
Arise and Shine

British Intelligence is Behind Mumbai Massacre

Lyndon LaRouche
November 28, 2008

Mumbai comes during the last days of the Bush Administration, Lyndon LaRouche said today, in which we are expecting the very worst to strike globally. And the British are also in heat right now. Therefore, you are looking for the very worst at this time. And, because of the Pakistan ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence)/British MI-6 involvement, Mumbai could not have happened at this time, unless the British were involved in it.

“It would be British intelligence,” he said. “They’re the only ones who would do this. Someone says they’re Pakistani? Yeah, so what! It’s British intelligence.

“Don’t look at it as coming from a propaganda line, to an action,” LaRouche warned. “The propaganda line may have nothing to do with the action. Don’t look for a propaganda algebra that will give you the key to who’s behind it. In a situation like this, propaganda algebra doesn’t work. The EFFECT does.
What is the EFFECT? Who wants the effect?

In a situation like this, ask whether British intelligence and their assets are active around this thing. If they are active at all, you don’t have to know what their line is. If they’re active, they’re guilty.

Now ask: Are they active, for example,– are they active in the region? Are they targetting Iran? Are they targetting a destabilization in Iraq, from the present situation? That’s what you look for. Or another attack on Syria. Why did Ehud Olmert reverse himself when he returned to Israel from the US, to turn around and deny that Washington had warned him against attacking Iran? You aren’t looking for a propaganda line; you are looking for simply an involvement.

Cheney is the bellwether in this. Cheney’s involvement, or his group’s involvement in it. And remember, they’re the same thing as the British.

Turning now to East Asia, first of all, in Thailand, the situation there has been chaotic for some time; it’s coming to a ripening now. You’ve got extreme instability in China because the Chinese don’t know how to deal with this crisis they’re facing. So that’s another little part of the problem.

So you’ve got, also, a tremendous instability in trade, economy and so forth throughout the world, especially in Eurasia and Africa. And also now, in the United States.

So you’ve got all these factors going, so you have a combination of a willful malice on one hand, but also you’ve got circumstances which are ignitable. So the friction between malice and ignitables, is something which is hard to sort out here. All you can do is look for these factors. Just get some degree of temperature reading of what’s going on, from the two kinds of things. That is, the ignitable character of the situation, and the factor of the malicious operations underway.

Claim​s emerg​e of Briti​sh terro​rists​ in Mumba​iAnge​la Balak​ris

Claims emerge of British terrorists in MumbaiAngela Balakrishnan and agencies guardian. co. uk, Friday November 28 2008 11.15 GMT Article historyIt is too early to tell whether British-born Pakistanis were among the Mumbai terrorists, Gordon Brown said today in response to claims that at least two Britons were involved.

The Foreign Office is investigating reports on the Indian channel NDTV quoting Vilasrao Deshmukh, the chief minister of Maharashtra state, as saying there were British nationals among the militants arrested.

In a televised address yesterday, the Indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh, said the attacks had "external links", which was interpreted as a reference to Pakistan.

Brown said today that he would talk to Singh about the claims of British involvement. "I would not want to be drawn into early conclusions about this. There is so much information still to be discovered and made available. I have heard what prime minister Singh has said and I'll talk to him about it this morning," he told Sky News.

"But obviously when you have terrorists operating in one country they may be getting support from another country or coming from another country and it is very important that we strengthen the cooperation between India and Britain in dealing with these instances of terrorist attacks.

It is understood that in recent years dozens of British-born Pakistanis have travelled to Pakistan to train in terror camps.

The foreign secretary, David Miliband, said that British authorities were working "intensively" on establishing the origins and identities of the terrorists. "We obviously will want to work very, very closely with the Indians on that, but it is too early to say whether or not any of them are British," he told Sky News.

The home secretary, Jacqui Smith, said UK authorities had "no knowledge" of any British links with the attacks.

"We will do anything we can to help Indian authorities through what is obviously a very difficult time," she said. "We will do what is necessary. At the moment the priority is to support the immediate needs. We will work with the Indians to see what we can learn from the events.

Indian commandos have recovered credit and identity cards belonging to the militants, which may shed more light on their nationalities.

Security services in Britain are studying images of the attackers in an effort to identify them. But a Foreign Office spokeswoman said the department was "not aware of anything giving any credence to those reports at the moment".

A team of Scotland Yard anti-terrorist detectives and negotiators are now on their way to Mumbai to assist the Indian authorities.

Deshmukh, said up to 25 gunmen were responsible for the series of bomb blasts and shootings that targeted tourists and foreign interests.

http://www. guardian. co. uk/world/2008/nov/28/british-terrorists-m...

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