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Bodies Still Laying Around After Hurricane Ike - Thx FEMA


Spotters watch for bodies and hazardous debris on Tuesday as a backhoe lifts part of the mess left by Hurricane Ike along the Texas coastline

30-mile pile a symbol of FEMA delays

Debris along Texas coast shows slow response to hurricane season

Associated Press
Dec 1, 2008

http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/28003364/

SMITH POINT, Texas - A 30-mile scar of debris along the Texas coast stands as a festering testament to what state and local officials say is FEMA's sluggish response to the 2008 hurricane season

Two and a half months after Hurricane Ike blasted the shoreline, alligators and snakes crawl over vast piles of shattered building materials, lawn furniture, trees, boats, tanks of butane and other hazardous substances, thousands of animal carcasses, perhaps even the corpses of people killed by the storm

State and local officials complain that the removal of the filth has gone almost nowhere because FEMA red tape has held up both the cleanup work and the release of the millions of dollars that Chambers County says it needs to pay for the project

Elsewhere along the coast, similar complaints are heard: The Federal Emergency Management Agency has been slow to reimburse local governments for what they have already spent, putting the rural counties on the brink of financial collapse

"I don't know all the internal workings of FEMA.
But if they've had a lot of experience in hurricanes and disaster, it looks like they could come up with some kind of process that would work," said Chambers County Judge Jimmy Sylvia, the county's chief administrator

Governor incensed
Rick Perry was so incensed at delays in sending cleanup crews to the rotting, city-size pile of waste that he angrily told reporters two weeks ago that he is going to have the state clean it up and then stick FEMA with the bill

FEMA, whose very name became a bitter joke after the agency's botched response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, said it is working as fast as it can considering the complex regulations and the need to guard against fraud and waste in the use of taxpayer dollars

Moreover, "you can't work too many people because it's just too dangerous," said Clay Kennelly, hired by FEMA to oversee the cleanup of a section of the debris pile.
"And you can't just put Bubba or Skeeter out here on a dozer"

The 2008 hurricane season ended this week after walloping the Texas and Louisiana Gulf coasts with three major storms: Dolly, near the Mexican border in July; Gustav, which slammed the Texas-Louisiana line on Labor Day; and Ike, the 600-mile-wide monster that barreled ashore at Galveston on Sept.

Only a hundred yards or so of the 30 miles of debris in Chambers County has been cleaned up, because the project has been slowed by negotiations over who is responsible for what

Living in tents
Along the rest of the Gulf Coast, thousands of homeless families are still living in tents, trailers and motel rooms, and hundreds of businesses are lying in near-ruin

The federal government is responsible for public lands or hazardous waste, while private landowners must handle their own cleanup but can apply for assistance.
Much of the debris has been left to rot while crews determine whose land the junk is on and what's in it

Cynthia Mckinney accusing 5000 execution deaths of US prisoners during Katrina (MAYBE THIS IS WHY THE STATE DEPARTMENT IS BARRING HER FROM LEAVING THE COUNTRY!)

Diary Entry by Mac McKinney:
‘I have been told by contacts in Louisiana that there were extrajudicial slayings going on at the hands of the police and/or Blackwater and/or the National Guard in New Orleans and adjacent areas during Katrina, Cajun singer Tab Benoit has stated as much publicly, I have been making fruitless inquiries because, I am told, people are scattered to the winds or too scared to talk, What Cynthia is saying, however, is a major break in the wall of silence, It also corroborates what an OpEdNews article on Dec 3, 2007 reported that unjust slayings were going on.
More witnesses need to come forward NOW!’

October 11, 2008 - Rosa Clement talks about Cynthia McKinney's comments regarding the possibility of 5000 people were murdered in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Clemente reminds the audience of McKinney's history of investigation and support for Katrina victims

McKinney Accuses Government of Slaughtering Prisoners
Dumping Bodies During Katrina

FOXNews. com
Thursday, October 02, 2008

http://elections. foxnews. com/2008/10/02/mckinney-accuses-governme...

WASHINGTON: Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney claims the Department of Defense executed 5,000 prisoners with one bullet to the head and then dumped their bodies in a Louisiana swamp during Hurricane Katrina

Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, known for her provocative statements when she was a congresswoman from Georgia, accused the Department of Defense this week of using Hurricane Katrina to cover up the slaughter of 5,000 prisoners

At a news conference in Oakland, Calif.
, on Sunday, McKinney claimed the Pentagon authorized the execution of the prisoners with one bullet to the head three years ago and then dumped their bodies in a Louisiana swamp

McKinney said she heard the story from the mother of a National Guard soldier who said her son was assigned to help dispose of the bodies

"And these were mostly males and her son was afraid to talk because he had signed a silence agreement," McKinney told the crowd. "So he only complained to his mother.
But the data was entered into a Pentagon computer"

