persons served by public-water systems"
The conclusion, which caps years of dispute over the issue, was denounced by Democrats and environmentalists who accused EPA of caving in to pressure from the Pentagon
"This is a widespread contamination problem, and to see the Bush EPA just walk away is shocking," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, a Democrat who chairs the Senate's environment committee
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