Chapter's End, No more World Domination for USA, No Hegemonic Leadership
China will now strive for the Hegemonic Leadership of the world, leading to the Russian nuking of the US
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December 22, 2008 - The post-Cold War world led by America alone has come to an end. This perception is now shared by many experts in and outside the US, But whether the countrys new leadership is ready to sacrifice the role of global hegemony is no longer a question, but it will not come willingly. Hegemony: Domination of the world. When you hear this word in connection with China, it means that the nuking of America will come in approximately 7 years.
China is ready to cut off lending to the US. We already owe so much to them that if they wanted to call our note, they would be the new owners of America.
China Sharpening Sept 2008 war games – A time of economic conflict is a time of WAR
Nov 14, 2008 - Harvard historian Niall Ferguson warns that the greatest danger of the current financial crisis could be the possible collapse of economic relations between China and America
*************************************************** China says lending to US will not go on forever ***************************************************
BEIJING (AFP) – China warned Wednesday it would not keep lending money to the US economy indefinitely, even as new data showed it had consolidated its position as the top buyer of American government bonds
"China's increased purchase of US Treasury securities should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the assumption that the US can borrow its way out of the current financial crisis," the China Daily said in an editorial
The warning from the state-run newspaper, an English-language daily that mainly addresses a foreign audience, came after the US Treasury Department reported a steep increase in Chinese holding of US Treasury bonds
China held 652.9 billion dollars of US Treasury bonds at the end of October, up 11. 2 percent from 587 billion dollars a month earlier, when China became the largest creditor ahead of Japan, according to the data released Tuesday
Japan remained in second place, with total holdings of 585. 5 billion dollars at the end of October
The China Daily said that, given the global economic crisis , the consequences would be serious if China and other nations stopped channelling money into the US economy
"Interest rates in the US would rise to undermine that government's efforts to bailout distressed financial institutions and companies," it said
China was also constrained by a lack of other places to put its money, according to the paper
"With few options to invest its increasing reserves safely and profitably, China may thus have to buy more US Treasury securities in spite of growing domestic skepticism that such purchases may incur huge losses later," it said
However, as China and other nations help prop up the US economy, the United States should use the window of opportunity to undertake necessary reforms, the China Daily said
"The current strong foreign appetite should not be taken by the US government as solid proof of the long-term value of its Treasury bonds," it said
"Instead, it should race against time to undertake painful but critical reforms to revive its economy before such demand peaks any time soon".
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