McKinney said she verified the story from "insiders" who wanted to remain anonymous

"I suspect that these are prisoners. ... So this investigation of the whole prison industrial complex is extremely important and it should not end with just a question of the nature of prisons in our country," she said to a captivated audience.
"These 5,000 souls also need some justice too"

A Defense Department spokesman dismissed McKinney's accusation

"The claim is outrageous on the very face of it and doesn't merit any further consideration," said Lt. Col. Les' Melnyk.
"It would be inconceivable that 5,000 people would go missing in America without anyone noticing it prior to this"

Psychologists and psychology professors contacted by FOXNews. com wouldn't comment on McKinney's mental condition, but they expressed shock at her assertion

"Wow! What a conspiracy theory," one professor exclaimed before declining comment and hanging up the phone

Dr. Celia Ward, a clinical psychologist in Washington, D.C.
, said she wouldn't speculate on McKinney's state of mind because McKinney heard the story from someone else

"This sounds like a game of telephone," Ward said, explaining how a rumor can change as it passes from one person to another. "But to take something that has so many questions attached to it and to treat a rumor as fact is the basis for mass distortion.
It's really a good example of Swift-boating"

Ward said McKinney could have easily verified the story by checking prison records

"This is the kind of rumor that warrants fact-checking," she said

McKinney's presidential campaign did not respond to a request for comment

A member of the House for 12 years until 2007, McKinney is no stranger to controversy. Shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, she suggested that President Bush knew about the plot in advance but failed to warn Americans because of his father's business interests.
Some political analysts say that statement contributed to her defeat in 2002

After McKinney was re-elected in 2004, she tried to impeach Bush, Vice President Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on charges that they lied and manipulated intelligence to justify the war in Iraq

McKinney hit a career low point in 2006 when she was accused of striking a Capitol Police officer who grabbed her after she passed a security checkpoint without wearing a congressional lapel pin. She later apologized for the incident. She was defeated in a Democratic primary later that year and left the Democratic Party in 2007. She was nominated in July to run for president on the Green Party ticket.
There are 245 other Green Party candidates running for office this fall

Maybe Cynthia McKinney was not lying at all about 5000 people who took a bullet to the head during Katrina...

Sep 29, 2008 - Hundreds still missing after Ike - More than two weeks after Hurricane Ike slammed ashore, hundreds are still believed missing, The Laura Recovery Center - a missing persons organization - reports 374 missing people

09/21/2008 - Hurricane Ike news blackout on dead bodies in Bolivar Crystal Beach

Hurricane Ike news blackout; 1500 bodies found in Galveston?

By GottaLaff
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

http://thepoliticalcarnival. blogspot. com/2008/09/hurricane-ike-ne...

One of our many astute Anonymi pointed me to this one:

The following is from an email sent to me by a good friend in Nacogdoches whose buddy has been over Galveston - names have been edited out to protect the folks those who relayed the report.
Also relayed from this guy and others: persons going into the restricted area are apparently being patted down and cameras are being confiscated, by Army and Coast Guard personnel

Okay...I've got some news on this front. Take it for what it's worth, but the guy I got it from is someone I trust to raise my children... He's never once lied to me...ever.
And we're close

He's in a pretty high-up supervisory position for a refinery down on the coast

His refinery has some equipment and lines in and around Galveston county, and before they were to bring them back on line he and his crew had to inspect the place for damage and potential hazards. So they were given permission....after a background helicopter in and inspect, which meant coming in over Galveston

I kid you not when I say that he told me they saw AT LEAST 1500 bodies in trees scattered about Galveston. They also saw a lot in various ditches and marshes, esp. on the north side of East Galv.
Bay, east side of Trinity Bay, and in the marshes between I-45 and Seabrook/Clear Lake/Deer Park

It explains why they're not letting the media anywhere close to the Island except in limited sectors nd we're not hearing anything from or about the people who survived and those who stayed behind. It's like 20,000 people never existed....where are they? Where'd they go? What are their names? Nothing....

Same thing in Orange county

Take it for what it's worth....I believe him, though his count may be wrong given the shock of the sight.
But like I said, I'd trust him to raise my kids

I'd be more surprised if he were wrong than if he were right

And from Rhiannon Myers of the Galveston Daily News comes this dispatch:

GALVESTON - Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas on Monday ordered all city employees not to talk to news reporters.
She did not say when that order would be lifted

Thomas and City Manager Steve LeBlanc will be the only officials allowed to talk to reporters.
City spokeswoman Mary Jo Naschke vehemently denied the city was trying to clamp down on coverage

Reporters would be allowed on the island only if they had proper identification, Thomas said.
She didn't clarify what that meant

Reporters were also forbidden from visiting areas on the far West End, Thomas said.
She did not explain why
How sad is it that I'm no longer surprised by this kind of disturbing news?

Views: 3

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