Making sure not to lose the propaganda momentum created by the terror attacks in Mumbai, a commission in the United Kingdom warns over two dozen nations may soon fall victim to a “bio-terrorism incident.
” The Institute of Public Policy Research says a threat within the next 18 months from pandemic diseases such as SARS and Avian Flu “could tip the global economy from serious recession into a global depression,” according to the Telegraph.
If “weak states” located in a globalist defined “arc of instability” develop biological weapons, there is a good chance they will receive help from the major corporate players in the manufacture of biological and chemical warfare substances. It should be noted that the U.S. Department of Commerce licensed 70 biological exports to Iraq between 1985 and 1989, including at least 21 batches of lethal strains of anthrax. Corporations involved included Phillips Petroleum, Unilever, Alcolac, Allied Signal, the American Type Culture Collection, and Teledyne.
(See my 2002 article, Bush Senior: Hating Saddam, Selling Him Weapons for more detail.
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