
Arise and Shine

Biggest Recall Of Troops since 1941...VITAL

::Biggest Recall Of Troops since 1941...VITAL
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Christians Against the New World Order
Date: 21 Nov 2008, 16:34

Posted by Christians Against the New World Order

Largest Military Recall Since 1941?

Right Soup
November 21, 2008

Right Soup is hearing that a General Mobilization of ALL former military officers is underway. We caution that the talk we are hearing is conflicting, and that no concrete evidence has been uncovered yet. Still, reports from some who would be affected say that letters began going out on November 17th to all Non Commissioned Officers to recall them to service. Letters to Warrant Officers and Sergeants will go out this coming week. Reportedly some retired military have already gotten their letters. Right Soup is actively searching for scans of said letters, and for confirmation of this news.

A General Mobilization is VERY serious, about as serious as it gets. The Posse Comitatus of 1878 , which limits the use of the military for law enforcement is possibly being cast aside, if the rumored mobilization is for domestic enforcement. The Act can be set aside Executive Order of the President. Bottom line is, something big has to be imminent for this to be happening.

All sectors of society would be affected by this recall; there are doctors, lawyers, policemen, accountants, mechanics etc…it would be a huge disruption of society. For this to be happening would mean the “threat” is something which would occur within the next 3 months. A mobilization of this magnitude would be impossible to hide, so there would be a public pretext issued soon.

American Electric Power, one of the nation’s largest electricity providers, has reportedly moved 45-50 housing trailers to it’s Gavin power plant in Ohio. These trailers are equipped with beds and MREs, and reportedly many power facilities are doing the same thing AEP is doing. There is also chatter about some of our battleships mobilizing to the Persian Gulf.
Could something be happening with Iran? Or could our military be preparing for a domestic problem?

Right Soup is investigating this information right now. We will be reporting back with more on this possibly blockbuster happening, and are actively seeking concrete evidence. We are actively seeking photocopies/scans of recall letters.

http://www. infowars. com/?p=6134

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